newbie about to make the jump to amateur


New Member
Hi everyone, greetings from the great white north. A friend of mine gave me a bunch of seeds and I did what any passionate horticulturist would do. I planted them. I do smoke but I must confess I planted them more cause I like plants and wanted to see my results. I planted 25 seeds and I'm now left with 5 plants which I think are all female (one is kinda up in the air) now before you answer my questions here's something you should know. I've read a ton of articles in the last few months and I feel non are really my situation. I have no intentions of a high yeild for my first crop I really just planted them in the cheapest way I could find at the time. (regular pots, no special soil, no special water, etc) this is really my learning crop before I spend on anything (lights, fertilizer, etc) I've grown them outside and the sun and water is all they've gotten. That being said I've now fallen in love wit them and hopefully I can get something out of them. I have two indoors and 3 outdoors.

Here's a few questions.

1- Since I'm growing this with absolutely the most basic of methods can I still get something out of them?

2- I've started looking into grow lights and I don't want to spend a fortune I've found this online and it has great reviews any comments?

3- Can I save the male plants and make something out of them like tea, oil, cooking? I just can't get rid of it, it looks so nice and strong I mean worst comes to it I will just put it far away from the females and save it for seeds?

4- I'm not following any of the rules I've read about, this is really plant the seeds, give the plants water and see what happens and learn from this experience. example rules, how much controlled light/sun they get, right now they get whatever the day gives them. They are growing in rather small pots like 8 inch pots. Can I still get something out of them?

5- My next grow will probably happen in winter time, I have a small closet where I will setup. What is the absolute minimum I can get away with? I will obviously need a light.

I appreciate your advice and time, cheers.

Here's some pictures (don't judge, remember what I said)

This is the one I can't tell if it's male of female or maybe both?
You'll get "something" out of your plants yes. May not be much but if you care for them properly it could be a very positive experience.

As far as Indoor goes you need a lot more information before anyone can properly help you out. Are you growing in a sealed room or grow tent? What about fans and order control ? Are you using florescent lights because heat issue? Money problems ? If you are going for the most basic and minimal setup I would recommend:
T5 florescent grow light fixture ( 2 feet or 4 feet in length) a 4 or 6 bulb setup would work. T5 fixtures don't produce a lot of heat and don't cost much to run. You can keep the plants closer than HID lights but they don't produce as heavy of a yield. It's a solid beginner to indoor setup.

Pot size, you're plant will only grow as big as a pot it in, I'm sure you know that. Once the young plants are older enough for a pot transfer try using 3 gallon or 5 gallon pots

Stop caring so much about yield, trust me you will get made fun of, yield is cool and all but as a new grower you need to understand the fundamentals of growing before you see the finish line

For a closet grow check out T5 fixtures

Hope this helps
Do away with the males. You don't want them, not to smoke, not to render down.You don't want to make seeds either, that is a rat hole best left to the pro's.

Look at DWC(deep water culture) for growing in winter. Cheap(ish), and easy to do and good yields.
DWC has inherent issues with it's use. Most of which are temperature related, that's why it is really a winter only method.
Is not organic, only salt based nutes.
Do away with the males. You don't want them, not to smoke, not to render down.You don't want to make seeds either, that is a rat hole best left to the pro's.

Look at DWC(deep water culture) for growing in winter. Cheap(ish), and easy to do and good yields.
DWC has inherent issues with it's use. Most of which are temperature related, that's why it is really a winter only method.
Is not organic, only salt based nutes.

DWC a winter only method!? C'mon now.

Sure keeping temps down in the summer can be a bitch but to say it's a winter only type run is a fallacy.

I'm running a 10 gallon tote I covered top and bottom with reflectix sitting in a small tent in my garage that never hits below 95 degrees while the lights are on and the water never gets above 65.

She's an OG Cheese and thriving with very little heat stress. . .
DWC a winter only method!? C'mon now.

Sure keeping temps down in the summer can be a bitch but to say it's a winter only type run is a fallacy.

I'm running a 10 gallon tote I covered top and bottom with reflectix sitting in a small tent in my garage that never hits below 95 degrees while the lights are on and the water never gets above 65. She's an OG Cheese and thriving with very little heat stress. . .

I yield...Winter only for me.
Gotta keep the root temps down, some can do that naturally and some need to cool the stuff off with electricity...or grow another way. Or do it in winter.
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I live up in Washington state and if you're weather where you live is acting like it is here then you might as well take a weed whacker to your outdoor plants now. They aren't going to do shit outside this year. I've got 8 in the ground in my backyard but my indoor grow is bad ass. Come October it will be slim pickings for anyone relying on their outdoor harvest around here anyway.
Please do not take this as offensive and/or is not intended. There is a difference between cultivation of cannabis and growing some weed. The amount of medicine any farmer can 'get out' of their grow is entirely dependent on the effort the grower puts into it.

IMHO just tossing some seeds in some dirt and/or wanting to be an extreme minimalist is growing some weed. You will need to spend some $ to get good results. The light you linked to is a good start (btw for another $40.00 you can get 400w HID switchable ballast with bulbs and reflector). There is some other equipment you will need. I would say be prepared to spend a good $300-$500 if you want to maximize yield. Knowledge is another necessity...there is literally tons of information available on the www read, watch, listen, and learn. Apply what you read, viewed, heard, and learned to your grow and you cannot fail.
Greeting everyone. Thanks for the advice and the warm welcome. I've been busy, digesting your advice and learning as much as I could with the rest of life in between. So Like I mentioned this started out very basic. It still is but after seeing the plants do so well outside and getting lucky and ending up with 5 females out of the 6. I took more care of them and went a little crazy. I got some stuff nothing fancy it was on a budget. (see pictures) They are coming along really well I should be finishing tomorrow to light seal the grow room and then set it up 12/12. For now I leave you with some picture of my progress. This is all my first time, keep that in mind. I had doubts about my LED but it's been a week and they seem to be liking it. This is what I got I'm looking for a timer the one I got I can't get working :( I'm also looking for a good wireless thermometer and hygrometer or I'll keep the one I have and hook up my wireless camera in there pointing in a way it catches it. How often would you water that size pots? I'm not spending more lol I'm already over budget which was $0 hahaha. It's been fun though tons of fun but on this crazy learning experience I've found a new love that I might end up mixing. Aquaphonics, I just started reading about it and I'm thinking of that as my next project for cooking herbs/tomatoes/small greens. If that goes well I might try it with cannabis. Some more questions for you experienced growers :)

Is my grow tent an adequate size for those 4 plants? It measures 3'x4' it's 8 feet tall.
I'm going to use a miracle grow flowering fertilizer, ***sigh*** I know, crazy! It will work but I would still like your opinion as to why you would not use that?
How often should I water the pots?
When can I clone and what size does the cutting have to be?
I would like your comments on the LED I chose, good bad and why?

I've learned so much from this and I'm loving it. I plan to make edibles with most of what I get. :)
I appreciate your time and hope you are all well when you read this. Cheers!