The recent violence against police

@A Kitchen sock. I guess he couldn't figure out how to delete...



The cops killed over 1000 people in the us last year.

Chicago is getting out of control.

something is damn sure out of control...
cops aren't like they used to be when I was younger...I've had my civil rights violated during traffic violations, searching vehicle for absolutely no reason, telling me they've had 7 homicides in the area where I was in the last 12 months, etc. WTF did any of that have to do with me?
something is damn sure out of control...
cops aren't like they used to be when I was younger...I've had my civil rights violated during traffic violations, searching vehicle for absolutely no reason, telling me they've had 7 homicides in the area where I was in the last 12 months, etc. WTF did any of that have to do with me?

Lol. Then they told me a guy wearing a John Deere hat riding in a nice truck has no business here...
I don't even know what that meant?

If I was black I could have been shot that evening...cops troll people now, look for any reason to pull you over...
something is damn sure out of control...
cops aren't like they used to be when I was younger...I've had my civil rights violated during traffic violations, searching vehicle for absolutely no reason, telling me they've had 7 homicides in the area where I was in the last 12 months, etc. WTF did any of that have to do with me?
Sounds like profiling. Do you have a criminal record? They need probable cause to search a vehicle unless you give them consent. Quite a few years back I got pulled over by these two cops and harassed a lot. I started recording them and making things more difficult for them to do what ever they wanted. They were canned shortly after. IMO they were both really unstable, this is what happened to one of them. Burn in hell bart you were an asshole and I knew it all those years.
IONIA -- In the little city of Ionia, the Cunningham family has long been a well-known part of the community.

But inside their tidy white house early Friday, authorities say a domestic nightmare played out.

While a 13-year-old girl hid in a bedroom, she relayed to emergency dispatchers the deadly events she could hear transpiring beyond her locked door.

Bart Cunningham
Police say Bart Cunningham, 37, a former state police trooper, shot and injured his stepson, 16-year-old Joshua Snyder, and the teen's mother, 42-year-old Wendy Cunningham. Bart Cunningham then fatally turned the gun on himself, police said.
Authorities were alerted to the incident about 4:30 a.m., when Joshua's younger sister inside the home called police.

She helped provide information for members of an Ionia County tactical team, which took about an hour before entering the home at 418 Baldie St., said David Bulling, director of the Ionia Department of Public Safety.

In the house, police found Bart Cunningham dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and the mother and son suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Police say two guns were likely involved. They both got in trouble this is the other one.
[MI] Grand Traverse Sheriff's Deputy Kipp Needham's domestic: "You're going to have to kill me"

Although Deputy Kipp Needham said that arrestinig officers would have to kill him, the officers didn't. Anyone else - they would have. He is said to have choked a trooper and punched the trooper REPEATEDLY in the face. He was armed - cocked and loaded. There's no clue in the news given to what he did to his wife and his daughter when he assaulted them. OF COURSE his wife wants the protection order dropped. Of course she does. And to his defense attorney and boss, OF COURSE this is an isolated incident materializing out of nowhere. OF COURSE it is. Police say a 12-year veteran Grand Traverse County Sheriff's deputy turned on them, after assaulting his own family... Michigan State Police responded to a domestic situation at the deputy's home... At some point, the troopers say Needham had a loaded and cocked semi-automatic pistol... Needham tried to run from the officers... Needham punched one of the troopers in the face several times... He faces four charges, including domestic violence against two family members and assaulting a police officer.
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Sounds like profiling. Do you have a criminal record? They need probable cause to search a vehicle

Yes they do but they did it anyway...and body search...and searching my bag from work.

I worked 8AM-8PM then drove truck 30 miles to pick up 2 pieces of antique furniture from an ad in newspaper. Got close and stopped to look for address...was trying to engage GPS on phone to locate. Cop passed me in opposite direction then turned around to follow me. I made a left turn without a signal and he pulled me over and called for backup.

