Well-Known Member
This may be true of visible light, but it is not true of UV light.Clear glass in and of itself is "neutral density". It blocks light equally across the spectrum. Depending on the quality of glass, this light blockage can be as much as 30%. Auto glass (your car windows) tests at 70% visible light transmission, meaning it blocks 30% of the light passing thru it. I would assume that a "protective" piece of glass for an HID fixture will be tempered, and right at that 70% visible light transmission. The benefit of being able to get the lamp closer to the plants will MORE than offset any loss of light.
I agree about it being compensated for by heat, but you have to realize that the heat is not just from the heat of the bulb and air. The plants are heated by light and IR that goes through the glass.
Wind through a cool tube does not interrupt electromagnetic radiation, which is what heat from a bulb's glass is. It may cool the glass and therefore reduce its IR emission, and remove the air heated by conduction, but that is all.