whats a bad trip and how can i have one?


Well-Known Member
Ive had the same trip on shrooms the past half dozen times. Ita so interesting but i want to experience this bad trip that people talk about, that way, i can say

Hey people heres my bad trip but since i have a lot of experience and stuff here is how my mind reacted and what i did to instantly change it so you guys take this info and stop having bad trips

You are kidding yourself.

First, you don't want a bad trip, it is consulate he'll on earth.

It can affect you for days, weeks or months afterwards.

Second, what has you believe you can just slip out of one? There are very likely realms you have not experienced. Those places do not release you easily.


Well-Known Member
I know someone that is stuck in a bad trip, he thinks hes a plant and used too water himself on the front lawn, now he in a mental hospital, bad pills whoop yoh assss

You should look at one of the first stickies. It is extremely rare that a normal person will send himself into a permanent mental state through the use of Lsd.

It may trigger latent schizophrenia but otherwise, probably not.


Well-Known Member
I had a weird trip but the next day i had déjà vu so bad i almost wanted to stop tripping permanently.

I took a nap at work, and as soon as i closed my eyes all i saw was my room and me sitting on my bed and everything going trippy and turning white and trippy and basically the exact same thing i saw the day before.

And during my trip the day before one visual was me lying down, taking a nap at work.

Scared me to death man, im stuck! One day im gonna wake up and be stuck in my first acid trip


Well-Known Member
Take a large dose of acid and watch Enter the Void or stay up for a week on meth then watch a bunch of illuminati conspiracy Obama is the antichrist videos on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
I had a weird trip but the next day i had déjà vu so bad i almost wanted to stop tripping permanently.

I took a nap at work, and as soon as i closed my eyes all i saw was my room and me sitting on my bed and everything going trippy and turning white and trippy and basically the exact same thing i saw the day before.

And during my trip the day before one visual was me lying down, taking a nap at work.

Scared me to death man, im stuck! One day im gonna wake up and be stuck in my first acid trip
You're playing with fire. You'll get burned.


Well-Known Member
My first attempt is gonna be sunday night after work. Gonna deprive myself of sleep and try to reflect on chaos and negative thoughts.

I think, what is gonna happen, is that i will start feeling negative and have a shift in perception that makes me feel right again. That shift is what i want so maybe i can report back how i was feeling negative and how i got out of it
If you really want a bad trip just go hang out with a bunch of drunk rednecks with no way to escape.


Well-Known Member
Work in progress. When finished it will probably be very long.

So i attempted to put myself into a bad mindstate and force a bad or negative trip on myself. The intended reason was to go back when finished and see what i did to right the ship as it were.

I forced some dark thoughts in my head, forced myself to confront some helpless feelings i was having. The bad experience actually didnt happen until thw next day, and it almost had me never wanting to trip again. Almost.

I thought heavily about how helpless i was in some circumstances. At around 10:30 pm. I took 5 300 mic hits of lsd and put them in my mouth. I took a shower and preoccupied myself with cleaning and looking at some rc i had.

By 11, i had completely forgotten that i had taken anything. I had swallowed the tabs, decided not to take some rc, and as i has spent almost a full week sleep depriving myself, i got so tired and just went to bed. Around 11:15-11:20 i got a text from a friend asking me how i was doing.

Around this time, rainman posted a very very very creepy pic here. Totally ruined the next half hour or so for me.

I was beginning to notice it was getting hard to see, but foe some reason could not for the life of me remember why. I cleaned my glasses, rubbed my eyes, got 3-4 blankets cause i was freezing cold. And made the mistake of looking at rainmans reply to a post someone made on shroomery. (Someone being me but i couldn't remember who at the time) this creepy face got really huge and bubbly and started stretching like it was going to reach out and grab me, which i just couldnt cause the picture was alive for some reason.