3 cop cars for a traffic violation...detained over 30 minutes, asked 500 questions about what I was doing there and then released without a ticket or anything. They searched everything, found nothing and kept repeatedly bitching about the high homicide rate there...

It was a predominantly black neighborhood with a heroin problem. When I got to my destination I asked the guy with the furniture why didn't he tell me about the storm trooper patrol...and he said they never bothered him.

Yeah, you got rights but they can shit on your for a half hour and WTF you supposed to do about it? I started complaining and they threatened to throw me in jail. I could have filed a complaint but what would the remedy be for detaining me for a half hour? Nothing?

Sometimes cops do whatever they want. It was 30 miles away, haven't been back since. 4 or 5 yrs. ago. And they actually said I shouldn't come back...

What would You do? I cant raise my profile above the radar...I got more important things going on than to fight cops over illegal searches...
Yes they do but they did it anyway...and body search...and searching my bag from work.

I worked 8AM-8PM then drove truck 30 miles to pick up 2 pieces of antique furniture from an ad in newspaper. Got close and stopped to look for address...was trying to engage GPS on phone to locate. Cop passed me in opposite direction then turned around to follow me. I made a left turn without a signal and he pulled me over and called for backup.

3 cop cars for a traffic violation...detained over 30 minutes, asked 500 questions about what I was doing there and then released without a ticket or anything. They searched everything, found nothing and kept repeatedly bitching about the high homicide rate there...

It was a predominantly black neighborhood with a heroin problem. When I got to my destination I asked the guy with the furniture why didn't he tell me about the storm trooper patrol...and he said they never bothered him.

Yeah, you got rights but they can shit on your for a half hour and WTF you supposed to do about it? I started complaining and they threatened to throw me in jail. I could have filed a complaint but what would the remedy be for detaining me for a half hour? Nothing?

Sometimes cops do whatever they want. It was 30 miles away, haven't been back since. 4 or 5 yrs. ago. And they actually said I shouldn't come back...

What would You do? I cant raise my profile above the radar...I got more important things going on than to fight cops over illegal searches...
I would've filed the complaint, otherwise they'll do it again. Those two asshole cops that fucked with me were doing that shit to other people for many years. It caught up with them.
I would've filed the complaint, otherwise they'll do it again. Those two asshole cops that fucked with me were doing that shit to other people for many years. It caught up with them.
They kept saying after 30 minutes 'We're being nice and not giving you a ticket for an illegal turn without signaling and for littering. They said my cigarette ash I was flicking on the road was a $200 fine and the turn $180 fine...So you file a complaint and get $380 in fines?

They can fuck with you. They can get together and Iie and say you gave consent to search. They can call your hometown cops and ask about you and say you're causing trouble. They can write you up for shit you didn't do. Now you might need a $5000. lawyer.

Everything is in their favor without a cell phone vid from across the street.
Worst of all, we now have a Supreme Court that gives them all kinds of unconstitutional powers and latitude.

People didn't just suddenly become bad in the last 30 years. Wtf?

Oh. Private prisons. Runaway defense budgets. Militarized police, cuz 'national security'. Monetization of the political system. Outsourcing for corporate profits, while shredding the economic infrastructure of the middle class.

We ARE the frog in the blender, and I feel like I'm the toe that's already been clipped, trying to tell the rest of the lethargic, cold blooded reptile something's bad wrong.
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Ok, first off I'm no fan of the cops. I can't stand most of them, but they serve a necessary purpose. Life without them, would be much worst.

Next, life isn't fair. My father taught me to respect the police, even if I didn't like them. If they say, hands on the steering wheel, that's where they go. If they say get out of the car, I get out slowly, with my hands in clear sight. What seems to be left out of a lot of these Whitey the Cop killed a person of color reports is the bulk of what happened before the trigger got pulled.

Most of the people, both black and white, where not cooperating or acting aggressively. I said Most, not All. This is where the Black Lives Matter leaders calling for Killing Cops, are getting it completely wrong.

