
So what is your position, Knowm?Complete and utter non reaction to everything?The world still changes even if you let it go by.Non reaction is just a way to remove oneself from everything,and thereby experience nothing.Can you clarify, please?
What does KILL signify




what is LIFE..

if birth is the opposite of death

what is LIFE? and if LIFE has no opposite...

then what is kill?

ya fell

there are no truthful answers to false questions..

just bullshit chatter for the mind...

a peek at the truth ends all dscusson of what is or is not and begins a carrier of POINTING. because the truth can not EVER be talked about directly.. only pointed at

The greats have been

Lao Tzu
Gahlil Gibran
and currently alive we have Eckhart Tolle
god dosnt love you

your priest did when your were 12

now that your older and your not being told what to think anymore things arent making as much sense as they were before? now are they?...

You sound very bitter and angry. That's a trap. It can consume a lot of energy that could be turned to more productive activities.
its astounding how many people there are that cant see through the churches smoke and mirrors

now please dont get me wrong im not an aethiest i believe that people need religions because it helps them cope and it helps them live to be a better person

but we dont need THIS religion or most of the others

i think the buddhits got it right, peace love and tranquility

i don't go to church, cause they've been corrupted.
i don't follow Christianity anymore either, same reason.
but i do follow Jesus' teachings, and i do read God scriptures.
i don't push my beliefs onto anybody, but i do talk with people about how i feel and believe, while always listening to other views.

i believe in peace, love, tranquility, and a personal relationship with my creator and the one man who sacrificed his life to eternally save everyone else's. i do not need any material possessions. i am perfectly happy as a free being, roaming the planet, meeting new people, and staying alive.

this life is so simple, yet people make it absurdly complicated.

i'm sorry Mr. Greenday, but i have to criticize you. you say the buddhists got it right, and i do agree that they have excellent views on life. but you seem so negative. are you a cannabis consumer? i find it difficult to imagine people who use cannabis to be such angry beings. bashing beliefs, no matter how corrupt or insane they are, only brings negative energy to you and whomever you are speaking to.
its hard not to be negative when these assholes bring me down all day... and yes i guess this post does make me seem like a bitter angry person but believe me if you saw me walking down the street youd be like, why is that guy so happy

i try my hardest to keep a postive outlook on life and that rant was one of the few times that it slipped outta view for a moment

and theres nothing wrong with a little debate every now and then negative energy is around us constantly as well as the posotive its your decision which you decide to let influence your thoughts and actions

as for following the word of jesus, i wish every christian was like you, the bible is a group of stories with core values that we still follow today, not an exact word for word book on how we should live our life and when people start to quote the bible to tell you how you should or shouldnt live thats when it loses all its meaning to me.

imo jesus is pissed, for all the shit that gets carried out in his name
for all the people who are wasting the gift of life that he loved so enthusiastically

the christian church stopped teaching the word of jesus a long time ago
yup, Jesus' teachings have dwindled from many churches and the new age belief is starting to take over. there's so much underage sex and rape and orgies with all kinds of people that don't necessarily know each other. sex use to be a magical moment, to reproduce off spring. now it's used mostly for pleasure. people are obsessed with themselves and strut around while people worship them for their fame and wealth. people would rather have money than have friends or dignity.

the world is becoming Godless. and every time that has happened in the past... Earth was cleansed and humans started over.
Pagan religions were around far longer than Christianity.Many of Christianity's rituals are derived from pagan rituals,assimilated into the church and renamed.For example, Christmas was copied from the pagan holliday which celebrated the winter solstice, the turning point of the seasons,and lengthening of years also ties into this...a new start....Easter, rebirth and fertility(Ever wondered about the bunnies and the eggs?Symbols of fertility.)Halloween was taken from the autumnal equinox ,a time of harvesting the crops and of sleep or death.Hence the tribute to the dead...the candy, thought it used to be milk and bread on a doorstop to appease the dead, and the masks were to scare away evil spirits.There are more examples of this.Christianity may be running its course, and people will turn back to nature and the goddess, etc.All part of the cycle,death and rebirth.
yup, Jesus' teachings have dwindled from many churches and the new age belief is starting to take over. there's so much underage sex and rape and orgies with all kinds of people that don't necessarily know each other. sex use to be a magical moment, to reproduce off spring. now it's used mostly for pleasure. people are obsessed with themselves and strut around while people worship them for their fame and wealth. people would rather have money than have friends or dignity.

the world is becoming Godless. and every time that has happened in the past... Earth was cleansed and humans started over.
My mom used to tell me about that, yeah...because I was raised Jehovah's witness, so she was explaining why Christmas is sacrilege or was supposed to be October, right?
i know they merged pagan rituals and Christian holidays.

i'm sure you know Jesus wasn't born on Dec. 25.
"The word "Christianity" is already a misunderstanding - in reality there has been only one Christian, and he died on the Cross"

The Bible is merely a book of myths and twisted truth. Jesus was ONE of many messengers and what you might call a "highly evolved being". Here to set an example of what we are capable of BEING. In the bible however, his message and God's message is passed on like the game "telephone", and not all by accident either. For example "blessed are the cheesemakers" from Monty Python's Life of Brian says it all. Anyways, I believe all paths lead to God, even the path that has no God.

The truth is, you just gotta believe in yourself. Discover the truth yourself and don't let anyone tell you how to think and what to believe, you can't be free if you allow that. I personally find that smoking sweet jane brings me to a higher consciousness. Brings me closer to God.

