Stretched out seedlings


Active Member
Whats the best fix for a seedling that has stretched out too much. I have put it closer to the light, a few inches away, and plan on adding more soil around the base. Is this a good idea? or should I just transplant the plant all together?



Well-Known Member
Whats the best fix for a seedling that has stretched out too much. I have put it closer to the light, a few inches away, and plan on adding more soil around the base. Is this a good idea? or should I just transplant the plant all together?
yeah exactly, when you transplant bury the stem it'll grow roots. You don't have to transplant now.


Well-Known Member
Too early to transplant, add medium up until its almost flush with the tip of the cup. They will be fine just don't overwater I like to use 1/2c hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water for added O2 it allows more frequent water and feeding.


Well-Known Member
I just ruined a seedling by transplanting it too soon. I'd move the light closer and give it a stick or something to prop up until it has it's second leafs then I'd move it to a bigger container and bury some of that long stretchy stem.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to bury that seedling. Move the light closer and just prop it up with something. The stem will eventually strengthen.


Well-Known Member
Too early to transplant, add medium up until its almost flush with the tip of the cup. They will be fine just don't overwater I like to use 1/2c hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water for added O2 it allows more frequent water and feeding.
This is a good suggestion. Get a fan gently blowing that seedling it will strengthen that stem. And I would bury the stem a bit when stans planting.


Well-Known Member
Burying the stem is actually a common method used during transplant to create roots along the surface area of the buried stem, can't go wrong with a bigger root system. Doubt its bad enough to need support, if it can't support itself it's Gods unwanted plant.. lol.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what your setup is like. If Your running cfls then yes get them closer. If you have hid its most likely genetics making it strech.
Ya you can top the soil off to give them more support. Be careful not to let it dry much or it will fall over that's what happened to mine. Maybe stake it up with a piece of wire?

I ended up pulling them out, knocking some dirt off and re planting them in the same container a little lower. I tore about half the tap root off of one doing so and it still lived so what ever you decide I'm sure it will be ok


Well-Known Member
When i get stretchy seedlings like that i cut all the way down a straw and clip the straw around her so she's inside the straw with the top leaves poking out and bury the straw a little bit, after 3 days, strong stem, fills out straw.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Too early to transplant, add medium up until its almost flush with the tip of the cup. They will be fine just don't overwater I like to use 1/2c hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water for added O2 it allows more frequent water and feeding.
Peroxide is only ok if it is not organic