Angry Black People please dont shoot just any lightskinned people!

Who the fuck is Bob and why is he at their table. Maybe Bob just wandered in off the street and decided he deserved some of their food. Fuck Bob, did he kick in for the food or is he just a freeloader? Maybe Bob doesn't really deserve jack shit. It's a terrible analogy.
You should really consider letting some of that anger go, man. It's affecting your judgement.
Mine is more of a "controlled rage". It has to be to effectively function in this country. America wants to label me as angry anyway, and far be it from me to disappoint.

Fair enough, I can't remember the last time I experienced any type of rage. It's almost always thinly disguised contempt or barely interested disdain. I'm just here for the kabuki theater. Bring on the Aragato.
Mine is more of a "controlled rage". It has to be to effectively function in this country. America wants to label me as angry anyway, and far be it from me to disappoint.
Yes, what better way to break down stereotypes than to live into them, right?
Yes, what better way to break down stereotypes than to live into them, right?
I'm not here to break down your fucking stereotypes. Since when is the burden of proof on those being stereotyped? That's a fucking "YOU" problem, not a me problem. In fact, in many cases, I will go out of my way to perpetuate the stereotype. Do you people ever actually think before you respond? GTFOH
I'm not here to break down your fucking stereotypes. Since when is the burden of proof on those being stereotyped? That's a fucking "YOU" problem, not a me problem. In fact, in many cases, I will go out of my way to perpetuate the stereotype. Do you people ever actually think before you respond?
Seems like a GREAT way to make progress! Do you ever stop to think about how to actually affect meaningful change, or do you just focus the way you think things SHOULD work? Or do you just not give a shit that your actions actually make the situation worse and make progress and cooperation less likely? How do you expect people to change their stereotypes when you are actively making them accurate? Oh wait, you don't care about that because it shouldn't be your job, right?
Seems like a GREAT way to make progress! Do you ever stop to think about how to actually affect meaningful change, or do you just focus the way you think things SHOULD work? Or do you just not give a shit that your actions actually make the situation worse and make progress and cooperation less likely? How do you expect people to change their stereotypes when you are actively making them accurate?
If some narrow minded person wants to stereotype me, I feel that it is my duty to give them what they want.
So instead of blaming a racist (for example) for being racist, you blame me for not going out of my way to try to change the racist's mind? Fuck it then, I'll gladly take the blame for that.
No, I totally blame the racist for being racist. But If you then feed into his or her racism by actively living into their racist stereotypes, I will also call you out on making things worse. I have found that exposure to people who do not live into the stereotypes one has grown up holding is the quickest, perhaps only, way to actually break down those stereotypes in the mind of the person who held them, and perhaps allow them to slowly overcome the racism and prejudice they grew up with so we can all work together towards cooperation and progress. Does it suck that people are racist? Yes. Does that mean you should ignore reality and pursue a course of action that actively makes the situation worse? Of course not. That's how children who are throwing temper tantrums think.
No, I totally blame the racist for being racist. But If you then feed into his or her racism by actively living into their racist stereotypes, I will also call you out on making things worse. I have found that exposure to people who do not live into the stereotypes one has grown up holding is the quickest, perhaps only, way to actually break down those stereotypes in the mind of the person who held them, and perhaps allow them to slowly overcome the racism and prejudice they grew up with so we can all work together towards cooperation and progress. Does it suck that people are racist? Yes. Does that mean you should ignore reality and pursue a course of action that actively makes the situation worse? Of course not. That's how children who are throwing temper tantrums think.
That's fine. Let's go with that. Because there is nothing that I can do for a racist other than maybe spit in his/her face. I bear no responsibility in trying to change their minds. I'm just not willing to expend the energy. How is this any different than blaming a rape victim for the way that she's dressed?
That's fine. Let's go with that. Because there is nothing that I can do for a racist other than maybe spit in his/her face. I bear no responsibility in trying to change their minds. I'm just not willing to expend the energy. How is this any different than blaming a rape victim for the way that she's dressed?
Oh yea, people believing stereotypes about you, that you choose to live into, is TOTALLY equal to you being raped. How could I possibly not see the obvious connection??? That you think there is any equivalency, you have to be so out of touch with reality it is mind boggling. Before I even attempt to address your absurd question, I want you to lay out how you think this stereotyping is equivalent to rape, I want you to explain what your equivalent course of action as the rape victim is, and what you think I am telling you to do.
Oh yea, people believing stereotypes about you, that you choose to live into, is TOTALLY equal to you being raped. How could I possibly not see the obvious connection??? That you think there is any equivalency, you have to be so out of touch with reality it is mind boggling. Before I even attempt to address your absurd question, I want you to lay out how you think this stereotyping is equivalent to rape, I want you to explain what your course of action as the rape victim is, and what you think I am telling you to do.
I didn't say that stereotyping was equivalent to rape, but racism is. Pay attention. You blaming me for my unwillingness to to attempt to change a racists views is very similar to blaming a rape victim for how she's dressed "Maybe if you didn't dress that way, this wouldn't have happened". It is not my job to change a racists mind anymore than it is a rape victim's job to change her clothes.
I didn't say that stereotyping was equivalent to rape, but racism is. Pay attention. You blaming me for my unwillingness to to attempt to change a racists views is very similar to blaming a rape victim for how she's dressed "Maybe if you didn't dress that way, this wouldn't have happened". It is not my job to change a racists mind anymore than it is a rape victim's job to change her clothes.
But you are going out of your way to reinforce those views. To use your analogy, that is like saying "yes" to sex, pretending to enjoy the sex, and then still calling it rape because "it's not your job to educate them on the fact that they are wrong about you", specifically your desire for sex. I am saying wear whatever you want, say "no" to sex when you don't want it, and if a guy says "Then why are you dressed that way?" I am telling you to explain to him that wearing skimpy clothes does not equate to consent. To attempt to educate him on reality so he won't go on believing an inaccurate stereotype, to make rape less likely in the future, for everyone, not just yourself. You are saying: "They had a stereotype that because I dress skimpy, I must want sex, so why not give them what they want? It's not my responsibility to change their stereotypes!"

And P.S. Racism is not equivalent to rape. Racism is equivalent to sexism.
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