Everything around me disintegrated. But in about a span of 5 seconds. When it melted, i found myself standing alone, on the side of a one lane highway. There was a big blue bus parked next to me. A small diner with a glass roof, green and blue trim, and white lights was close by. Sand was the only thing i could see, and it was night time. I was alone. I didnt know how i had gotten there, what was going on. The only thing i knew, was that there at some point had been a man driving the bus, and about 6-8 people i knew who had been riding the bus with me. We had stopped at the diner, because i needed salt. Everyone else was gone though. I wandered around for a few minutes before entering the diner and asking for salt, which they did not have. I wandered back out looking for my friends and to see who was driving. My buddy texted me back, and it snapped me out of the desert into my room. He asked how i was doing again, and i said i was hopelessly lost. Where the fuck are you? Whos driving the bus, where is the salt, and who is driving, we have to leavez there is a creepy face out there (somewhere in the desert i thought) and i dont want to be stuck here when creepyface geta back.

My friend had no clue what i was saying, and did the best thing that a non tripping person could do during a freak out.

He said
Mike. Youre on a drug. Everything will be ok. Just go with it. What bus, what driver?
I asked him what drug? I didnt take anything, im lost in the desert and need to find this salt.

You are on lsd. It is powerful but you can handle it.

Whos on lsd?
You are mike. Just tell me what you see.

Me? Im on lsd? Since when?

Since 1030.

I explained to him the situation, and realized that not only was i outside wandering the desert, i was in the really melty room. I began to look for salt while in my room.

At this point, im maybe half an hour from the peak. The effects are increasing and getting stronger. And im just losing it completely.

I return to the desert, and i see the diner, but from a different angle.

Please note: i experienced three seperate realms while tripping. If i say i was at the diner, the other two stopped existing, and all i knew or had known was that scene there. If i was in the room in my basement, that was all i knew. If i saw the "other realm" that was all. And it encompassed the other two scenes, as well as everything else that could possibly exist. For the most part i used my phone but was unaware of it. When i finally calmed down, i had about 7 hours worth of texting i didnt know i sent.

I wandered around and went back into the diner, asking for salt. The couple people inside were getting annoyed and asked why i needed it, which i could not remember why. All i knew was i needed salt. After going outside, and wandering around i came to a black pool in the sand, and fell in by accident. I "fell out" into my room, everything swirling and a white haze now spreading out.

No recollection of how i got to thw room, just again the craving for salt, and a message from my friend asking what was up. Apparently, when i went to the "desert" i was still using my phone but unaware of it.

I saw a message from my friend and asked him what was going on. He said

You're on acid. You took lsd.

Lsd? Whats that?

A very strong drug. Just ride it out.

Im on lsd. Im on lsd. Wait! Im on lsd. I took it around 1030, and now i have to find this salt i lost!

Why do you want salt? Are you hungry?

No i just need this salt.

I was going through my drug stash, and then i found an envelope with a white paste inside. The outside of the envelope said 4aco det ghb

At this point im still getting higher. Im forgetting that im tripping or anything. But... I just found my salt.

I was nervous about eating the salt because part of my mind saw the other label and was trying desperately to remember why.

I told my friend i found my salt, but couldnt remember what 4aco det or ghb tasted like.


Well-Known Member
Well. If it tastes like salt, i THINK ill be ok (note:ghb tastes incredibly salty. I knew this and was trying to remember, my tripping mind told me to check everything out first. After smelling and checking it out, i determined it was safe [was gonna try a haloperidol, but i remember what it did to my dad so I wasnt sure that was the best bet. Also the ghb was in a location all by itself because i set it aside for emergency use only, which was why it was hard to find)

I began to scoop out the salty ghb, very very slowly qnd carefully eating it. I ate 2 grams over the course of about 6 hours.

About 15 minutes after eating a couple small chunks, i had that first eureka moment.

I texted my friend

Ghb is salty

Is it i dont know.

No. My salt i found it. It wasnt in the diner. It was ghb.

Now, im partially in my room and partially in tbe desert, i could see each part clearly and exist in both spots. Ive never experienced that and it was incredibly overwhelming.

Ghb can be used to help a trip going wrong, this was my first time using anything like it to help a trip.

Even after the ghb, my texts to my friend were garbled and a loop of

Its too much i cant see
Whats wrong?
What happened to me?
I cant see with my eyes
Im cold
Wait i took lsd
Whats happening its too much
I cant see
I took lsd?
Its too much

He did the one thing a person should do when having a bad trip, he just calmly reminded me that i was on lsd, he asked me to explain what was happening. He never tried to take control, just putting subtle hints out there about things that would keep me grounded in this reality.

