wtf plant looks like haunted house

No chemicals needed.
View attachment 3729889
Its documented in my thread. Two treatments a few fays apart and a couple doses added to my watering as a systemic.

It works.

Ah, hippie juice. Every other kind of hippie juice that I have tried or heard of all seem to be equally ineffective. I will ask around to see if anyone else I know has tried this method. Good on you if you have been able to get it to work 100%. From my experiences, the only two options that I know work for sure are the two that I mentioned. It would be great to add a third option to the list.

I made the pepper spray but no use yet. The M. Wash has made a wax like shinny coating on the leaves. I assume it kinda seals the leaves up Like a barrier of sorts

Good luck. I have tried every kind of pepper spray imaginable. Other than burning the shit out of your eyes, skin and lungs when applying them they don't seem to do a damn thing for mites. Make sure you wear protective gear if you're going to douse your room with a strong concentration of habanero spray, or whatever. It's better to dip plants if you're going to try a pepper solution. Coverage is better and it keeps the stuff from going airborne.
OK 27. If this don't work I get the captains. Sounds bad but I don't care about using chemicals to kill any infidel! I grow for only me couple friends.
If worse came to worse, I will turn it all into hash.
I would rather puff that all day anyway! Lol (I wish)
I did take everything out of my grow cab and clean it good and then sprayed with bleach water. I then added a fresh coat of paint.

Just using water on them greatly reduces their numbers but too much water sprayed on them during flower can cause rot.
Ah, hippie juice. Every other kind of hippie juice that I have tried or heard of all seem to be equally ineffective. I will ask around to see if anyone else I know has tried this method. Good on you if you have been able to get it to work 100%. From my experiences, the only two options that I know work for sure are the two that I mentioned. It would be great to add a third option to the list.

Good luck. I have tried every kind of pepper spray imaginable. Other than burning the shit out of your eyes, skin and lungs when applying them they don't seem to do a damn thing for mites. Make sure you wear protective gear if you're going to douse your room with a strong concentration of habanero spray, or whatever. It's better to dip plants if you're going to try a pepper solution. Coverage is better and it keeps the stuff from going airborne.
Its not hippie juice. Its made from a bacteria found one place on earth. It kills all kinds of things. It even kills bees. Its why I won't use it on my outdoor garden.

Feel free to ask around but I know it works and anyone that followed my thread knows it worked. It is documented.

A lot of organic stuff works.

The biggest thing is plant health. Unhealthy plants attract pests.

A person can also use plants that mites prefer.
I am replacing ALL trays,sticks & pots. Anything & everything will be sterile as I can
No one goes in the room but me & hub. So no prob there. I walk around bare foot so no shoes in there ever.
In Alaska everyone takes shoes off @ front door no matter the season.
First summer I can't wait for winter!
@ least they can't transfer into house in -10! Lol
Hey you guys I listen to you All & all of you have priceless info! Yes I totally luv organic. The problem is sooo many bugs are resistant to the more gentle treatments.
I too have tried Dr. Bronners soap & water stuff to kill ants off of corn in AZ. No love. Those huge huge fat black ants just flipped me off & said hey thanks lady we needed a drink.
A white chalk line kept them away. Don't know why but it worked
Its not hippie juice. Its made from a bacteria found one place on earth. It kills all kinds of things. It even kills bees. Its why I won't use it on my outdoor garden.

Feel free to ask around but I know it works and anyone that followed my thread knows it worked. It is documented.

Cool, thanks. If I ever get mites again I'll give it a shot, but I doubt it will happen. I've had my fair share of experiences dealing with mites in the past. I'm so terrified of getting them again that I practice what I preached above.

A lot of organic stuff works.

I have found this not to be the case at all. The problem is that none of the organic methods kill the eggs. The reason is because there is no such thing as a organic ovacide. If I'm wrong and there is some new miracle product out there, please let me know.

The biggest thing is plant health. Unhealthy plants attract pests. A person can also use plants that mites prefer.

I agree with the comment that unhealthy plants attract pests, but mites do not discriminate. Mites prefer ALL kinds of marijuana plants as well as Hydrangeas and any other soft leafed plant. You could have the healthiest pot plants on earth and they will get DESTROYED by mites if even one of those little fuckers hitches a ride early in the plant cycle.
Cool, thanks. If I ever get mites again I'll give it a shot, but I doubt it will happen. I've had my fair share of experiences dealing with mites in the past. I'm so terrified of getting them again that I practice what I preached above.

I have found this not to be the case at all. The problem is that none of the organic methods kill the eggs. The reason is because there is no such thing as a organic ovacide. If I'm wrong and there is some new miracle product out there, please let me know.

I agree with the comment that unhealthy plants attract pests, but mites do not discriminate. Mites prefer ALL kinds of marijuana plants as well as Hydrangeas and any other soft leafed plant. You could have the healthiest pot plants on earth and they will get DESTROYED by mites if even one of those little fuckers hitches a ride early in the plant cycle.
I will revise one statement. Organic stuff works if used regularly. Diatamacous earth works great but don't use it in flower because breathing it from smoking has serious health effects.

Mites really don't prefer cannabis normally. If they are brought in to a grow area they will infest but usually prefer other plants given the choice.

Yea they are a pain.
I will say this. I gro heirloom seeds in my veggie garden. I save the seeds from the previous harvest.