When the cops fuck up, and kill someone who clearly didn't have it coming, because the cop overreacted, that's a senseless, unjustified killing, a murder. When people kill cops because some guy a state or two over gets killed, it's the same stupid shit. A senseless, unjustified killing, a murder.

Do the shitheads, at Black Lives Matter, calling for the killing of cops, really think killing innocent cops will stop Black men from being killed by the cops ?

No you clueless shit heads, it will only ramp up how cops behave. After all you idiots just declared War on them. It will only make things worst, much worst, mark my word.

3 % of all the whites killed by cops were unarmed. 3 % of all the blacks killed by cops are unarmed. 97 % of the time, the person the cop is actually going up against is armed. Of those the FBI says 83 % are openly threatening to kill someone. Now, I know folks are going to say the FBI lies. Sure, everyone lies. The system isn't perfect, and numbers can be manipulated.

The truth still remains, living in the USA is much safer than most other countries. No country on the face of the earth is 100 % fair in their dealings with anyone.

It's wrong of people to jump to conclusions who weren't actual witnesses to these events. The Alton Sterling video, doesn't tell you Police were called to a quickie stop store, for a report of a man selling cd's, in a red shirt, who pulled a gun and pointed it at a person he had a disagreement with. No one was recording as Alton refused to comply with the cops instructions, it doesn't show him having to be tazzed twice, before they physically took him to the ground. And no one except the two officers trying to get him into cuffs, saw where his right hand was, and if he was grabbing for that gun in his pocket.

The gun, no convicted felon is supposed to have. So let's review, the cops were sent to the store because someone pulled a gun and pointed it at another during an argument. They tried to talk him into cooperating first (that didn't work), next they tazzed him, and tried to get cuffs on him (that didn't work), they tazzed him a 2nd time (that didn't work), last straw it got physical (that's where the video picks up). I say let the FBI investigate it, and if the cops where in the wrong, put their asses in prison for life, or fry em'.

Killing the cops in Dallas has now made life harder for all of us. This is the dumbest, most unjustified shit I've ever seen in my life. Obama, a fan of Black Lives Matter, will be right there, telling us all how he's going to make America safer, by taking all our guns. It's the same old Demo-crackhead agenda, let's take all the guns, so only we the elite, the military, and the cops have em'. Then we can rule over you peasants, and you'll never be able to fight back. Our position will be so strong with gun control, we'll rule your asses anyway we see fit, after all, what you going to do about it. Free speech will be next.

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Black people live in the country too, and they get shot more there too. All the candy paint and gold teeth and all that didn't start in the inner city, it started out where there are black people raising horses and stuff. Like East Texas, or Louisiana or Arkansas.
@UncleBuck You must be completely asleep.
Don't take my word. Whitey, white didn't make these people says and do these things.

^^^^^ now this is how you deal with such idiots, arrest them, prosecute them, and be done with it.
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Malcolm X said that it was better not to desegregate, because God didn't want it. And that desegregation would bring disfavor from God to both peoples.
@UncleBuck . Funny how anytime someone gets the best of you, you report them for spam. The first video is of a Black Lives Matter leader.
UncleBuck = obvious "small minded" snitch. << it's deeply embedded in a certain type.
UncleBuck like the queen in that video, you spew shit 24/7 and stir it up .
You can find 100's of videos like these, even a new Facebook page called " Fuck12 ", celebrating the shooting and killing of white cops. I, as an American, find such sites, and post totally disgusting.
Black Lives Matter & the KKK .... Same stupid, racist people, calling for the murder of the other. Both need to be dismantled, and those individuals (of either group) encouraging others to kill, should be locked up, period.
Ignoring the problem, never solves it. Oh, I almost forgot, you're a HillaryBot, you're accustomed to ignoring the truth, and believing only what certain people tell you.
Now rant on SJW UncleBuck, if you run out of things to say, just use a few of these scripted ones:

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