The entire loop up until this point was maybe 45 minutes.

While standing outside the diner, i could hear creepyface in the background of the desert somewhere, and got scared that this thing full of negativity and evil scariness was going to find me, and id never return. I waited by the blue bus for what seemed like forever trying to see where my friends were and wondering who had come with me in the first place. A fog started rolling in and multicolored lights lit the ground. The sky stayed pitch black however.

The part of me that existed in my room was experiencing a white multicolored fog as well. Soon, in both places i began to see the colors form bubbles.

Imagine that someone just blew millions of soap bubbles at you. Instead of popping, they stay there, bouncing off each other. Instead of reflecting normally (reflecting what is on the outside of the bubble) each bubble had a different reflection. In one, i saw myself in the desert. In one i saw myself in my room, and so on.

I began to text my friend, and when i did at this point. The next 2-3 hours were all my hands on autopilot, i did not see my phone or anything. I did not exist as myself, i did not exist period.

I said
I feel like a paragraph. I am just words now, conveying the meanings of existence. I am everything. I am nothing. I am all that was, is now, and will come.

As I was experiencing this, i was going in and out of these colored bubbles trying to find the original one. Each bubble was a different memory from different versions of this universe. I will post a seperate thread about just this part. I couldnt see anything when i had my eyes open, there was just way too much stuff and movement and i couldn't see my body, so where was i looking from? Somehow i held up my arm but i couldn't see it at all. I texted my friend, what are fingers if at the subatomic level they don't exist?

Nothing in the room existed, i was compeltely overwhelmed by visuals, i could close my eyes and see behind me and above and below me, i could see around the corner and up the stairs, i could see outside of the house, at work, at places i hadnt been yet, places I had been before. People i knew and didnt know and hadn't met yet interacted with me. I saw multiples of different memories, each one slightly different.
I saw myself at work and felt myself wake up from a nap and then start working, after hearing voices which woke me up.
I began to look around the visuals because i always see a snake, but i didnt see it this time, which was scary because its always with me on trips and this time im not sure where when what who why how anything and it wasn't there to protect me or whatever. I began to have this feeling that i was the snake, Quetzalcoatl and i was experiencing existence as it for a while. I began to shift around the balls of light trying desperately to find where i had come from, what was going on please let me see anything familiar.

I got the sensation that i was the paragraphs and sentences that were being written, and that something was taking notes. I then realized that there was a song being played
Ommanipadmehum om mani padme hum


Well-Known Member
As a tip... only bad trip I've ever had was with a woman who had already horribly broken my heart twice and I was trying to give the relationship one more shot. I know, I know. Trust me, I'm over that lady now, but I wasn't then.

Anyway, we were at a BnB out in the country and doing a nice bit of some really strong weed. When we crawled into bed, under the covers, all I could see when I closed my eyes were harpy talons coming from her side of the bed and tearing into my flesh. Thanks, Freud, appreciate that one! :)

Went and sat in the living room with all the lights on until sunup. Didn't come down from that one until breakfast. Never did tell her about it, just "I'm feeling nauseous."

I can send you her phone number if you want, lol. :)


Well-Known Member
Have enough bad trips and it will ruin psychodelics for you for years. At least for that particular substance. It's like that for me with DMT now. Time for something new;)
I have never had a bad trip on shrooms or acid. Well one on acid but that was caused by someone screwing with us while camping and thought they were going to kill us.

Anyways, the worst experience I ever had was on pot. One of those heart pounding, sweaty palms, feeling like you're going to die. It turned me off of pot for a few years.

Even after starting back and smoking a lot I still will only hit a new strain or unknown weed a couple times until I know how it affects me.


Well-Known Member
I have never had a bad trip on shrooms or acid. Well one on acid but that was caused by someone screwing with us while camping and thought they were going to kill us.

Anyways, the worst experience I ever had was on pot. One of those heart pounding, sweaty palms, feeling like you're going to die. It turned me off of pot for a few years.

Even after starting back and smoking a lot I still will only hit a new strain or unknown weed a couple times until I know how it affects me.
That happened to me my first time smoking weed.