How to operate a collective grow? Any help?


Active Member
I've been meaning to start a collective grow. I live in an area that allows 99 plants as a collective. Would it be possible to be a care giver for multiple patients and be in a collective that way I don't need as many members in my collective? Or do I need like 10 actual patients with recommendation to be on site working hand in hand?
I just know to be on the safe side, 6 mature or 12 imature plants per patient whether you have a 99 plant recommendation or not.
I've been meaning to start a collective grow. I live in an area that allows 99 plants as a collective. Would it be possible to be a care giver for multiple patients and be in a collective that way I don't need as many members in my collective? Or do I need like 10 actual patients with recommendation to be on site working hand in hand?
Ask a commie anything:

I started in a commune/ co- operative / club ...and its great, so long as you get the right peeps in

later when successful and the money flows, you issue shares, those shares are your voting rights

once Monsanto ??? buys you out, they own all them shares

shares should be based on the amount of time or the gear they offer the club

strict control of those shares is vital to the group, just like public companies you can issue more shares to raise cash

and the shares can only be sold between members, so you gotta have tight control on them guys ...just like a job

reading your above thread, you may be able to 999 plants in 10 co-ops that you belong too

a lawyer and accountant are vital too

good luck

ps not all members maybe growers, but are users and or supporters of your cause
Ask a commie anything:

I started in a commune/ co- operative / club ...and its great, so long as you get the right peeps in

later when successful and the money flows, you issue shares, those shares are your voting rights

once Monsanto ??? buys you out, they own all them shares

shares should be based on the amount of time or the gear they offer the club

strict control of those shares is vital to the group, just like public companies you can issue more shares to raise cash

and the shares can only be sold between members, so you gotta have tight control on them guys ...just like a job

reading your above thread, you may be able to 999 plants in 10 co-ops that you belong too

a lawyer and accountant are vital too

good luck

ps not all members maybe growers, but are users and or supporters of your cause
Thanks alot man I appreciate it. But how are you able to be in 10 co-ops? You are required to provide all member recommendation to the sheriff's office. Wouldn't it raise a red flag if you have 10 locations??
is there a law in your state saying you can only belong to just one co-op..?

a co-op is cool, like a left wing company, and seriously anti corporate

law makers in your state will try to keep shit more corporate than club, stay sharp for this

as you are dealing with cops I suggest you do everything thru a community lawyer,

better to have 10 co-ops with 5 members than 5 co-ops with 10 members,

as in most instances you are dealing with people, that fall in and fall out weekly

such is life

check this out:
Like what's the difference in applying for a collective vs cooperative? How would I go about getting started? Like is there a online site where I can apply for a collective or cooperative? Where do I get the pappers to sign up. How do I get approved? Do I need a location with a warehouse or building ready for proper inspection before I can even think about being approved? So many questions. Or do I just pay some lawyer $5,000 to help me?
perhaps align yourself with an established co-op

and get info from them

check you local dispensary ...???

