Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Nah, read the article (and you can check the Politifact rankings yourself) she even edges out Bernie by a couple %. Shocker I know, but true nonetheless.
Ill have to check it out, that would be a shocker no doubt. Bernie comes off as a straight shooter to me, i never really new much about him until a few years ago. He taught at my home town college I think for a semester or two. Though I don't agree with everything he says, he really seemed, at least to me, as someone who held his values throughout his career. That's Unheard of, I mean, the flip flopping I've seen past years gives me a headache. Is the article only about fact checking debates, like wrong % or wrong year type of thing? If so, that makes sense, the debates are pretty incorrect, from all candidates.
So Jill Stein just doesn't exist...
See, your a small breed, man. Not many know about other candidates. Not many people know of other parties honestly, mostly the past generation, my generation caught on quickly.. I just want a change, nothings worked well in the past, just back and forth, yeah, Democrats have a better record, I don't want to settle for better. I want the best we can do. I don't want to vote for the lesser evil, that shouldn't even have to exist
Oh, and rest in peace to the two men slayed by police and rip to the 4 police slayed and the other in the hospital. This year makes me sick.. Martial law will come if this keeps up, seriously.. This is serious shit.. And sad.. So messed up I don't have the right words to say without pissing everyone on both sides off.. But let it be known, if the black man or the police officer were your family, just imagine.. Sad af. And not right.
Yeah, Bernie did teach where I lived. Crazy! He rallied there this year and some of my friends went. It's a small town, never really believed it when I heard it. Shitty city though lolScreenshot_2016-07-08-00-44-18.png
Ill have to check it out, that would be a shocker no doubt. Bernie comes off as a straight shooter to me, i never really new much about him until a few years ago. He taught at my home town college I think for a semester or two. Though I don't agree with everything he says, he really seemed, at least to me, as someone who held his values throughout his career. That's Unheard of, I mean, the flip flopping I've seen past years gives me a headache. Is the article only about fact checking debates, like wrong % or wrong year type of thing? If so, that makes sense, the debates are pretty incorrect, from all candidates.
It's based on statements and claims they have made during their campaign. (This is gonna sound like an ad) PolitiFact is a nonpartisan, pulitzer prize winning fact checking organization that analyzes claims politicians make and rates them on a scale of (True - Mostly True - Half True - Mostly False - False - Pants on Fire False). They don't analyze every statement politicians make per se, mostly ones that other people call out as lies or that make big headlines, and they have in depth analysis to back up each of their rulings and the claims being examined. Here are the ratings for the 4 people we just mentioned:

Trump: True: 2%, Mostly True: 7%, Half True: 14%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 40%, Pants on Fire False: 19%

Johnson: True: 0%, Mostly True: 33%, Half True 33%:, Mostly False: 22%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Sanders: True: 14%, Mostly True: 38%, Half True: 19%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 12%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Clinton: True: 23%, Mostly True: 28%, Half True: 21%, Mostly False: 15%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 1%

Sanders and Clinton are just about neck and neck, but Clinton edges it out with slightly more on the 3 Trues combined and the most Fully True by a considerable margin.
It's based on statements and claims they have made during their campaign. (This is gonna sound like an ad) PolitiFact is a nonpartisan, pulitzer prize winning fact checking organization that analyzes claims politicians make and rates them on a scale of (True - Mostly True - Half True - Mostly False - False - Pants on Fire False). They don't analyze every statement politicians make per se, mostly ones that other people call out as lies or that make big headlines, and they have in depth analysis to back up each of their rulings and the claims being examined. Here are the ratings for the 4 people we just mentioned:

Trump: True: 2%, Mostly True: 7%, Half True: 14%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 40%, Pants on Fire False: 19%

Johnson: True: 0%, Mostly True: 33%, Half True 33%:, Mostly False: 22%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Sanders: True: 14%, Mostly True: 38%, Half True: 19%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 12%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Clinton: True: 23%, Mostly True: 28%, Half True: 21%, Mostly False: 15%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 1%

