Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
so get this im laying in bed last night hear something outside see someone running away with something so i run outside thinking my lawn mower and lawn tools just got stolen grab a flashlight check and some asshole stole my garbage can like the town can they deliver to your house how random is that i had over 1000 dollars worth of lawn and hand tools out there and they didnt take any of it just my garbage can fu**ing random


Well-Known Member
Just got transferred to a new store by my work, in in the ghetto, like not even joking crackhead all over the place, guess they have a hard time keepin people there I heard it been robbed like 10 times this year, you think I'm in a good bargening position for a raise?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
get at least enough additional to cover the insurance premiums;
assign a beneficiary.

or, start new job, only a different new job. 2 wks notice doesn't always apply


Well-Known Member
I'm not that scared of being robbed I'll definatly give the money up in a second, they say not to keep more then 100$ in the drawer and drop the rest into the safe but I'll prolly keep like 250-3 just in case so if I do get robbed they get enough to satisfy, but I'm thinking I might be able to get a little more per hour, I'll prolly end up leaving my license in my car tho if I do get robbed and they take my wallet I'd rather them not know where I live