Found one banana, whole room is fucked?!


Well-Known Member
So I found a single banana on one of my flowers this morning. I chopped the branch immediately and moved it out of my room. The question is, can a single banana pollinate a whole room? Should I be worried about my other girls getting seeded? :-| :roll:


Well-Known Member
So I found a single banana on one of my flowers this morning. I chopped the branch immediately and moved it out of my room. The question is, can a single banana pollinate a whole room? Should I be worried about my other girls getting seeded? :-| :roll:
If the sac was opened and a fan was blowing in the background then yes your girls can be seeded easily mate. I'd watch that plant closely, if it were me I'd chop it down. No time for hermies or seedy plants in my garden.


Well-Known Member
If the sac was opened and a fan was blowing in the background then yes your girls can be seeded easily mate. I'd watch that plant closely, if it were me I'd chop it down. No time for hermies or seedy plants in my garden.
It wasn't opened and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't there yesterday, but I have a great amount of air flow in my flowering room. I'm going to chop the whole plant tomorrow, because there is a chance that more bananas are on the way, but I'm mostly worried about other plants. What you think? :sad:

Girls growing big cocks! What kind of world is this?! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It wasn't opened and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't there yesterday, but I have a great amount of air flow in my flowering room. I'm going to chop the whole plant tomorrow, because there is a chance that more bananas are on the way, but I'm mostly worried about other plants. What you think? :sad:

Girls growing big cocks! What kind of world is this?! :bigjoint:
I'm tellin ya mate its hermie season around here. I was stoned yesterday cause they dont call me stoney fer nothing and I saw what looked like balls on my feminized plant and I started freaking out haha. Today though hairs started coming out so its just a really swollen calyx so that plants going to be a special one from my experience when the calyx is that swollen its usually good fat dense buds,

Anyway sorry about that I rant sometimes. That plant for whatever reason is a hermie, whether its due to stress or genetics is a whole different topic but its a hermie. So yes I'd just chop it down because why would you risk your other females ya know? Hermie smoke isn't good and it usually ends in a dirty finish but thats just my opinion. And yea like I said this is like the 6th topic I've seen this week about a plant going hermie.


Well-Known Member
That plant for whatever reason is a hermie, whether its due to stress or genetics is a whole different topic but its a hermie. So yes I'd just chop it down because why would you risk your other females ya know? Hermie smoke isn't good and it usually ends in a dirty finish but thats just my opinion.
Thanks for the answer. One more thing to mention is that my plant is now 8 weeks in bloom and pretty ripe for harvest, so I'm not really worried about the quality of smoke. :wink:


This is the first time I'm running into hermie problems and I hope that it's not my partner's fault!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you guys are talking about. If you see a banana on a branch at week eight of flower and you pick it off, then you just wasted a branch of good bud.

Bananas, just like male balls on a hermaphrodite, take weeks to start forming seeds. And even if you start seeing seeds forming, it takes a good while for them to harden to the point of becoming solid enough to be noticed.

If youre in week eight of flower i wouldnt do anything besides pick them off. If you have few enough plants that is to do that. If you have a bunch of plants and picking them off isnt an option then who cares, leave em on.

Also hermi smoke is the same smoke as non-hermi smoke. They taste the same. The bud doesnt just taste funny when it gets polinated, that's rediculous. But that was also quoted by a guy who thought his caylexes were male pollen sacks. Ahh well. Theres lots of that kind of info on the interwbs.

If youre running a perpetual garden id remove the genetics from it since the plants could be pollenated by the week eight plant when theyre on week two of flower or however often you add plants to the flower room, that will make seeds. But if youre running a garden that only has one end flower time, like they all go in at once, and all finnish at once, then genetics that pop bananas at week eight arent a problem at all. One of my favorite strains used to pop some at week 7 of flower. No biggie. ;)


Well-Known Member
So I found a single banana on one of my flowers this morning. I chopped the branch immediately and moved it out of my room. The question is, can a single banana pollinate a whole room? Should I be worried about my other girls getting seeded? :-| :roll:
as its a banna maybe not oped yet its what you didn't see thats the issue

put a trash bag over the plant and extract ...then trash

see it like all growers will get this in their time

and the hardest is to accept it

be the man ..its the biz we are in

good luck


Well-Known Member
If youre running a perpetual garden id remove the genetics from it since the plants could be pollenated by the week eight plant when theyre on week two of flower or however often you add plants to the flower room, that will make seeds.
Thanks. You're always being helpful to me. I removed the entire plant from garden.

I've heard that once the banana pops, it spreads pollen and pollinates every single plant in the room immediately and there is no escape from that. Is that true?


Well-Known Member
I wish people like stoney mcphatter would stop giving advice that causes people to cull good plants. If you dont know what you are talking about why not keep quiet?
I have more than 20 plants in flower and half of them are in early stage. Are you saying that there is absolutely no problem leaving bananas on plants?

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
I remove the bananna in a diff room and then put plant back in room. Ive never had a room get seeded by one banana. If you have real good air extraction it helps as well. Now maybe if your plant was riddled with dicks then yeah id take her down.


Well-Known Member
exactly what lio saying....u can pull em out with tweezers, sometimes no more will appear, other times they will.....give it a chance....some plants will spit nanners early in flower, once picked they may never show again even when running cuts of that plant.


Well-Known Member
exactly what lio saying....u can pull em out with tweezers, sometimes no more will appear, other times they will.....give it a chance....some plants will spit nanners early in flower, once picked they may never show again even when running cuts of that plant.
Thanks dude! :razz: I appreciate your help.


Well-Known Member
I have more than 20 plants in flower and half of them are in early stage. Are you saying that there is absolutely no problem leaving bananas on plants?
Nope, theres no problem if you dont have multiple plants in various stages. If you do, like yourself, the plants early in flower will have fully formed seeds by the time they are done.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
As to your question = NO!

If the sac was opened and a fan was blowing in the background then yes your girls can be seeded easily mate. I'd watch that plant closely, if it were me I'd chop it down. No time for hermies or seedy plants in my garden.
Don't do this!

exactly what lio saying....u can pull em out with tweezers, sometimes no more will appear, other times they will.....give it a chance....some plants will spit nanners early in flower, once picked they may never show again even when running cuts of that plant.

Quit fretting so! I'll bet it's a environmental or over age nanner! Pluck it and check your temps/airflow/RH etc. etc.

You might get a few seeds and you might get will NOT ruin the plant or it's quality....

Keep a closer eye on this plant and the whole run for more. If other strains do it in this run (if you have more then one). Then you have an environment issue...


Well-Known Member
Quit fretting so! I'll bet it's a environmental or over age nanner! Pluck it and check your temps/airflow/RH etc. etc.
Yes. I guess it's an over age nanner, but I'm still checking my room for possible light leaks and other things. My temps are 74ºF during lights on and 66.5ºF during lights off. RH is usually between 40% and 45% and I have a decent amount of air flow in my room.

I now remember that I had a power outage for half an hour during lights on a couple days back and I'm thinking that it may have triggered the nanner problem. :confused:
Keep a closer eye on this plant and the whole run for more. If other strains do it in this run (if you have more then one). Then you have an environment issue...
Ok doc. I'll keep an eye on them. Thanks for your help.