Thoughts on controlling botrytis


Well-Known Member
What's up y'all? So far I'm having a great season,,,,,,that is until I just noticed blackish coloring appearing on all the newer growth on 4 of my 10 plants. I am growing guerrilla style and my location is in an opening that has a ton of runoff and contains a bunch of overgrowth, multiflora roses, duck's crop, and other various weeds, cutting down on adequate airflow. Strike 3 is the loaction doesn't receive alot of morning sun causing the dew to stick around until 10:00-10:30. I had problems with this last year but didn't know what it was until after preflower. I live in Ohio so I got another month before they start flowering. Any suggestions on what to use? I know orthonex systemic is bad stuff but I think I have enough time left for it to be flushed by the plant. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! Love y'all and good weather, and luck!!! Happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
Actinovate or Cease sprayed on and watered in, you can get Actinovate at a garden supply Cease is expensive and harder to find.


Well-Known Member
I've saw the same thing on my one of my guerilla patches last year. Still no idea what it was. Had 5 get it, three were complete loss. I don't think it's rot. The three I lost had twisted new growth and never budded out right. I hope you figure it out bc I'm at a total loss. Easter ohio


Well-Known Member
Dont smoke moldy bud or bubble hash everrrr. Always keep a fungicide in your arsenol and get some airflow in that plot or keep battling this and wasting your time