WOOT today is my weed restock day


Well-Known Member
So today my monthly weed arrives and I cant be happier soon as the post man gets here its smoking time I have been dry for a few days now I am thinking of rolling all 3 strains together

Double 0 Diesel (Sativa / Indica)
007 (mostly Indica)
Sweet Haze (mostly Sativa)


What do you all think all 3 ???? maybe smoke separately ????

What do you think the best combo is I am only rolling like 0.8 grams if that


Well-Known Member
my rolling skills are not that sharp my friend I can roll normal joints perfectly but those fancy ones are out of my league


Well-Known Member
ahhh kk check my youtube channel out ;)

just added some unreal tournament 3 videos... me pwn'n them after warmup.. warmup is part 1.....
lol dominated them quickly.... and a crossjoint is there aswell check it blood :P

YouTube - DwR4RIU's Channel


Well-Known Member
sure ill check it out its not that I dont know the steps to rolling it its that everytime i roll one it turns out like crap

Edit that looks like one sweet joint wish i had those rolling skills


Well-Known Member
sure ill check it out its not that I dont know the steps to rolling it its that everytime i roll one it turns out like crap

Edit that looks like one sweet joint wish i had those rolling skills

:bigjoint: love it when people tell me that ;)

just love it ^^

haha thnx :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Its coming in the mail overnight so sometime between 9am and noon lol all I can do is sit on my front porch beginning at 9am with my pipe and papers and my psp and wait I have to wait on the porch because we cant hear a knock on the door from any of the rooms we use in my house


Well-Known Member
the house is nice but a lot to big for just me and my girlfriend (technically my fiance tho in my books your either dating or married there is none of this in between shit) but we cant very well refuse a gift from our parents. there are rooms we seriously have never been in since moving in we only use the kitchen on suite bathroom and our offices and of course the bed room witch has the TV and a small living room type area all my video game consoles are in the my office since they are technically work related items


Well-Known Member
the house is nice but a lot to big for just me and my girlfriend (technically my fiance tho in my books your either dating or married there is none of this in between shit) but we cant very well refuse a gift from our parents. there are rooms we seriously have never been in since moving in we only use the kitchen on suite bathroom and our offices and of course the bed room witch has the TV and a small living room type area all my video game consoles are in the my office since they are technically work related items
thats the shit :)


Well-Known Member
I guess tho once we start having kids it will be a nice size we have planed on having 2-3 we are hoping to have a boy first and then a girl tho I know we cant really choose at least not when you use natural methods we just hope to have a boy first because then he can watch out for his sister(s) if something should happen to us god forbid also he can scare away the guys for me if i dont happen to be around :) You cant watch your girls 24/7 and as I guy I know exactly how we think


Well-Known Member
I guess tho once we start having kids it will be a nice size we have planed on having 2-3 we are hoping to have a boy first and then a girl tho I know we cant really choose at least not when you use natural methods we just hope to have a boy first because then he can watch out for his sister(s) if something should happen to us god forbid also he can scare away the guys for me if i dont happen to be around :) You cant watch your girls 24/7 and as I guy I know exactly how we think
nice..... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
well that's it for me till the mail man arrives ill be back after he comes with my package ill post a few pics if i can find batteries for my camera


Well-Known Member
I get my stock today! But it's just a little personal pile, 1/4 oz should last me 2-3weeks.

and by then I'll be in NorCal getting mad hookups


Well-Known Member
So the post man came and went and no fucking package due to a "sorting error" witch happened an hour after the guaranteed delivery time So now I am fucked for the whole weekend and I am going to have to take some of my girlfriends (witch is not the best quality but she wont listen to reason)