What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?


What kind of game do you like to play when you're high? Is there a particular strain you use and only play some kind of game when you're totally out of it, and if so what?! I know a lot of friends that get really into games like DOTA when they're on something, what about you?
I like racing games and grand theft auto. Its fun to drive fast, run people over and blow stuff up after sitting in traffic on the way home from work. It helps me unleash some of my rage.
GTA5 is much more fun stoned!
I love RPGs, particularly Skyrim, but they can be hard work when I'm stoned cos my memory is terrible. Skyrim has a big map, it can be scary to get lost there when you're off your head and forget that you can actually just turn it off whenever you like and not be lost anymore....
The Last of Us was a good one high cos of the creepy atmosphere, I had to turn that off a couple of times cos my fella would get mad with me screaming every time clickers attacked!
My ps3 died recently. I miss it.
Yup I did
Perhaps it was just not the game for me I'm more an rpg kinda gal
Ah i see, i enjoy the gta races its funny as hell when people fuck up lmao! The farthest ill go is league of legends which i dont think is really an rpg but dunking everyone with darius is a life addiction haha
Ah i see, i enjoy the gta races its funny as hell when people fuck up lmao! The farthest ill go is league of legends which i dont think is really an rpg but dunking everyone with darius is a life addiction haha
Nah that's considered a Moba
Check out heroes of the storm it's free similar to league of legends
Tough question; so many great games!

I particularly enjoy the creeping desolation/mood of this one after (and while) enjoying the herb:

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I'd like to try the online/fantasy stuff one day, but I've 'lost' a buddy or two to those....aren't they terribly addictive?
nah come join mmos! Anyone who becomes so enamoured with a video game they consider themselves addictive have other issues it's not the game something personal