EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Knowing what we know now about Clinton presidency..was it worth it?

It was worth it for the Republicans. They got to drag the scandal out until everybody was tired of Bill's peccadilloes and angry about his lying to the nation. It eventually was a factor in the close election that followed.

Now that Bernie has said he will vote for Hillary, he's going to be able to work more closely with the DNC to get her elected. Pollsters predict about 40% of Bernie babies will withhold their vote from the Democrats. I wonder if that's enough to turn victory for Hillary into one for Trump.
They keep uncovering new leads. Plus the witnesses are not cooperating. One says she only learned about the server AFTER hillary hired her as a lawyer AFTER she served as her top aide. The man who set up her server pled the fifth 130 times during trial.

Hillary has been very thorough in covering her tracks. The investigation started with a request for emails concerning benghazi
That led to discovery of her private server. That led to discovery that her aids were copying and sending state documents to the private server.

There is so much more too. It is not a simple investigation. They are interviewing EVERYONE to get all possibe evidence before they subpoena clinton.
The court of public opinion doesn't have the same standard as a real court. I know that you think she's guilty and just like some people still claim that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD. The absence of evidence is not proof of anything. People have the right to remain silent and that's not evidence of culpability. Regardless of your opinion. The FBI report is forthcoming so Hillary is not in the clear yet. Assuming it clears her, you can still cling to your opinion as tightly as Sky clings to her belief that Bernie is still a candidate for Prez. Reality comes hard to some people.

Trump on the other hand has by his behavior and documented evidence done enough to be named in suits by AGs in two states for fraud. There is clear evidence regarding this, which is why a real trial for fraud and a real lawsuit under RICO have been scheduled. Not saying he will be convicted based on this evidence but the evidence has been made public and it is pretty damning.
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He would've sounded like a dick if he said anything else.

He DID NOT: concede or endorse.

He SAID..'I will do whatever I CAN to defeat Donald Trump'.

The operative word: CAN ie; within his ability.

Voting for her is something he CAN do in good conscious to defeat Trump as last vestige in a contest.

Go back to 3rd grade and learn words.

Saying he'd vote for Hillary suggests endorsement. At least in objective world. The election was stolen from him, but I don't see him saying very much about it. Which again, also suggests he supports Hillary IMO. Doesn't say anything about her quid pro quo speaking arrangements, barely says a word about her being under investigation too.
The court of public opinion doesn't have the same standard as a real court. I know that you think she's guilty and just like some people still claim that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD. The absence of evidence is not proof of anything. People have the right to remain silent and that's not evidence of culpability. Regardless of your opinion. The FBI report is forthcoming so Hillary is not in the clear yet. Assuming it clears her, you can still cling to your opinion as tightly as Sky clings to her belief that Bernie is no longer a candidate for Prez and is now working to get Hillary elected. Reality comes hard to some people.

Trump on the other hand has by his behavior and documented evidence done enough to be named in suits by AGs in two states for fraud. There is clear evidence regarding this, which is why a real trial for fraud and a real lawsuit under RICO have been scheduled. Not saying he will be convicted based on this evidence but the evidence has been made public and it is pretty damning.

Hillary has a very long pattern of taking money for speaking engagements for the Clinton Foundation and then helping out whoever tossed her the most cash (Whether it's the Saudi's or Russian's - you know because she cares about women's and gay rights, you know?). Funny you mention RICO... they were designed specifically for this kind of crime where evidence of handshake deals is hard to come by. She has done it so many times that it's impossible to ignore.... yet no investigation.
Hillary has a very long pattern of taking money for speaking engagements for the Clinton Foundation and then helping out whoever tossed her the most cash (Whether it's the Saudi's or Russian's - you know because she cares about women's and gay rights, you know?). Funny you mention RICO... they were designed specifically for this kind of crime where evidence of handshake deals is hard to come by. She has done it so many times that it's impossible to ignore.... yet no investigation.
"yet no investigation" Is this some sort of proof to you of skulduggery? My god that's incredibly dense of you.

You sound like this: "I, pretty much a nobody, with nothing but my opinion, accuse Bob Scnaub of heinous acts of moral turpitude. Thus far, no charges have been leveled thus proving my case." Man you are dumb.

Fact check: 89% of all money received by the Clinton Foundation goes to charity.

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.