( like the poor peasants of cuba being ripped off by corruption and mafia in the 50's they came over to us....perhaps you jk
I've been meaning to start a collective grow. I live in an area that allows 99 plants as a collective. Would it be possible to be a care giver for multiple patients and be in a collective that way I don't need as many members in my collective? Or do I need like 10 actual patients with recommendation to be on site working hand in hand?
the u.s.a needs money that bad they made weed legal .lol lets just make it legal so dumb asses get listed as a medical grower next minute it aint legal no more and every cunt is getting raided .another smart move by the americans you watch before long there will be school shootings and mass murder at gay night clubs
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the u.s.a needs money that bad they made weed legal .lol lets just make it legal so dumb asses get listed as a medical grower next minute it aint legal no more and every cunt is getting raided .another smart move by the americans you watch before long there will be school shootings and mass murder at gay night clubs
Weed should have been legal years ago and there was nothing Americans could have done to change that. I don't know what country you are in, but unless you are in Portugal, no where else has good drug laws either. I also find it hard to swallow you think it's acceptable to talk about mass shootings the way you do. I don't know whether to be angry at your bullshit or with your lack of an education. You need to put together some complete sentences before criticizing anyone, high-speed.
Weed should have been legal years ago and there was nothing Americans could have done to change that. I don't know what country you are in, but unless you are in Portugal, no where else has good drug laws either. I also find it hard to swallow you think it's acceptable to talk about mass shootings the way you do. I don't know whether to be angry at your bullshit or with your lack of an education. You need to put together some complete sentences before criticizing anyone, high-speed.
you are saying i have a lack of education who still has gun laws after multiple shootings wake up dick head lol
Weed should have been legal years ago and there was nothing Americans could have done to change that. I don't know what country you are in, but unless you are in Portugal, no where else has good drug laws either. I also find it hard to swallow you think it's acceptable to talk about mass shootings the way you do. I don't know whether to be angry at your bullshit or with your lack of an education. You need to put together some complete sentences before criticizing anyone, high-speed.
so if use handle guns laws the same way use handle cannabis laws you guys are so so so fucked
so if use handle guns laws the same way use handle cannabis laws you guys are so so so fucked
Honestly, I'm beyond lost at what point you are trying to make. In America we have different gun laws depending on which state you are in. This goes the same for cannabis laws. It looks like you might be from Australia? Where you can't own a gun, yet still have had some shooting sprees in the last 15 years. Australia is smaller than the size of Texas (Approx 23million), so to compare policies between Australia and the United States is crazy. Now just because your country implemented gun laws doesn't grant you with an education by any means. Your lack of punctuation makes it seem like a 5 year old is typing this out in anger. Lastly, you come onto this thread with your bullshit rhetoric about America this and that, well the harsh reality is the US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world. Legalizing cannabis would only further our grip on the rest of the worlds economy. So again please explain to me how the US is fucked? Please try to use complete sentences or at the very least a period to break them up.
Honestly, I'm beyond lost at what point you are trying to make. In America we have different gun laws depending on which state you are in. This goes the same for cannabis laws. It looks like you might be from Australia? Where you can't own a gun, yet still have had some shooting sprees in the last 15 years. Australia is smaller than the size of Texas (Approx 23million), so to compare policies between Australia and the United States is crazy. Now just because your country implemented gun laws doesn't grant you with an education by any means. Your lack of punctuation makes it seem like a 5 year old is typing this out in anger. Lastly, you come onto this thread with your bullshit rhetoric about America this and that, well the harsh reality is the US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world. Legalizing cannabis would only further our grip on the rest of the worlds economy. So again please explain to me how the US is fucked? Please try to use complete sentences or at the very least a period to break them up.

Im from Australia. I dont know were the guy is that your replyin to is from, but thought id correct you on a couple of things.

You can own guns here. Lots do. Aint hard.

I think you will find we have cattle stations larger than Texas. Have you looked at a map?

We haven't had a gun massacre in donkey's years. Port Arthur Massacre in 1996 was the last one. Was the worst in the world until fairly recently- we do things properly here! (joke). We decided that we needed federal gun laws and restrictions to help prevent more and they have worked well so far. Will we get another massacre? Of cause. But we have certainly gotten less than if we had not of brought in the laws .No brainier really.
Please watch this video, it only goes for 4 min. (yes, their real politicians)

Yes, we have had gun crimes and murders..but lets face it you aint gunna stop those but are down 50% or more from pre- gun law days.

We also have some very relaxed cannabis laws in one state, SA (1984) and one Territory, ACT. (1985) Please dont quote me on the years here as there an educated guess. All states and territories have pretty relaxed cannabis laws compered to America until recent state events over there. To go to jail over pot in Australia you'd have to have LARGE amounts.

Maybe the longest running Cannabis festival in the world is in Nimbin NSW? - Have to get their one year!

Yes, America is the largest economy in the world, that China just about owns 2 trillion of your debt of 19 Trillion dollars ..(thats allot of debt!). Lots of Aussies would think that China is bigger as they are a HUGE trading partner of ours (maybe our biggest trading partner- for good or ill) and as most economists would agree, will be the next super power and global economic leader. There middle class are growing extremely wealthy at a unprecedented rate.

Feel free to have a go at my spelling and punctuation, its very bad as i suffer from dyslexia. Yes,I am fairly well educated due to our free education system (one of the worlds best) and also very healthy due to our free healthcare,(since 1984) and an example to the world on how its done.

