Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man

Hating the police does not excuse them from doing their job, or you for reasonably expecting them to do it competently. Anything less is selective enforcement and of course you aren't advocating for that, are you?
Sure, treat people who hate you exactly how you treat people who respect you. Sounds great in theory, but humans are flakey as fuck.
I'm talking about ALL humans -- even the police. Don't expect them all to be heroes.
Ever meet a veteran who was a complete waste of skin? I have. Several, as a matter of fact.
People suck.
A bloodless revolution is a fairy tale the American Revolution was bloody as fuck you want freedom it's going to be bloody. Every revolution was bloody.

And they can try to starve the people but that will turn the entire nation on them so I wish a nigga would. lol

We will have the same weapons soldiers will go AWOL to fight for the country it's really achievable the Taliban is still strong after the entire might of NATO. Not to mention North Korea, Russia and China will most certainly drop us weapons and foreign fighters will come just for the fun and citizenship.

What do you really think will happen when they try to starve over 300,000,000 people?? And how are they going to maintain their own food supply when the people rise up?

Sure people will die but do you really think a protest is going to stop anything? Only thing protesting got us was the War On Drugs.

you keep talking about a revolution but then you just sit on your computer like a pussy.
but don't your guns protect you from tyranny?

They help but bombs are where It's at and really not difficult to make I know an older Green Beret that was taught explosives and many more will be on our side.

I also found a SAS book on war shows you many guerilla warfare tactics can be as simple as burying a board with a nail in it and placing a shotgun shell or bullet and boom one soldier down now they crawl into an ambush. That is actually how the FARC are such bad asses.
They help but bombs are where It's at and really not difficult to make I know an older Green Beret that was taught explosives and many more will be on our side.

I also found a SAS book on war shows you many guerilla warfare tactics can be as simple as burying a board with a nail in it and placing a shotgun shell or bullet and boom one soldier down now they crawl into an ambush. That is actually how the FARC are such bad asses.

you should do your whole revolution thing against the government already and stop being such a pussy about it.
It takes more than a small group of people for a revolution or did you miss what happened in Waco,TX?

then why are you here on rollitup instead of assembling a militia?

drowning-man will join you if you can replace the welfare check that the federal government sends him. he's all about revolution, except for the whole he needs his welfare thing.
Sure, treat people who hate you exactly how you treat people who respect you. Sounds great in theory, but humans are flakey as fuck.
I'm talking about ALL humans -- even the police. Don't expect them all to be heroes.
Ever meet a veteran who was a complete waste of skin? I have. Several, as a matter of fact.
People suck.
I don't expect anything from the police. Most of them were bitches growing up, and having a gun is clearly a substitute for the manhood they're so sorely lacking. Fuck'em.
then why are you here on rollitup instead of assembling a militia?

drowning-man will join you if you can replace the welfare check that the federal government sends him. he's all about revolution, except for the whole he needs his welfare thing.
If he likes weed, rabbits and fish he has no need for a government check but he just needs to help expand the farm I got plenty land.
Police get hardened up when they have to work in the Jail system for a a couple years b4 they go out in public patrol.. during this period they become very hateful of the majority ethnic groups that make up the Jail population ... it's pretty unfortunate though good police officers get labeled the same as bad ones
Police get hardened up when they have to work in the Jail system for a a couple years b4 they go out in public patrol.. during this period they become very hateful of the majority ethnic groups that make up the Jail population ... it's pretty unfortunate though good police officers get labeled the same as bad ones
Only 2 good cops I can think of...
Police get hardened up when they have to work in the Jail system for a a couple years b4 they go out in public patrol.. during this period they become very hateful of the majority ethnic groups that make up the Jail population ... it's pretty unfortunate though good police officers get labeled the same as bad ones
In my world, if you see someone commit a crime and you cover for them you are also a criminal.
In police world, "good" cop sees "bad" cop commit a crime, but covers for him and still gets to keep the "good" cop title.
Can't have it both ways. Good cops witness and cover for their buddy bad cops which makes them bad cops as well.
When the "good" cops clean their house, then they have a leg to stand on, until then they are just criminals in blue.
In my world, if you see someone commit a crime and you cover for them you are also a criminal.
In police world, "good" cop sees "bad" cop commit a crime, but covers for him and still gets to keep the "good" cop title.
Can't have it both ways. Good cops witness and cover for their buddy bad cops which makes them bad cops as well.
When the "good" cops clean their house, then they have a leg to stand on, until then they are just criminals in blue.

It's called 'the blue shield of silence', man, and it's a sick fuckin guise for an established group of maniacal racists and pussies.
On the point of facts, everyone wants to moan about how dangerous a cop's job is. It's not even in the top 50 of fatality on the job statistics. Shit, the military rolled around for a couple decades in UN-armored hummers got blown the fuck up by IEDs and we finally got armored hummers then MRAPs which are like hummers on 10x steroids. Not a single cop has died to an IED and now the fucking cops have MRAPs. That's fucked.