Seedlings ok?


Active Member
I have recently sprouted some Wonder Woman seeds in the propagator pro 2 from nirvana. I've fucked up seedling a lot because I'm a new grower and that's why I got the propogator. I'm wondering if these look ok. To me the root/future stem I guess is too tall and lanky and yes they're only a couple days old like 2 max on one of them but just being careful. On the first pic is the oldest one. It started to curl up at the top and looks like it's getting black by where the seed is. I'm also curious why the seeds came up, thought it was going to be leaves haha but then on the second one my main concern is how tall it looks like it's going to be



Active Member
Tap root should be facing down
the second pic is really new not even 24 hours imhoping it'll fix itself. That's another thing that worries me about it. It's weird because there's one that hasn't even popped fully but I can see it breaking through and it's already got green and looks like some leaves just a bit. That's why I posted asking because that one looked so normal compared to the others. Thanks man


Active Member
How moist is the medium? It almost looks like mud. Looks like its too wet.
It's a germination kit I bought. From what I know it has peat moss, agricultural lime, and a "special fertilizer" then a Bacto powder solution mixed into the water which i only watered once when putting seeds in 3 days ago. It's in things called sponge pots and it holds moisture really well. For it being too wet idk about that. It's for sure moist but it's not drenched. Not planning on watering until I put in soil so it'll only get better/dryer


Well-Known Member
Looks too me like the soils too wet, suffocating the poor girl, she came too the top for air, can't breathe in soaking wet soil.


Active Member
on the first pic things seem normal. you may have to help lightly break of the shell though later
I did because it was basically dangling but then I looked on the inside and there was some green leafy looking thing in it. Did I break off one the leafs on the first node you think? And would it affect t negatively


Active Member
Sorry if I'm asking easy questions. This is the second time I've bought seeds because I fucked the first ones up and i don't even know how. Just trying to do everything just right. I will feel safer when in veg stage because the plant doesn't seem so fragile then. Right now there just little ole babies