Yes, most Australians think America is fucked. Low min wages, high crime, huge prison populations, bad healthcare and a worsening expensive education, cost of medication (just about free here), your debt, we really dont understand your gun culture...Not to mention all the conflicts you guys start (and drag us into) over oil (and lie about why) creating world instability and terrorism, is not well liked. Unlike most of the world we do love Americans though. As people you lot are awesome, friendly and so accepting. If only "the people" ran the country eh?

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Im from Australia. I dont know were the guy is that your replyin to is from, but thought id correct you on a couple of things.

You can own guns here. Lots do. Aint hard.

I think you will find we have cattle stations larger than Texas. Have you looked at a map?

We haven't had a gun massacre in donkey's years. Port Arthur Massacre in 1996 was the last one. Was the worst in the world until fairly recently- we do things properly here! (joke). We decided that we needed federal gun laws and restrictions to help prevent more and they have worked well so far. Will we get another massacre? Of cause. But we have certainly gotten less than if we had not of brought in the laws .No brainier really.
Please watch this video, it only goes for 4 min. (yes, their real politicians)

Yes, we have had gun crimes and murders..but lets face it you aint gunna stop those but are down 50% or more from pre- gun law days.

We also have some very relaxed cannabis laws in one state, SA (1984) and one Territory, ACT. (1985) Please dont quote me on the years here as there an educated guess. All states and territories have pretty relaxed cannabis laws compered to America until recent state events over there. To go to jail over pot in Australia you'd have to have LARGE amounts.

Maybe the longest running Cannabis festival in the world is in Nimbin NSW? - Have to get their one year!

Yes, America is the largest economy in the world, that China just about owns 2 trillion of your debt of 19 Trillion dollars ..(thats allot of debt!). Lots of Aussies would think that China is bigger as they are a HUGE trading partner of ours (maybe our biggest trading partner- for good or ill) and as most economists would agree, will be the next super power and global economic leader. There middle class are growing extremely wealthy at a unprecedented rate.

Feel free to have a go at my spelling and punctuation, its very bad as i suffer from dyslexia. Yes,I am fairly well educated due to our free education system (one of the worlds best) and also very healthy due to our free healthcare,(since 1984) and an example to the world on how its done.

Yes, most Australians think America is fucked. Low min wages, high crime, huge prison populations, bad healthcare and a worsening expensive education, cost of medication (just about free here), your debt, we really dont understand your gun culture...Not to mention all the conflicts you guys start (and drag us into) over oil (and lie about why) creating world instability and terrorism, is not well liked. Unlike most of the world we do love Americans though. As people you lot are awesome, friendly and so accepting. If only "the people" ran the country eh?


A few things I would like to reply back with. One, I should have been more clear on Australia being smaller than Texas. Australia is smaller than Texas in population. Population, however, dictates a lot how a country will act. When you have 23 million people it is a lot easier to control than 324 million. I would say that in America, individually, there are many states that do well. California has the 8th largest economy in the world, which is bigger than Australia's economy. Australia is close to 1 trillion in debt and counting, yet Australia is only 7% the size of the United States. Let's examine that debt size when you gain another 300 million people because as far as I can tell you debt to population ratio is worse than ours.

As far as your guns. You live in a country completely isolated by water. You do you not have a neighboring cartel country or Canada, two very large access points to bring in guns and drugs. If we just simply banned all weapons, we would be screwed from all the criminals who still have them and can still access them. Australia being a landlocked country would allow them to eventually decrease weapon importation. Our gun culture history is very simple, we used weapons to gain our independence and believe that our government could try and take it back from us. We have weapons to stop them in a time of need. Our government is something to be afraid of, and most of us are aware of this.

Now let's get to China. China is a huge part of your trade, maybe because of geographic location. Why pay double to get it from us way over here, when you have China next door. Many economist would not agree China IS the next superpower, rather that they are a potential threat to be the next superpower; those are two different things. A superpower needs to develop political democracy, economic freedom, military power, legal system, quality of life and high tech creativity. In all these areas China lags far behind the United States.

