Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
The texture can come from additives (chemical and/or otherwise), but is typically due to cooking time. Want 'em chewy? Undercook them.

Always pull cookies out before you think they are done.

Personally I prefer chewy/soft with crispy edges.
(licks chops)
Sprinkle them with sea salt right when they come out. I've done chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and peanut butter cookies. Really kicks up the flavor.


Well-Known Member
So I noticed a few missed calls this morning/ afternoon. Cat lady is blowing up my phone again.

Answer as I am coming home and sge begins telling me how she got back with her old boyfriend (one I found out she was cheating on with me) also how she got fired from work for calling someone a retard among many other names and the guy was recording it all. Apparently he began crying long story short she got fired.

After all this she tells me they want her to do anger management and ahe can keep her job. The place is near my house and she keeps saying how now she can be near sf all the time now.

LoL she wants to go to the zoo with me and somehow I feel those numbers that always call me are her boyfriend who most likely saw her texts and calls to me over thw last few months.

Well my day got better now to take @Gary Goodson advice and put it in her butt on thursday/friday. I feel bad for her boyfriend but I really dont as he knew she was a promiscuous one.

LoL all he asked was her to stop drinking first thing she says is we gunna get drunk in my house after her appt thursday. Lel

Im a terrible person

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Found out today that a member of my hometown's old guard passed on. He was a really good guy. You never really understand the generation gap until what is familiar starts to decrease in number.

Anyway, not toooooo sombre now, I'm having a beer in his honour.

Cheers if you've got one going.


Well-Known Member
This glass pipe I am spinning shows the addictions aee winning.

Lel So pregnant chick called me again. Shit is getting whack. Invited me over her "dad" needs more tree, I need a place to crash where I do not feel the weight of everything goinf on crushing me.

Its been a bad week thus far. I guess I will knock out at her place unless her drive comes through. She is vehemently against my coke use at her house.

Blah I know some off centered people


Well-Known Member
When you tell a bish at least it isnt going in my arm or being smoked leave me be.

She snapped because well, I sometimes do too much and people get all worried.

After getting mad at me and yelling how I am a irresponsible person I told her " you ever need a baby sitter I am your man!"

Wasnt as funny as it sounded in my head i guess.


Well-Known Member
When you tell a bish at least it isnt going in my arm or being smoked leave me be.

She snapped because well, I sometimes do too much and people get all worried.

After getting mad at me and yelling how I am a irresponsible person I told her " you ever need a baby sitter I am your man!"

Wasnt as funny as it sounded in my head i guess.
eh, i got a chuckle out of it. bishes be cray


Well-Known Member
Terrible night.

Idek if I will explain

The jist is my friend got the shit beat out her by her mans. Dudes a fuckboy for aure.

I gotta go talk to her. Dude is so lucky he booked it before I ahowed up.

Time to go feed her dinner and throw on aome tunes.


Well-Known Member
Terrible night.

Idek if I will explain

The jist is my friend got the shit beat out her by her mans. Dudes a fuckboy for aure.

I gotta go talk to her. Dude is so lucky he booked it before I ahowed up.

Time to go feed her dinner and throw on aome tunes.
What a lowlife....you should kick him around a bit, just stay away from jail!

She's got to stay away - one time = too many times.


Well-Known Member
What a lowlife....you should kick him around a bit, just stay away from jail!

She's got to stay away - one time = too many times.
This happened before. Shes resting, she barely wanted to speak.

Allegedly the dude got his by my friend who saw him walking around.

Said he can proove it, he took the dudes wallet and ahit.

I was going to kill the fucker. Shes a young chick man, and looked terrible.

Im still really upset right now


Well-Known Member
This type of stuff happens often. Won't lie I have hit a chick bht never like thjs.

She called me in a panjc, I was chillin drinkjng and rushed out of the house to go over. Was a 5 min walk from my house.

Fucking crackhead bastard. I hate this type of shit