New dispensary raids in Toronto


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen any articles posted yet, but they're raiding Cannabis Culture 'rec' dispensary and 3 others, employees in handcuffs etc.

edit: Sparse article but something at least :

“It is illegal to sell marijuana unless you have a license given to you by Health Canada. I have never minced my words on this. I said the investigation would continue and this is the result of what I said,” Saunders said when asked about the raids at an unrelated news conference on Thursday. “If you have dispensaries and they are open then your chances of going to court and being charged and convicted are very high. I strongly recommend that you stop selling marijuana in dispensaries right now because they are all unlawful.”
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And they'll be open again tomorrow. How long till the taxpayer decides this is not a efficient use of police resources and court time, not to mention the financial cost. How many school computers or hospital beds would money used for the investigation, raid and prosecution of each dispensary pay for? I'd love to see a cost analysis published so the taxpayer can decide if their money could be used more productively. Some municipalities are licensing and regulating dispensaries while others continue to make arrests, the feds have made no moves to enforce the laws, the provinces who are responsible for policing have remained silent and legalization is 10 months away...I don't think the general public view a dispensary as a public safety issue, much less a priority. All you Torontonians should let your Councillors know how you feel...
just another bunch of morons WAITING TO BE TOLD!! to stop!!!
They dont /cant think for themselves. The intelligence just isn't there. You can't really blame them. They are tested to find out how much they "lack" in aptitude after all ;)

they will push the cash as far as they Can Chris.its easy pickings and they know it...any cop can take....and I bet thats just what they are doing...pocketing as much as possible.
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Haven't seen any articles posted yet, but they're raiding Cannabis Culture 'rec' dispensary and 3 others, employees in handcuffs etc.

edit: Sparse article but something at least :

“It is illegal to sell marijuana unless you have a license given to you by Health Canada. I have never minced my words on this. I said the investigation would continue and this is the result of what I said,” Saunders said when asked about the raids at an unrelated news conference on Thursday. “If you have dispensaries and they are open then your chances of going to court and being charged and convicted are very high. I strongly recommend that you stop selling marijuana in dispensaries right now because they are all unlawful.”
I love how the police find helping patients find relief through a natural herb medicine as unlawful but embezzlement is just part of the opp officers job according to the lawsuit rcmp has brought forth against 5 OPP members lol fucking pigs
And it continues, f'n idiots. Everything I'm seeing/reading is pointing towards a very closely guarded monopoly to ensure LP's and in Ontario provincial control over all aspects of production, distribution and retail. Not seeing any room for an open market, dispensaries or any form of small business (clones, seeds, edibles etc.) opportunities... Unless you're in "La Familia" with extremely deep pockets. All of course justified by "the kids" card which we know is all bullshit, just another version of the "devil weed" mentality #$!%
And it continues, f'n idiots. Everything I'm seeing/reading is pointing towards a very closely guarded monopoly to ensure LP's and in Ontario provincial control over all aspects of production, distribution and retail. Not seeing any room for an open market, dispensaries or any form of small business (clones, seeds, edibles etc.) opportunities... Unless you're in "La Familia" with extremely deep pockets. All of course justified by "the kids" card which we know is all bullshit, just another version of the "devil weed" mentality #$!%

And so the BM will remain. And so access will remain for kids and the BM will make more cash than it did before because prices will go up.

And then they may or may not recognize that he market must be opened up??

I still have faith though. Remember... what is actually happening behind those closed doors is not necessarily reflected accurately in the media.

These raids may not paint a pretty picture, but they do not mean dispensaries will not be allowed. It just means they will not be allowed until the law allows them.

In the mean time, we need to convince the powers that be that dispensaries are a critical part of the process...
And so the BM will remain. And so access will remain for kids and the BM will make more cash than it did before because prices will go up.

And then they may or may not recognize that he market must be opened up??

I still have faith though. Remember... what is actually happening behind those closed doors is not necessarily reflected accurately in the media.

These raids may not paint a pretty picture, but they do not mean dispensaries will not be allowed. It just means they will not be allowed until the law allows them.

