Spread The Seed


Well-Known Member
So, i got really high the other day and started thinking (nobodys done that before). i usually dont get seeds in my weed but every once in a while i will come across some - whether growing or buying. i've even gotten shit weed for cheap that has enough seeds in it to start nature army.

what im getting at is - what if everybody took their unwanted seeds, pulled over on the side of the road/walked to and area, dug a hole, and place a few seeds in the ground? if 100 ppl read this thread and decide to do so 3 times, thats 300 new potential marijuana sites.

the point isnt to be able to guerilla grow and make a lot money/weed for urself. its to make marijuana a more common part of our society. make ppl more aware that this is just a plant. or maybe not just a plant. but something that has benificial purposes and and should be praised instead of criminalized. making it a more common site to the U.S. will inturn hopefully help to decriminalize and maybe even legalize everybodys favorite plant. so everybody - take your unwanted seeds and plant them some where that has sun, soil, and plenty of room to spread. yes ppl will find them, yes ppl will cut them down. but there may be some that dont get caught and spread enough to become an ordinary part of out environment.



Well-Known Member
Dude this is funny cause last night i was fuckin blazed and i had an idea to do the same but with rooted clones... ( cause seeds are more delicate) ....

everyone start planting clones in the summer .....imagine hundreds maybe thousands of female plants just blooming next fall ...all over the country ....:bigjoint:

Easy P

Active Member
I LIKE THE CLONE IDEA...IF YOU GUYS PLANT MALES NEAR SOMEONES GARDEN THEYLL BEAT YOU DOWN...just a heads up ...while were talkin hypotheticly of coarse...lol


Well-Known Member
I shall do this next year as well, will always have clones to spread threw the world
rooted ones of course

like Johny Appleseed! wicked


Well-Known Member
5 ppl on board i love it! clones could work too. and then even ppl planting seeds from their regs and mids, and the occasional krypy seed (prob hermed). but still hermies would work bc eventually they could still seed males and females. unless you stress one of your females to herm.

i like the johnny Appleseed idea! instead- we will all be Johnny Weedseed!!!


Well-Known Member
I LIKE THE CLONE IDEA...IF YOU GUYS PLANT MALES NEAR SOMEONES GARDEN THEYLL BEAT YOU DOWN...just a heads up ...while were talkin hypotheticly of coarse...lol
if u just plant it and dont come back i think your face will be fine. plus i think the farmer would apprech the legalization/decriminalization in the long haul!


Well-Known Member
5 ppl on board i love it! clones could work too. and then even ppl planting seeds from their regs and mids, and the occasional krypy seed (prob hermed). but still hermies would work bc eventually they could still seed males and females. unless you stress one of your females to herm.

i like the johnny Appleseed idea! instead- we will all be Johnny Weedseed!!!

by next spring there could be a shit load of people .....

Just plant it and dont come back to it ....drive by once and a while and make sure its growing...

Im down...:fire:


Well-Known Member
The original idea was called Operation Overgrow Big Bro. It was started by marc Emery in Canada. There are a couple of threads on this forum about doing this. I have been doing it for over 20 years. I live in the boonies and before gas got so expensive, I used to ride around the back roads and get high. While I was out there, I would walk off the road where nobody could see and plant seeds. One year I grew a bunch of bag seeds to about 8 or 10 inches and me and a bud took them out in the country and planted them around. We only did it once that way because it was just too scary riding around with 20 or 30 pot plants in the truck. Just remember one thing, NEVER go back to see how they are doing.

Save your seeds!!!! Here is one of the threads.


Well-Known Member
damn i thought i was original!! i read that post and somebody mentioned putting in your sig to help spread the word, so...... done. im gonna do this every chance i ever get! and im glad that youve gotten a head start on all of this homegrown! im moving to texas in a month i hope its around you and your weed thats freed!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea there's a thread like this all the time, like every week.
Plant them...

I won't bother though, around here they always get stolen before they're mature and gas to drive way out is too expensive.

I just give clones away to those that want them when I have extras instead, that spreads the love and then someone actually takes care of them and grows them out...


Well-Known Member
i like that idea too! just overpopulate the worlds with awesome weed. but i still wanna see it wild on the side of the road
i think if its spread through out the wild or on the sides of roads it will have a bigger impact ....

Dont get me wrong the clone idea is good but when u start giving clone s away , they are still out of sight .... only the grower enjoys em unless hes a dealer ...

i would actually love to see it on the 10 o clock news ....

reporter : this summer there has been a cannabis epidemic... theres wild marijuana plants spotted all over the country .... officials say thay have tore down hundreds of plants but the authorities are out numbered ... theres thousands more.... LOL....

that would be great............:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
honestly ... I think they're still criminalizing cause us pot heads are so chill ....

We're not gonna go out and start a riot ... it wont accomplish nothing but giving us a bad name ...

We gotta think of a way to open theyre eyes ... 12 states are already paving the way and a few more are voting soon... so were getting closer to our goal..

They should just legalize it and make us follow the same rules as alcohol ...

cant smoke till your 21
no smoking and driving (ex: no roaches in the car,no filled up pipes etc.)

Heck i dont mind if i gotta pay tax on each plant i grow or when i purchase some...

Anyway just wishful thinking


Well-Known Member
good shit ceerock, I like the roadside idea too, but do you think if you fed a lot of seeds to animals (birds and shit), speeding up the natural process of nature to reproduce the plant and spread it. Like any other seeded plant animals help it travel threw its poop.

I would be willing to do each of these things to bring back some of the wildlife mary jane plants the DEA has helped to destroy.

Unbfortunately I do not have the resources for a shit load of seeds or clones yet.

But I am "rootin" for some new laws that allows for us to make our own decision on what we want in our bodies and not just what the gov wants us to have. Easy for them to say, you can have caffine, ethanol, narcotics but not !@#$! - our own choice.


Well-Known Member
good shit ceerock, I like the roadside idea too, but do you think if you fed a lot of seeds to animals (birds and shit), speeding up the natural process of nature to reproduce the plant and spread it. Like any other seeded plant animals help it travel threw its poop.
i like the idea but how to u presume we get these wild animals to eat the seeds? or even eat them without crushing them?:leaf:


New Member
This is a great idea, Iv thought of this before too. Would be nice to sacrifice one crop to get a shitload of seedy weed. This cant be done in areas with snow tho right?


Well-Known Member
This is a great idea, Iv thought of this before too. Would be nice to sacrifice one crop to get a shitload of seedy weed. This cant be done in areas with snow tho right?
of course it can! its a weed it grows everywhere! just make sure that you plant them at the right time of year!