Who's going to win the World Series?


Active Member
What do you guys think? I think Chicago (white sox), Arizona, Boston, and the Mets have no chance. I think its going to end up either the Angels, Milwaukee, Tampa Bay, or the Cubs. I'm gonna go with LA vs Milwaukee for the World Series with LA Angels winning. What you guys think? If any of you say the Mets I will cut your head off. peace.
Angels are my bet, but I'm on the Tampa Bay Band Wagon.
Only because they've been bad for too long and I hate all the other teams in their division(Yanks and redsox especially)

And tallanasty should fix that cleft asshole.

They are paid as much as the market allows. No more and no less.
But def not overpaid.
i agree with this guy
base ball is shitty
how u get paid that much
and barley even risk an injury

Are you fucking serious right now?? do you even know what pitchers especially do that risks injury. THink about this, why dont you go outside every 5th day to throw a baseball as fucking hard as you can 120times over a course of 20-25 years and tell me that you dont even hurt your arm once in a while. go get a brain
Are you fucking serious right now?? do you even know what pitchers especially do that risks injury. THink about this, why dont you go outside every 5th day to throw a baseball as fucking hard as you can 120times over a course of 20-25 years and tell me that you dont even hurt your arm once in a while. go get a brain
okay ya im sure if u do that it will hurt
but think what nfl quarterbacks do
they go out tehre and do the same thing
but they risk getting hit (hard i might add)
okay ya im sure if u do that it will hurt
but think what nfl quarterbacks do
they go out tehre and do the same thing
but they risk getting hit (hard i might add)

that still doesn't take away from what the pitchers are doing either. and if you wanna talk about taking hits, what about batters who risk getting hit by 90+ mph pitches? or what about catchers that are making the play at home and risk getting hit by the runner (blindsided, similar to qb's)? or what about when the ss/2b is turning a double play and risks getting cleated by metal?

baseball deserves just as much of respect at a sport as any other.
Baseball is the only major sport that defense has the ball.
It's been played professionally for over 150 years.

Football, Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse, Polo are all variations of the same sport.
try to get the ball past the other team and into the goal

At least baseball has some originality.

If I were going to judge sports based on injury, I'd just watch boxing.

And the topic of the thread was who is going to the world series, not Who Likes Baseball?
Tampa will win it all.
Doubt that all the Redsox key injuries are coming off the DL at the best time. And they are only 3 1/2 back and they play Boston 6 more games this season. You can't cutout the true comeback kids down 3-0 in 04' ALCS and 3-1 in 07' ALCS. And NFL quarterback doesn't throw a 100 times a game big difference when it comes to wearing out an arm.

I'm a Yanks fan, but it doesn't look too great for them...but i will keep it in the league and the division- i like the Rays and think they have a good shot.. i just hope their lack of experience in the postseason doesnt hurt too much.. Red Sox for wild card maybe? hard to count them out just yet.. i hate national league and could care less who the AL will beat this year!
THink about this, why dont you go outside every 5th day to throw a baseball as fucking hard as you can 120times over a course of 20-25 years and tell me that you dont even hurt your arm once in a while. go get a brain

give me 10 mil a year for throwin a ball as hard as i can and i wouldnt give a shit what happens to my arm.
I'm a Yanks fan, but it doesn't look too great for them...but i will keep it in the league and the division- i like the Rays and think they have a good shot.. i just hope their lack of experience in the postseason doesnt hurt too much.. Red Sox for wild card maybe? hard to count them out just yet.. i hate national league and could care less who the AL will beat this year!

Redsox wildcard maybe? They aren't even out of the question as to being AL East winners. 3.5 games is nothing especially when they play Tampa 6 more times and Tampa is starting a 9 game road trip today to play toronto who on fire all of a sudden while the bosox are headed to Texas who are 0-7 against the sox this year. By Sunday it could be a 1/2 game lead for Tampa who's at Fenway Monday where they haven't won all year.