Ms patient
Hi everyone, check out my profile pic and see if anyone can ID it, it along with multiple others all look like this, leaves look like a tomato and has these "pods" on the top branch, it's outdoors and looks healthy for whatever it is, the bag was good smoke for brick stuff, I'm on a fixed income and trying my best to be self sufficient with my medicine, I truly want the strain that was holding these seeds due to it wasn't a strong "high" but it realy helped with my spasms and didn't make me feel inebriated like the "good stuff" does. Now it is 24-34 in high it looks like a tomato plant with over looking micro pods, biggest pod is 1/2 inch and they go down to just a dot in size..... What the heck am I growing? This doesn't look like mj whatsoever! The beans all look just like the others and out of the same bag I got 1 normal looking baby that's doing fine. All are goofy but one so I'm at a loss on what happened.