American Red Cross apologizes for 'super racist' pool safety poster


Well-Known Member

Not cool, American Red Cross.

The humanitarian organization apologized and worked to remove a swim safety poster critics described as "super racist" — showing black children committing pool infractions as white children are shown acting appropriately.

The illustration, titled "Be cool, follow the rules," features children playing in the pool, with arrows designating "cool" and "not cool" behavior.

The "not cool" actions include a black girl pushing another girl into the water, a black boy diving into the water, another boy gasping for air, children running near the lifeguard's stand, and a man walking with a bottle.

Meanwhile, a white girl waiting to use the diving board is denoted as "cool," as is a white father with a baby in the water.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
2 white kids are also not cool but lets not notice that... *sigh*

Hey, lets make all the kids white... oh wait, that would be RACIST!!!
Yeah but they dont have any cool black kids. Thats rediculous because black kids are more cool than white kids. The poster is racist because white kids cant be cool but yet Red Cross says they are cool and the black kids cant have any cool.

Before you know it theyll be segregating the boys from the girls locker room.

Racist pieces of shit.

(This is Sarcasm. I have to point this out for the morons who struggle with juggle with the complexities of humor)


Well-Known Member
I'm not really seeing anything racist about that poster myself
Really? How about the fact that it's basically only POC in the poster who are not cool, when in this instance "not cool" obviously means "trouble maker". What do you think happens when children are repeatedly shown negative imagery about themselves. I contend that in many instances, it becomes a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. These children will ultimately feel "less than" their white counterparts. Very similarly to the way that, at one point in the not too distant past, the only way black folks could see themselves on television is by either playing criminals or servants. Why do you think that the Cosby show was considered such a "breakthrough". When that show first aired, black people actually considered it unrealistic, because we'd, to that point, had never really been shown in that light. The mere idea of having two successful, professional parents was just not "real". How ridiculous is that?
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Well-Known Member
Really? How about the fact that it's basically only POC in the poster who are not cool, when in this instance "not cool" obviously means "trouble maker". What do you think happens when children are repeatedly shown negative imagery about themselves. I contend that in many instances, it becomes a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. These children will ultimately feel "less than" their white counterparts. Very similarly to the way that, at one point in the not too distant past, the only way black folks could see themselves on television is by either playing criminals or servants. Why do you think that the Cosby show was considered such a "breakthrough". When that show first aired, black people actually considered it unrealistic, because we'd, to that point, had never really been shown in that light. The mere idea of having two successful, professional parents was just not "real". How ridiculous is that?
Are you suggesting the American Red Cross purposefully labeled POC as "not cool" because they are not white?

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
What about the white guy on top near the whale labeled 'not cool' or the two black kids in the pool without a label?
He's not white, he's an African Albino, you just can't tell because the sunglasses are covering his red eyes and he has his hair dyed. They are so racist they saw through the illustration and labeled him NOT COOL because deep down they knew the truth.