Donald Trump

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According to the FBI the ruling class is above the law.

Thank you for demonstrating the liberal point of view by adding no content to the conversation with a bit of snarkiness... Go have a good cry about global warming...
How is your research going? Speaking of your claim that your research give you more knowledge than a NASA scientist who has studied the subject for about 30 years, I'd like to ask you a question. Can you explain what causes seasonal variation in temperature and weather?

According to the FBI the ruling class is above the law.
Did you know that Trump is a child rapist?
Everyone knows about police shootings. They're on the news seemingly weekly.

Yes I have seen police shootings on the news and yes a lot of police are shot by blacks. I also remember black lives matter having a hand in random shooting and killing of policeman that's terrorism and those are terrorist acts. So I get your point.
And if the cop is wrong they get prosecuted. Their prosecutions are on the news too!!

When was the last one you saw on the news that didnt get prosecuted because the 'Cop got away with it'....

Freddie Grays killer, not a single prosecution but Freddie remains dead.

This is why minority's don't trust the police, who knows they might be the next one taken for a rough ride.

The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. He was prosecuted but the grand jury decided to let him off.

You blaming that on the cops?
C'mon man you know damn well the prosecuters office works closely with the cops they're not going to indict cops.

Did they kill him on purpose? Was that what they were thinking when they approached him?
He was killed by an illegal choke hold banned by the police dept. yet a violation of the law occurred but nothing happened but you violate the law and sell cigarettes you have a great chance of getting killed. But then again all them cops from Stapleton section of Staten Island are mostly pussies anyway.

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My motto is if you're poor don't take risks because a poor man pays with his time because like Donald Trump says "time is money", but as we know money isn't time. It no time. Which is just chump change to those to whom I refer.
He was killed by an illegal choke hold banned by the police dept. yet a violation of the law occurred but nothing happened but you violate the law and sell cigarettes you have a great chance of getting killed. But then again all them cops from Stapleton section of Staten Island are mostly pussies anyway.


He didnt die for selling cigarrettes he died because he decided to resist arrest. And no, it isnt justification, it is something that can happen when you decide to fight cops.
He didnt die for selling cigarrettes he died because he decided to resist arrest. And no, it isnt justification, it is something that can happen when you decide to fight cops.

it's funny how you sit there and defend the police killing an unarmed black man for selling cigarettes but will cry for months on end because hillary wasn't put in jail for being "careless" with her emails.

well, not funny. racist and tragic.
"Something’s a bit familiar about the new Marvel character MODAAK.

In the first Spider-Gwen comic book published on June 9th (offering a fresh take on the Spider-Man origin story), a new villain named MODAAK (Mental Organism Designed as America’s King) is introduced from author Jason Latour.

According to the blog, MODAAK lives on the U.S./Mexican border, he hates “foreign filth,” and his orange head is so ‘uuge that it can’t be supported by its legs. And if the inspiration for this character still doesn’t ring a bell, the man’s face looks exactly like Donald Trump’s.

MODAAK (Marvel)
“He is also armed with realistically tiny hands which, just like in real life, are a source of chagrin for the supervillain,” writes’s Luke Fegenbush:

Fortunately for the fictional United States, MODAAK was (spoiler alert) stopped by Captain America, which feels extra appropriate coming from Earth 65’s black, female Cap. In this universe, at least, he was stopped before dominating the world.

Trump, acting against his usual M.O., did not comment on how both the supervillain and comic book creation share an orange, pouty face or similar political agendas. But it doesn’t take a maniacal supervillain to know that this isn’t something you want to call attention to."

I wonder if there will be a storyline where 'MODAKK' screws his own daughter, fails miserably in every business venture, and builds a giant 'space wall' ?


Love ya, Marvel - I knew that the 'spiritual' sons and daughters of Stan and Kirby wouldn't stand idly by and NOT comment on Orange Hitler!
You sheeple that stand for Hillary are part of brainwashed and indoctrinated America. Your comments and beliefs show that your souls are lost to an evil that seeks the destruction of this country. Enjoy you short victories. Eternity is forever. Call me what you want, say what you will. There is no common sense behind your thought. Only ignorance and hate. The big difference with her becoming president is that the damage she will bring will be irreversible.
You sheeple that stand for Hillary are part of brainwashed and indoctrinated America. Your comments and beliefs show that your souls are lost to an evil that seeks the destruction of this country. Enjoy you short victories. Eternity is forever. Call me what you want, say what you will. There is no common sense behind your thought. Only ignorance and hate. The big difference with her becoming president is that the damage she will bring will be irreversible.


Jesus freak, eh? You poor dear.....aren't you late for a Drumpf rally or a book burning?

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my faith has nothing to do with my political choices. I'm not a fan of trump either. I just thought there was more common sense and freed minds here. I don't need to justify how I feel.
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