Well-Known Member
Right on SG that sounds right on track. :0)
Bass, I got in with my desired username and was able to delete the other account.
Whew. I am first-letter-last dag-nab-it! ..have been since '80! :0)
But I found that Home will not do. I intend to work with Virtualization capabilities....spent the
dough for the16 Gb of RAM to do it....but I must drop another $100 for the Pro version.
No worries. I always end up having to get to at least Pro.
Bass, I got in with my desired username and was able to delete the other account.
Whew. I am first-letter-last dag-nab-it! ..have been since '80! :0)
But I found that Home will not do. I intend to work with Virtualization capabilities....spent the
dough for the16 Gb of RAM to do it....but I must drop another $100 for the Pro version.
No worries. I always end up having to get to at least Pro.