After you trip life opens up,
You start doing what you want to do
And you find out that the world that you once feared,
Gets what it has from you
No one can ever hurt you
Cause you know more than you thought you knew
And you're looking at the world
With brand new eyes,
And no one can ever spoil the view

I respect everyone's opinion and believe if you are happy with how you are BEING, then more power to you.
by all means please practice any religion you want to...

just dont judge me, thats not for you to do

myself, im agnostic i believe that all this that we call life is too amazing to just be coincidence, and i sure as hell dont believe that nothing happens after you die, otherwise life is just one big wasted of time and energy. And if there wasnt religions people wouldnt believe there was a heaven and a hell, and there would be a whole lot more fucked up shit going on than now,

and no im not a hypocrit im not judging anyone i have many friends that are christian rights and do "the silver ring thing" still and dont know that i smoke its just that i KNOW that if one found out... they wouldnt speak to me anymore

how fucked up is that... i can be their friend, but they find out i toke and im cut out, they always try and make me got to church with them and quote shit from the bible like its going out of style wtf?

STOP TRYING TO "SAVE" my soul... its a lot better off than yours is
by all means please practice any religion you want to...

just dont judge me, thats not for you to do

myself, im agnostic i believe that all this that we call life is too amazing to just be coincidence, and i sure as hell dont believe that nothing happens after you die, otherwise life is just one big wasted of time and energy. And if there wasnt religions people wouldnt believe there was a heaven and a hell, and there would be a whole lot more fucked up shit going on than now,

and no im not a hypocrit im not judging anyone i have many friends that are christian rights and do "the silver ring thing" still and dont know that i smoke its just that i KNOW that if one found out... they wouldnt speak to me anymore

how fucked up is that... i can be their friend, but they find out i toke and im cut out, they always try and make me got to church with them and quote shit from the bible like its going out of style wtf?

STOP TRYING TO "SAVE" my soul... its a lot better off than yours is
What's the "the silver ring thing"? Not heard of that one.

I see where you're coming from now. For what it's worth I'm a Christian and I agree with you about the Christian right thing. The media has way too much influence over the church in the west. This is primarily why I don't go to church. Once you start thinking for yourself you are seen as a danger to yourself and others.

I'm not in the US anymore, but I do find Christians (particularly American) to be intolerant and unwilling to comprehend other views.... I've heard plenty of Bible study conversations that go like this: Can you be a Christian and ---fill in the blank (drink alcohol, watch TV, smoke pot, fornicate, be gay, vote Democrat)--- At the same time some of these people (though not too many) can be extremely generous and gracious- giving us cars, helping us move, giving us a month's worth of food when my children were born.

Organized Christianity has a lot of bad apples (a lot!) but every once in awhile you do meet an exceptional person. It is all about the individual.

You should probably keep your smoking habit to yourself, but you could try having hypothetical conversations with your friends about the nature of drug prohibition, and throw the medical marijuana issue out there for example. They might surprise you. People sometimes do change their views. I know I did.

I am going to tell my mom about my new medical treatment when I see her at Christmas. She is very anti "drugs" and a very staunch right-wing Republican Christian. She'll still love me. Your friends will too if they are really Christians, because that's what it's all about.

Jesus summed up all the commandments ever made into 2: Love God & love your neighbor. Essentially that's all that matters. When people start making personal laws and calling them God's laws that's called legalism and it's deadly to the soul. Freedom, love, grace and peace is what it's supposed to be about.
its when you wear a silver ring on the same finger you'd wear an engagement ring to show your vow to god to abstain from sex before marriage

and your right it does come down to the individual and there is always such nice people at church if only it was like that everywhere

i remember this video of this girl that is the perfect example of a brainswashed christian... i cant find it now

but this one is funny god hates fags
its when you wear a silver ring on the same finger you'd wear an engagement ring to show your vow to god to abstain from sex before marriage

Oh I see... can you wear it if you're a "born again" virgin? What about if you do "everything but"? I probably should have worn a scarlet letter before i was married. Oh well. One shouldn't make vows to God. I am sure that 90% of these vows will be broken.
So what is your position, Knowm?Complete and utter non reaction to everything?The world still changes even if you let it go by.Non reaction is just a way to remove oneself from everything,and thereby experience nothing.Can you clarify, please?

If one does not react..

one does not react to staements the mind creates to insight a reaction..

a perfect example is

"The world still changes even if you let it go by.Non reaction is just a way to remove oneself from everything,and thereby experience nothing.Can you clarify, please?"

there is nothing to clarify.... you get it... just take away the story..

or as a wiseman once said..

stop thinking and whatever you have left, that is reality...


you have problems ?
stop thinking, they go away..!

It doesn't make sense why a lot of stoners have so much animosity towards Christian teachings and doctrines..

I can see why people can dislike Chirstians and all of their sometimes over-zealous ways..

But I don't find a lot of pain in the doctrine. No more pain than we endure day by day...

Just my thoughts.

I've been making videos about this topic at:
Ok, then, gotcha.But, I've found that not thinking of problems does NOT make them go away.Try it with an overdue light bill.But hey,whatever works for you.My brain never shuts up.I got 50 trains of thought going on, some random dj playing music, recipe lists, etc.:bigjoint:
If one does not react..

one does not react to staements the mind creates to insight a reaction..

a perfect example is

"The world still changes even if you let it go by.Non reaction is just a way to remove oneself from everything,and thereby experience nothing.Can you clarify, please?"

there is nothing to clarify.... you get it... just take away the story..

or as a wiseman once said..

stop thinking and whatever you have left, that is reality...


you have problems ?
stop thinking, they go away..!