Lastly, I would like to touch on the "conflicts" that we start. We had two Boeing 767's slam into two buildings in downtown New York in case you forgot. Going to war with Afghanistan was the result from such acts. Going into Iraq the government claimed there were weapons of mass destruction, which at the time was false. Later evidence would come to light that there were in fact weapons of mass destruction still there. Iraq only had stopped building new ones. Why didn't Australia do it's research before jumping into a war if it was bullshit? You don't think your government got something out of it? Maybe even something that you directly profit from? You speak about going to war for oil as if it's an unnecessary war, when in fact its not. Most humans on the earth use oil in some way: autos, home heating, food production, manufacturing, trains, big rig shipping trucks, cargo boats, airplanes, etc.... In the world we live in right now, oil is very, very important. When you have a country that is as large as the United States you have to ensure we have the resources that we need to survive. Oil just so happens to be that necessity. I think it's a stretch to say that Americans are causing terrorism around the world. I served in the U.S Army as an infantrymen in Afghanistan and I do not agree with you at all. Most of the civilians (non-combatants) over in Afghanistan love Americans. Their own country will not provide them with anything basic, water, food, shelter, education... anything. They in fact hate the terrorist and their government who cause them a lot of despair. As far as global terrorism, I am pretty sure that France, Turkey, Germany and others have all seen terrorism within their own borders. America gets the finger pointed at us the most because we are at the front of the fight. ISIS is fighting western ideology, not only Americans. Last that I checked Australia was a democracy, so don't think for a second you are not included in this fight. Honestly, I don't think Australia is a big target for terrorism because there will be nothing gained out of targeting them. At least if they hit Paris, New York city, etc.. people around the world get angry, which makes the act worth it to them.

Americans think Americans are fucked too! We do have low minimum wages, but don't be a piece of shit and you will have a job that pays more than minimum wage. Huge prison populations are due to crazy police tactics, and for-profit prisons. Our healthcare isn't bad at all, it's expensive. Again, there is a difference between our countries. Could America provide insurance for 23 million people? Yes, we already have programs that help the poor. Can Australia provide Insurance for 324 million people? I doubt it. Would Australia have more crime, bigger prison populations,a worsening education, the cost of medications increase if they didn't only have 23 million people? I would have to argue YES! Just like America, with population increase comes more and more problems.

I would not attack you for your spelling/ grammar. When I did this early to the other post, I literally was getting frustrated at the no periods in any sentence and the rambling.

*I still think that rob333 is still an uneducated ass that needs to smoke more.
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Im from Australia. I dont know were the guy is that your replyin to is from, but thought id correct you on a couple of things.

You can own guns here. Lots do. Aint hard.

I think you will find we have cattle stations larger than Texas. Have you looked at a map?

We haven't had a gun massacre in donkey's years. Port Arthur Massacre in 1996 was the last one. Was the worst in the world until fairly recently- we do things properly here! (joke). We decided that we needed federal gun laws and restrictions to help prevent more and they have worked well so far. Will we get another massacre? Of cause. But we have certainly gotten less than if we had not of brought in the laws .No brainier really.
Please watch this video, it only goes for 4 min. (yes, their real politicians)

Yes, we have had gun crimes and murders..but lets face it you aint gunna stop those but are down 50% or more from pre- gun law days.

We also have some very relaxed cannabis laws in one state, SA (1984) and one Territory, ACT. (1985) Please dont quote me on the years here as there an educated guess. All states and territories have pretty relaxed cannabis laws compered to America until recent state events over there. To go to jail over pot in Australia you'd have to have LARGE amounts.

Maybe the longest running Cannabis festival in the world is in Nimbin NSW? - Have to get their one year!

Yes, America is the largest economy in the world, that China just about owns 2 trillion of your debt of 19 Trillion dollars ..(thats allot of debt!). Lots of Aussies would think that China is bigger as they are a HUGE trading partner of ours (maybe our biggest trading partner- for good or ill) and as most economists would agree, will be the next super power and global economic leader. There middle class are growing extremely wealthy at a unprecedented rate.

Feel free to have a go at my spelling and punctuation, its very bad as i suffer from dyslexia. Yes,I am fairly well educated due to our free education system (one of the worlds best) and also very healthy due to our free healthcare,(since 1984) and an example to the world on how its done.

