Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man

Look man, I can agree this is 100% bullshit, but people are stupid to fight back in the moment right on the streets with police. This is the shit that happens, they WILL fucking kill you.

Whatever happened to keeping your cool, surviving the encounter and then burning their house down later? Do they not teach this anymore? Will more of the same protesting do anything?

I always thought this problem would better be solved by instead of public protest, but personal revenge. I wouldn't be holding no signs if that was my loved on shot like that, or burning someone's business down that had nothing to do with it.

I've not given up advancing ideas of freedom, so I doubt I'll burn anyone's house down, but you bring up some good points


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That should be the end of their career as a cop, right there. If they refuse to be accountable, they don't need to be taking the citizen's paycheck.

Nobody needs to be taking anything.

The demeanor of the recipient of the stolen money (the cop) is less important than finding ways of funding security thru more just means which don't include forcible confiscation from people.

You can't on one hand purport to "protect people" and use threats on those same people to derive funding without contradicting yourself.

So, in closing, fuck the police.
That should be the end of their career as a cop, right there. If they refuse to be accountable, they don't need to be taking the citizen's paycheck.

Should be the end of his life. Time to martyr some of these vicious pigs in public stadiums to get the point across that ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Fucking nazis and their 'blue wall of silence'....I'll be there, laughing, when the boots of the revolution CRUSH your skulls into the fucking pavement....

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Should be the end of his life. Time to martyr some of these vicious pigs in public stadiums to get the point across that ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

Fucking nazis and their 'blue wall of silence'....I'll be there, laughing, when the boots of the revolution CRUSH your skulls into the fucking pavement....
prolly not though that would require working for something.
That's all well and good that you were finally able to find work, even though it's at a shitty coffee chain, but what's that got do do with the racist pig empire?

Go back to lusting after kids with the rest of your right-wing pedophile peers, stop embarrassing yourself in a public forum while the grownups are talking, eh?

Not too good my main distributor just got shot by the police.
We live in a strange time when this is what liberals do during their mid life crisis.

We're talking about police brutality, you bring up a personal example and then pop off with THAT kind of simple minded stupidity?

And you wonder why you're so endlessly ridiculed here?

BWAHAHAHA what an idiot
OK. I think I can do it in one sentence.

If a government agency that has been given authority over your life in certain situations, has operatives that you believe have a proclivity to use lethal force on your specific race when facing resistance, you probably shouldn't support any movement that instills citizens with a disposition to resist in those exact situations.

I understand protest, I find it to be pointless and laughably ineffective, but I support the citizens' right to do so. But, I would put forth that getting yourself killed because "fuck the police", doesn't really further the cause. You may disagree.

i would put forth that you are not only a klan member, but a cop too.