I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

So @Organja no worries that is the point of an open forum is to share knowledge, opinions and ideas. I use Og Bio war myself but really the same idea but more species of fungus and bacteria. That said I haven't used any thing but neam and peppers this year. I do need to hit them with some BT right now. I look at it like this the fact we are all not spraying lab made pesticides and fucking round up all over our farmland we are not doing to bad. We all obviously care enough to minimize the risk with what we are using. Miss use all ways will in cress the risk and or damage involved. Plus bro I didn't see any childish name calling and bs so right on guys
So @Organja no worries that is the point of an open forum is to share knowledge, opinions and ideas. I use Og Bio war myself but really the same idea but more species of fungus and bacteria. That said I haven't used any thing but neam and peppers this year. I do need to hit them with some BT right now. I look at it like this the fact we are all not spraying lab made pesticides and fucking round up all over our farmland we are not doing to bad. We all obviously care enough to minimize the risk with what we are using. Miss use all ways will in cress the risk and or damage involved. Plus bro I didn't see any childish name calling and bs so right on guys

Of course man. intelligent discourse is the best way. Ive been told I need to try some actual quality neem to reverse my negative opinion of it.. LOL
We all generally are pretty fuckin cool to each other and respectful in this outdoor section. Really love the restraint and knowledge bombs being dropped here.

I had problems indoors with spider mites laughing at Spinosad after a few uses didn't get them all and I stopped using the Monterrey last year anyway. I'm really interested in the use of the chili peppers.
I respect people's position, including yours. I just expect it backed up when making such vehminant claims. Real science as it were... I personally believe the omri standards are pretty damn good and without some set of regulations and standards we would be much worse off.

Its great your grow is small enough to manage without defensive measures. If all people grew their own there would be no need for some of us to try and grow so much.

Keep in mind I do not ever advocate rampant use of organic pesticides. Conscientious, strategic and restrained use can help see crops through to harvest without heavy handed impact on the environment or negative health to the end consumer.

Lose a couple crops with wholesale worth over 10k and you would feel the same.

Also... try washing your buds at harvest. It will gross you out what comes off outdoor and indoor bud when washed. But that's a whole other topic of debate.

Take care man and keep doing what works for you.

General spinosad information




For anyone reading. It is advised to spray when bees are not active and rinse with plain water after 15-30 minutes. (for outdoors). It is a contact poison and the rinse will keep bees from picking up any residual. Just fyi.
Sorry for getting defensive man. I appreciate your breakdown. I'm still against it but as you said it's the proper use that is key IF someone is using it.
My apologies and respect. My intent is positive I promise.
Got an interview for a part time delivery driver today then it will be time to top dress and netView attachment 3707900a couple ingredients that will be in the mix. Got to pay @Organja back for the biolive. He got me a rocking deal and we got to talking and i forgot. Thats ok good reason to get together and burn one.
I know it's a little late but concentrates NW in Portland makes an organic 5-5-5 and is 45 for 50#. Works great. I don't even let it cook. I do add neem meal though.