Ok, so, whine about that remaining 11% if you like. I wish other charities were this efficient with donations.
Now that Bernie has said he will vote for Hillary, he's going to be able to work more closely with the DNC to get her elected. Pollsters predict about 40% of Bernie babies will withhold their vote from the Democrats. I wonder if that's enough to turn victory for Hillary into one for Trump.

I heard it was 55%, but who's counting?

I'm still voting Sanders.
I heard it was 55%, but who's counting?

I'm still voting Sanders.
Saying he'd vote for Hillary suggests endorsement. At least in objective world. The election was stolen from him, but I don't see him saying very much about it. Which again, also suggests he supports Hillary IMO. Doesn't say anything about her quid pro quo speaking arrangements, barely says a word about her being under investigation too.

The question directly after was, does this mean you are conceding and endorsing her?

The answer was no.

I would go out on a limb and say it doesn't suggest a thing.
The question directly after was, does this mean you are conceding and endorsing her?

The answer was no.

I would go out on a limb and say it doesn't suggest a thing.
We heard exactly the same things. He said he'd vote for her, then went on to talk about how important it was to defeat Trump. I really respect how he's not endorsing Hillary and leaving it up to her to convince his constituency.

I get the feeling that you'd enjoy those sour grapes if this swings the election to Trump. I also get the feeling that you don't think you'd be affected personally.
They keep uncovering new leads. Plus the witnesses are not cooperating. One says she only learned about the server AFTER hillary hired her as a lawyer AFTER she served as her top aide. The man who set up her server pled the fifth 130 times during trial.

Hillary has been very thorough in covering her tracks. The investigation started with a request for emails concerning benghazi
That led to discovery of her private server. That led to discovery that her aids were copying and sending state documents to the private server.

There is so much more too. It is not a simple investigation. They are interviewing EVERYONE to get all possibe evidence before they subpoena clinton.
"yet no investigation" Is this some sort of proof to you of skulduggery? My god that's incredibly dense of you.

You sound like this: "I, pretty much a nobody, with nothing but my opinion, accuse Bob Scnaub of heinous acts of moral turpitude. Thus far, no charges have been leveled thus proving my case." Man you are dumb.

Fact check: 89% of all money received by the Clinton Foundation goes to charity.

Considering all of the organizations affiliated with the Clinton Foundation, he said, CharityWatch concluded about 89 percent of its budget is spent on programs. That’s the amount it spent on charity in 2013, he said.

We looked at the consolidated financial statements (see page 4) and calculated that in 2013, 88.3 percent of spending was designated as going toward program services — $196.6 million out of $222.6 million in reported expenses.

We can’t vouch for the effectiveness of the programming expenses listed in the report, but it is clear that the claim that the Clinton Foundation only steers 6 percent of its donations to charity is wrong, and amounts to a misunderstanding of how public charities work.

Ok, so, whine about that remaining 11% if you like. I wish other charities were this efficient with donations.

If you break it out there is an amazing amount of money spent on expenses, payroll, etc... In reality the charitable givings are about 10% It costs them the other 90% to supposedly distribute the income. It is a slush fund for the Clintons and their employees...
If you break it out there is an amazing amount of money spent on expenses, payroll, etc... In reality the charitable givings are about 10% It costs them the other 90% to supposedly distribute the income. It is a slush fund for the Clintons and their employees...

you are not bright.
We heard exactly the same things. He said he'd vote for her, then went on to talk about how important it was to defeat Trump. I really respect how he's not endorsing Hillary and leaving it up to her to convince his constituency.

I get the feeling that you'd enjoy those sour grapes if this swings the election to Trump. I also get the feeling that you don't think you'd be affected personally.

You feel me up, right.
We heard exactly the same things. He said he'd vote for her, then went on to talk about how important it was to defeat Trump. I really respect how he's not endorsing Hillary and leaving it up to her to convince his constituency.

I get the feeling that you'd enjoy those sour grapes if this swings the election to Trump. I also get the feeling that you don't think you'd be affected personally.

Sometimes it takes going to extremes to convince people to consider another direction.

I know, I have heard the argument that letting the right win pulls the country further rightward. While true in the past, I think this time the mood of the country is different. There's a rising disgust with the arrogance of wealth, a sense of indignation with the lack of accountability and purple are getting outright fed up with being subjected to the abuses of a fascist state while being told they're free.