Angry Black People please dont shoot just any lightskinned people!

But you are going out of your way to reinforce those views. To use your analogy, that is like saying "yes" to sex, pretending to enjoy the sex, and then still calling it rape because "it's not your job to educate them on the fact that they are wrong about you", specifically your desire for sex. I am saying wear whatever you want, say "no" to sex when you don't want it, and if a guy says "Then why are you dressed that way?" I am telling you to explain to him that wearing skimpy clothes does not equate to consent. To attempt to educate him on reality so he won't go on believing an inaccurate stereotype, to make rape less likely in the future, for everyone, not just yourself. You are saying: "They had a stereotype that because I dress skimpy, I must want sex, so why not give them what they want? It's not my responsibility to change their stereotypes!"
You see, that is where we differ. If the guy asks "Then why are you dressed that way" I'd be more inclined to say something like "Because I want to" or "None of your fucking business". Why on earth should she have to explain why she dresses the way that she does?
You see, that is where we differ. If the guy asks "Then why are you dressed that way" I'd be more inclined to say something like "Because I want to" or "None of your fucking business". Why on earth should she have to explain why she dresses the way that she does?
Ok dude, you just keep being you. You don't want to be part of the solution, that's your choice. When you want to re-join reality and actually work towards progress, I'll be here.
I haven't been to a hip hop concert in ages. I don't really care for the big venues anymore. Although I'm considering riding into DC next weekend to watch Rakim (The GOAT, imo) perform songs from his "Paid In Full" album.
Yeah I know what you mean. I do not care for big venues myself. And tickets can get rather expensive at their show. For instance to be in the pit would cost 70 dollars and not sure if that is before or after taxes, which can be extremely high for concert tickets.
The Rakim concert sounds like fun. East Coast has such great concert venues. I sometimes wish I still lived there.
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Agreed, we really need to provide every police officer with easily accessible military grade weapons and ammunition that goes through body armor like butter. If they had anything even remotely similar to what I keep at hand, they would have made short work out of those muderous scumbags. Although, the robotic bomb blowing that piece of shit apart was a nice touch.
Wait a minute. What happened to all of those open carry citizens? They let them carry guns to kindergarten in Texas. I can't tell you how many times i've heard "If the'd allow us to carry, these incidents could be prevented." :roll:
Yeah I know what you mean. I do not care for big venues myself. And tickets can get rather expensive at their show. For instance to be in the pit would cost 70 dollars and not sure if that is before or after taxes, which can be extremely high for concert tickets.
The Rakim concert sounds like fun. East Coast has such great concert venues. I sometimes wish I still lived there.
I made a mistake, that is 70 dollars for 2 tickets in the pit. thats not too bad for a concert these days!
The Rakim show is at the Howard Theatre, which only seats a couple of thousand and it's all general seating. Tickets are only $26. That's my kind of show. You can keep the big arenas and stadiums. Although I'd make an exception for someone like Prince(RIP), MJ(RIP), or Stevie Wonder.
what about Barry White, Luther VanDross and Rick James and Isaack Hayes?
and dont forget Scott La Rock an KRS one.:cool:
26 bucks is reasonable for a show. and a small venue, sounds awesome.
Yeah, but in this scenario Bob isn't the only one at the table without food. And plus, that post also defends his saying that "Shooting white people isn't cool". Your logic works both ways.

ALSO you should crop out that dude's picture, I would automatically disregard anything a guy who looks like that says. He looks like the douchiest of all douches.

you're making a judgement on his appearance? I think you just had a discharge, use the douche.
I need to start wearing a shirt that says "I'm not white, I'm Latino and light skinned".

I can't be catching shit from all sides of this race bullshit.

Or just a kill the police shirt last thing we need is a race war when the real enemy is the federal government and the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve.

Race war bad.

Revolution good.
Seems like a GREAT way to make progress! Do you ever stop to think about how to actually affect meaningful change, or do you just focus the way you think things SHOULD work?
You seem opposed to change.
exposure to people who do not live into the stereotypes one has grown up holding is the quickest, perhaps only, way to actually break down those stereotypes in the mind of the person who held them, and perhaps allow them to slowly overcome the racism and prejudice they grew up with...
Who cares?
I don't want to be a part of the solution when I'm not a part of the problem. I don't get why this concept is so difficult for you to grasp.

You are part of the problem. You`re a race baiter that lives in a land that "wont let you". So why you still living in the land that "wont let you" ?

You`re a phony. As phony as Snoop Dog. That man is walking through LA asking. That snoop in his early day did nothing but sing about violence and being Gansta, all those young black kids grew up listening and living the Gansta life, Now he walks and asks. He already fucking knows, he don`t need to ask. Where you think his money come from ?
The Rakim show is at the Howard Theatre, which only seats a couple of thousand and it's all general seating. Tickets are only $26. That's my kind of show. You can keep the big arenas and stadiums. Although I'd make an exception for someone like Prince(RIP), MJ(RIP), or Stevie Wonder.

OK three guys with tons of talent. Jackson and Wonder have had enough of the Gansta Music ruining young Black children and the only two say it was a major contributor of the decline in music quality. Talent telling no talent to cut it out.

You would make an exception for real talent and still pay into the main cause of young black kids turning "Gansta"

Not part of the problem ,....If you say so Kat..............
People run from bees in the woods and sharks on the beech because they know better,`s a learned thing, or should I say thang.
That's fine. Let's go with that. Because there is nothing that I can do for a racist other than maybe spit in his/her face. I bear no responsibility in trying to change their minds. I'm just not willing to expend the energy. How is this any different than blaming a rape victim for the way that she's dressed?
Because you're not a victim.
Are you buds with slime ball #1? Same short bus? Same Klan summer kamp? Same liberty Univ flunk outs? Same creation museum science posters?
You got me fucked up. First I'm for sure nitcheschicken, then I'm bignbushy now I'm oddball.

You people....
You got me fucked up. First I'm for sure nitcheschicken, then I'm bignbushy now I'm oddball.

You people....
No bro im just inquiring whether you are acquainted with slimeball #1. Maybe you did court ordered psych counseling together or something similar. I know you arent synonymous.