Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club


Well-Known Member
If you don't it's because you want it to be because of Muslims and Islamic extremism because you have an alternate agenda to sell
....cough....Overt racism....cough....

I've said it before but it unfortunately bears repeating: For a site centering on mj, there is a terribly high number of racists, sexists, hate-mongers, homophobes, and sheep around here, sigh....


Well-Known Member
No offense.. but with a sn like blunt Massa(master) and 2 pit Bulls in your avatar .. it doesn't surprise me one bit you sound like such a poorly educated moron .. you watch too much TV idiot
Personally I feel like he is one ANGRY white guy, I mean really....small dick, shit job that he hates, gun nut due to childhood issues/fears, sociopath, violent xenophobic fantasies, etc., so naturally his damaged mind and psyche seek to lash out in response to this perceived 'threat' to his miserable existence. It MUST be those bleeding hearts! Those fags! Those Muslims! Those inner city blacks! Those Mexicans jumping the border! Those.....
Shame, really.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Came accross this thread, I was a couple blocks from that club loading band gear after a gig when we starting hearing the gun shots after the outside DJ turned off the music, Going from hearing the distance sound of music to gunshots, You think "what if?" a lot. I didnt read thru this whole thread yet, was anyone from here at that club or close by also?