In the mean time, we need to convince the powers that be that dispensaries are a critical part of the process...
Yeah, not specifically pointing at this incident, it's just another show of power, not sure who's but politically($) motivated. It's the in between the lines comments and information coming out as they review/design the program that's pointing to a very closed market. As much as we'd like to think we have a say, the committee that's putting it all together has a bunch of blind members being led by someone who was born blind. If they're the one's who will shape it there's no amount of bitching that will change that and it's bound to fail miserably. I had some faith in Trudeau to do the right thing and do it right the first time but it's sure pointing to a monopoly, in Ontario even worse. Besides the federal level rules/laws/structure Trudeau's already said he'll let the provinces make the decisions in a lot of areas including distribution/retail. That leaves that greedy bitch Wynne who's already come out and supported distribution through existing channels like the provincially controlled liquor stores. Once she gets her hands on the tax revenue it's game over in Ontario.
Yeah, not specifically pointing at this incident, it's just another show of power, not sure who's but politically($) motivated. It's the in between the lines comments and information coming out as they review/design the program that's pointing to a very closed market. As much as we'd like to think we have a say, the committee that's putting it all together has a bunch of blind members being led by someone who was born blind. If they're the one's who will shape it there's no amount of bitching that will change that and it's bound to fail miserably. I had some faith in Trudeau to do the right thing and do it right the first time but it's sure pointing to a monopoly, in Ontario even worse. Besides the federal level rules/laws/structure Trudeau's already said he'll let the provinces make the decisions in a lot of areas including distribution/retail. That leaves that greedy bitch Wynne who's already come out and supported distribution through existing channels like the provincially controlled liquor stores. Once she gets her hands on the tax revenue it's game over in Ontario.

I havent lost faith in JT yet. Afterall, he did inhale...many times...hahahaa

He did a lot of back country skiing and outdoor shit in the Crowsnest Pass BC, which is hippie/weed country. He is a hippie at heart. So I think he is just putting a spin on things that will mollify hardliners long enough to get things done with minimal backlash. But at the end of the day it will likey comenout close to right. And that day will be a long one...years until it is sorted out.
I havent lost faith in JT yet. Afterall, he did inhale...many times...hahahaa

He did a lot of back country skiing and outdoor shit in the Crowsnest Pass BC, which is hippie/weed country. He is a hippie at heart. So I think he is just putting a spin on things that will mollify hardliners long enough to get things done with minimal backlash. But at the end of the day it will likey comenout close to right. And that day will be a long one...years until it is sorted out.
Well I hope your optimism wins out in this discussion, mine is quickly waning ;)
I havent lost faith in JT yet. Afterall, he did inhale...many times...hahahaa

He did a lot of back country skiing and outdoor shit in the Crowsnest Pass BC, which is hippie/weed country. He is a hippie at heart. So I think he is just putting a spin on things that will mollify hardliners long enough to get things done with minimal backlash. But at the end of the day it will likey comenout close to right. And that day will be a long one...years until it is sorted out.

People change. My views on things I've done while a teenager/early 20 have turned 180 and now lots of stuff I wish I never done. Check out David Cameron at a rave and what kind of closed minded lets takeaway their rights politicians he turned out to be

That leaves that greedy bitch Wynne who's already come out and supported distribution through existing channels like the provincially controlled liquor stores. Once she gets her hands on the tax revenue it's game over in Ontario.

Pretty much this, Wynne passed the law basically torpedoing vape lounges, and defeated an amendment that would have given med mj exemptions.
Pretty much this, Wynne passed the law basically torpedoing vape lounges, and defeated an amendment that would have given med mj exemptions.
There is nothing she's done or said since hitting office that I agree with. I'd vote CONservative to get her out of office. I've never voted Conservative :(
its richly ironic that so close to the toronto police force apologizing for marginalizing homosexual men in the 1981 bathhouse raids that they conduct cannabis distribution raids. Neither of those activities are hurting anybody. Consenting adults have a right to live their lives they way they see fit. Their actions are not hurting anybody, yet they are still persecuted.

Once upon a time canadian women were marginalized and were considered the property of their father or their husband, eventually they gained the right to be equal citizens under the charter of rights. African descendants were also marginalized and fought for the ability to be equals in our society as well. Homosexual, lesbian, bisexual and trans individuals were marginalized and now they have fought to be front and centre in society. Aids was a myth for fuck sakes because of how much the 1% didn't want to believe their could be a deadly disease running rampant in western society in the 1980's and then it was labelled a gay epidemic. Well that was a lie and it affects all walks of life and with time it was proven to be a people problem, not a homosexual problem.

Point im trying to make is that after generations of hardships for particular marginalized demographics, a revolution took place in each and every instance and society adjusted their perspective to include those marginalized groups with a place in the public forum. Cannabis has been on the brink of social acceptance for a good while now and its in these days ahead of us that we must persevere and hold true to our beliefs and ideals. The tide is turning and momentum will follow, its a matter of pushing forward.