Sanders and Clinton are just about neck and neck, but Clinton edges it out with slightly more on the 3 Trues combined and the most Fully True by a considerable margin.
Jesus Christ that's sad. Looks like Johnson is I'm the running with how truthful the others are though (not including Trump) - nothing totally true from him it looks like but he's leading in the other truth departments, so that's a good thing. The thing that totally destroyed any chance of me voting for hillary is the lies to the public on the emails.. And even lying under oath about it.. Even if it wasn't a big deal, or even if it was, she lied about all of it.. It would be pants on fire with that rating system. There's others that have been jailed or sanctioned for doing similar things.. Just put a bad taste in my mouth because I think to myself, why lie about those small things? Then I think, well shit, bigger issues would be no problem for her to lie about

It's based on statements and claims they have made during their campaign. (This is gonna sound like an ad) PolitiFact is a nonpartisan, pulitzer prize winning fact checking organization that analyzes claims politicians make and rates them on a scale of (True - Mostly True - Half True - Mostly False - False - Pants on Fire False). They don't analyze every statement politicians make per se, mostly ones that other people call out as lies or that make big headlines, and they have in depth analysis to back up each of their rulings and the claims being examined. Here are the ratings for the 4 people we just mentioned:

Trump: True: 2%, Mostly True: 7%, Half True: 14%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 40%, Pants on Fire False: 19%

Johnson: True: 0%, Mostly True: 33%, Half True 33%:, Mostly False: 22%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Sanders: True: 14%, Mostly True: 38%, Half True: 19%, Mostly False: 17%, False: 12%, Pants on Fire False: 0%

Clinton: True: 23%, Mostly True: 28%, Half True: 21%, Mostly False: 15%, False: 11%, Pants on Fire False: 1%

Sanders and Clinton are just about neck and neck, but Clinton edges it out with slightly more on the 3 Trues combined and the most Fully True by a considerable margin.

lol, 0% for johnson.
lol, 0% for johnson.
You missed the part that Johnson was more mostly true and more half true than Clinton, with the same % flase and Clinton leads with pants on fire ;) so I take it that actually Johnson is more truthful, politically speaking. Also, the statements can be difficult to examine, so while hillary may have said something like "the sky is blue" and Johnson could have said "the water is blue". Depends if someone peed in that water lol.
Oh, also, not to mention all the speaking time she gets to make more statements. I wonder how many questions made up the % from each candidate, if hillary had 200 claims and Johnson only 10, that would skew the results quite a bit. I like the politifact thingy though, kinda cool to track the blunders
You missed the part that Johnson was more mostly true and more half true than Clinton, with the same % flase and Clinton leads with pants on fire ;) so I take it that actually Johnson is more truthful, politically speaking. Also, the statements can be difficult to examine, so while hillary may have said something like "the sky is blue" and Johnson could have said "the water is blue". Depends if someone peed in that water lol.

clinton has 72% of her statements rated half true, mostly true, or true.

johnson has 66%.

wooooooops, your own stupid post backfired on you yet again.
You missed the part that Johnson was more mostly true and more half true than Clinton, with the same % flase and Clinton leads with pants on fire ;) so I take it that actually Johnson is more truthful, politically speaking. Also, the statements can be difficult to examine, so while hillary may have said something like "the sky is blue" and Johnson could have said "the water is blue". Depends if someone peed in that water lol.
You forgot to add in Hillary's Completely True section. Sure she has more Pants on Fire, but only by 1%, whereas she has 23% more Fully True statements than Johnson. Also, there is no need to guess at what they said, they list every single claim and why they rated it the way they did, so there is no guesswork involved.

Here is an example from Johnson's Mostly False section:
"Says the United States has "treaties with apparently 69 countries where we are obligated to defend their borders. And these were treaties that were executive treaties, not authorized by Congress." "Mostly False: The Senate had a say on all but one"
And they have a whole article explaining their research on each claim.