As the plants acclimate over a few generations the need for pest control is less and less. I haven't put one product on my garden this year.

Its not feasible for all of use to breed and acclimate cannabis.
Hey my plants are healthy. I had no signs but 3 lower leaves did look shitty. That's all. That's it! No yellow
leaves nNada. I go take pic of em so you can see. So when I saw that web I was like wtf!
I @ home most days& all day too! I am always all over em.
I truelly believe ALL us growers need to examine leaves lookin good or bad with a Magnifier once a week. I. Am from now on.
I thought I saw an egg, I think it was
jjust a speck of dirt! No smear. Paranoia burning now! Lol
A little Paranoia is good keeps you on your toes- vigilant. Hydrostore peeps said its the worst & most common prob.
Ya things were goin too good. Lol
No I like to grow Everything.
I found nothing on the houseplants. Weirdo bugs
I have battled with mites several times in my 28 years of growing. I got rid of them for good in 2013 using the nuclear option and I have not had any since.

Damn thats a hella long infestation lol, glad you took care of it. If it ever happens again, give mighty wash a try. Its a contact killer and preventitive all in one, kind of hard to ignore the working evidence through the scope too. I have seen it stop full blown webbed up infestations one crack indoor multiple times. That's not to say it will work on all mites though, maybe some species have a different exo thats unaffected by MW? Idk
Damn thats a hella long infestation lol, glad you took care of it.

Well, it's a product of living in an area (Nevada County, CA) where there is a lot of growing going on. Pretty much everyone I know around here has mites. Half of them lie about it and claim that they don't, but nearly all of them do. I kept getting mites because I was getting local clones that had them. It didn't look like they had mites when I got the clones, but around week 5-6 of flowering they would be noticeable and by week 7-8 I would be vacuuming webs off the tops of my buds. It pains me to admit that, but yep I have had some problems with mites over the years. I would also go long stretches without seeing any, but I noticed that it was because I was growing from seed during those stretches and I wasn't contaminating my grow with strange clones.

So, if you live in an area where there is a lot of pot being grown, it's wise to be especially vigilant about accidental contamination. My mistake was that I was dumb enough to believe people when they handed me some clones and said "oh yeah, they have been treated for mites and they are 100% clean". Take my advice and assume that the opposite is true whenever someone feeds you a bs line like that. Maybe they are telling the truth, but you can't afford to be wrong. Mites are the WORST.
Well, it's a product of living in an area (Nevada County, CA) where there is a lot of growing going on. Pretty much everyone I know around here has mites. Half of them lie about it and claim that they don't, but nearly all of them do. I kept getting mites because I was getting local clones that had them. It didn't look like they had mites when I got the clones, but around week 5-6 of flowering they would be noticeable and by week 7-8 I would be vacuuming webs off the tops of my buds. It pains me to admit that, but yep I have had some problems with mites over the years. I would also go long stretches without seeing any, but I noticed that it was because I was growing from seed during those stretches and I wasn't contaminating my grow with strange clones.

So, if you live in an area where there is a lot of pot being grown, it's wise to be especially vigilant about accidental contamination. My mistake was that I was dumb enough to believe people when they handed me some clones and said "oh yeah, they have been treated for mites and they are 100% clean". Take my advice and assume that the opposite is true whenever someone feeds you a bs line like that. Maybe they are telling the truth, but you can't afford to be wrong. Mites are the WORST.
I agree mites can be worse in certain areas. You should see tropical areas with hardly any winter, those bastards literally live in pretty much everyones back yard year around. Its a common pest in those types of tropical areas guarenteed to take unhealthy plants with them whenever in sight, so dont feel to bad. at least you got a winter.

Man that was rule #1, dont believe anyone who says the clone is clean lmao, even if they are clean the fact they have to be carreid from indoor to outdoor into a car, back outdoor then back indoor is more then a good enough reason to quarantine and dunk if you want to house them indoor.
When winter hits won't have to worry about dragging them in from outside. IMG_20160711_161242.jpg idk but i cant find anymore evidence of eggs of adults. It does say can work in one app. But really? I fo feel the one plant was just caught in time cause i found no eggs on the underside of leaves @ the top
I already got new trays. I get my pots from Lowes & bla bla. My point is I don't get all supplies from one local. So I completely saturated them All in the tub so they really got a massive dose. Says to on the bottle. 49 buck for a gallon not bad price for up here. The Aza was 31.
I only do beans. Our pot store not open yet. I enjoy the seed process anyway now that I no paper towel. I a terrible peaker so I have to go straight into peat pellet & straight to dome. Works marvi!
When winter hits won't have to worry about dragging them in from outside. View attachment 3729990 idk but i cant find anymore evidence of eggs of adults. It does say can work in one app. But really? I fo feel the one plant was just caught in time cause i found no eggs on the underside of leaves @ the top
I did the same thing when i first tried it. I fought and fought red mites with garlic/peppers/neem/tobacco and a bunch of shit for weeks in flower, all it really did was set them back a few days but never really killed them off. Then i tried MW, and i was dazed & confused at why it all worked one time after ive been fighting for weeks! I was checking the plants every 6 hours and still couldn't believe it. The next year i got hit again with double spotted mites from bringing shorts blue dream clones, never really noticed till early flower and once again, mw wiped them completly one time and i giggled LOL