that doesn't explain why england has so much less gun crime though, peckerwood.
Because (sorry for any offense) it is a civil country and the people there understand if 99% of people don't have guns.. it's hard for 99% of people to get guns. It also helps that it is an island to limit smuggling, can't deny that. America is also riddled with capitalist gun mercs who play on the constitution to make you think you are a bad human being for not wanting to protect your fmily with a gun. Naturally it's a snowball effect because as most people ae dumb and will buy a gun leading to more chance of shootings, this only consolidates the capitalists lies of ''you must protect yourself''. They constantly spin up fear and panic and that is a damn good way of forcing panic buying in a market where the solution is the problem is the solution.
The American constitution is out dated, that is a very real fact any sane, balanced American has no doubt come to terms with. England should be the model of what you seek to achieve, although it also has it's own capitalist problems but at-least with less damaging results.
However it's more likely America is too far gone at this point. Blacks are still pitted against whites no better than ever, cops against civilians and so on. The country is a collection of gangs defined by shallow face values all thrown into a mad max dome with weapon of choice. You could say remove guns from civilians but even the cops are too violently warped to be trusted. It will liekly take decades for America to change the tune of their horrible cultures.