Yes, most Australians think America is fucked. Low min wages, high crime, huge prison populations, bad healthcare and a worsening expensive education, cost of medication (just about free here), your debt, we really dont understand your gun culture...Not to mention all the conflicts you guys start (and drag us into) over oil (and lie about why) creating world instability and terrorism, is not well liked. Unlike most of the world we do love Americans though. As people you lot are awesome, friendly and so accepting. If only "the people" ran the country eh?

well for some one that lives in Australia you no fuck all about you're own country for 1 gun laws are hard as fuck you must not have any convictions also zero mental history and u need the guns locked in one place and the keys for the lock at another house i no as i have my gun licenes for 2nd i live in s.a and u get pinched for weed its like every were eles a old wifes tail and for the nimbine fest yea let me start so from each border comming up from nsw and qld you have about 100 pigs waiting for you then u think thats all good your finally get to nimbine and there's pigs every were on one big arrest fest hope that clears some things up for you and you live in oz you must be real dumb or 13
well for some one that lives in Australia you no fuck all about you're own country for 1 gun laws are hard as fuck you must not have any convictions also zero mental history and u need the guns locked in one place and the keys for the lock at another house i no as i have my gun licenes for 2nd i live in s.a and u get pinched for weed its like every were eles a old wifes tail and for the nimbine fest yea let me start so from each border comming up from nsw and qld you have about 100 pigs waiting for you then u think thats all good your finally get to nimbine and there's pigs every were on one big arrest fest hope that clears some things up for you and you live in oz you must be real dumb or 13
Yes Rob, your a fkwit and im not alone on thinking so,

Most my friends are hunters, One collects old shotguns, I shoot on occasion and was out deer shooting a couple of weeks ago. My future son in law is at this moment getting his firearms and hand gun licences.(it aint hard,- Join a club and they do nearly all the work for you). I do have convictions but not any that prevent me from obtaining or keeping a firearms licence. I think its a GREAT thing that people who have been convicted of certain crimes are not able to legally own a firearm. I agree also that people with certain mental problems should not have access to them. I dont think any sane person thinks thats a bad idea? Thats the whole point of the laws, keeping guns from the "bad", violent and "unstable" people.

You do need a gun safe to own a gun, yes. You dont need a gun safe to have a licence. No, the keys do not have to be at another house...that would be silly.

Regarding leaving the Nimbin festival. If you went to an Oktoberfest wouldnt you expect to get pulled over and breathalyzed if you drove home? Yep.

I think you need to look up varies state and territory drug laws...Yes, ive lived and grown in all of them apart from SA and NT. Australia as a whole had allot softer cannabis laws than America. Just a small amount can get you jail time there. In NSW i believe its 50 plants to even look at a jail sentence for a first time offence. 50 is the indictable number. Couple of guys from a neighboring town in TAS recently got caught with 58 plants growing in two shipping containers that they had buried under a shed with a trap door hidden under the workbench to access.(great well thought out expensive to build system..ex girlfriend dobbed them in.) They were also convicted of selling $20ks worth. They got 6 months good behavior bond....

Meet Kog
16 million dollars worth for under 3 years jail...Still grows, sells and has his head on Utube- doesnt get hassled.. (NSW)

SA (South Australia) – SA has had the most relaxed of all decriminalised states for the longest of all as they were the first to institute them in 1987. The lowdown is possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana, 20 grams of hash (the resin from the cannabis plant), one non-hydroponic plant or cannabis smoking equipment leads to a fine from $50 to $150 with 60 days to pay it.

ACT (Australian Capital Territory) – I find it incredibly ironic that the state which contains our Parliament House has had the most relaxed form of our cannabis laws for the past 18 years. The lowdown is possession of up to two non-hydroponic cannabis plants, or up to 25 grams of marijuana (cannabis plant material) receives a $100 fine with 60 days to pay instead of a criminal charge. Instead of paying the fine, the person may choose to attend a drug assessment and treatment program.
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Legal weed is not freeing weed its placing heavy restrictions and laws on it FYI....

Whoever supports legal is the complete opposite of what weed should be, yer you get your meds but you selfishly dont care about the underlying philosophy that many of us have always had.