Breeders Boutique


Well-Known Member
i must say all the new strains are rocking it..CQ48s are going really nice,Smelly Cherrys,and Plemons all look gr8..will post pics later.....BUT is anyone rocking the Plemon x SC..This has to be one of the most amazing plants I've had the privilege of growing..just fucking amazing growth structure and smell.i sure hope the flowers match..will def be my Grail Strain if so... just thinking out loud...much love and peace BB fam:bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Some pics of the Plemon X SC..i tryed standing back so u can get an idea how much more faster and bigger then every other strain in the room she is ahead, i have 7 different strains and i think 21 different phenos...but gonna finally pick 4 winners and run each one under there own light...hope pics turned out ok:|

Bottom Half Right Side-- Plemon X SC

Back Side Shot --Plemon X SC with rest of the ladies

Plemon Fems Top Right & Few SKxDBs'

CQ48s' Top Left Half--

Full Room of "BB Strains'" saying there morning Prayers:razz:

DIY Cobs Definitely Impressing me vs HPS previous runs..Feeling good about the LEDs shining on the BB strains..Peace and Love to all
Stay Green:blsmoke::peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Some pics of the Plemon X SC..i tryed standing back so u can get an idea how much more faster and bigger then every other strain in the room she is ahead, i have 7 different strains and i think 21 different phenos...but gonna finally pick 4 winners and run each one under there own light...hope pics turned out ok:|

Bottom Half Right Side-- Plemon X SC

Back Side Shot --Plemon X SC with rest of the ladies

Plemon Fems Top Right & Few SKxDBs'

CQ48s' Top Left Half--

Full Room of "BB Strains'" saying there morning Prayers:razz:

DIY Cobs Definitely Impressing me vs HPS previous runs..Feeling good about the LEDs shining on the BB strains..Peace and Love to all
Stay Green:blsmoke::peace:
That is going to be one full garden man! real nice work. bet it stinks in there by now.