What would a TRUMP! Presidency look like?

because i take the shit she's done or not done seriously. the attacks on Trump are mostly ad hominem, like the pic you posted there that proves what? he has fucked hair? i agree he does, i'm not voting for him because of how he looks- the same way canada fucked themselves with trudeau...incredibly intelligent way to chose your head of state. wonderful grade school playground argument there. the claims of racism are unfounded, at least on Trump's behalf. and mostly because i don't want to be lumped with the people who hate Trump for no other reason other than they don't like him. why? because they are zealots and lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with them. i've got no time for that childish shit.

the other difference, i don't give a fuck who people vote for and can have a mature convo about it. the second a Trump hater finds out you are voting for him...WTF is up with that? they have a meltdown and explode with memes and shouting. i thought tolerance was a hallmark of liberals.

Why are you ignoring all the stuff Big Lou and I posted about Trump being sued for housing discrimination?

Hey B4ds33d prove you're not an idiot.
Read the article and admit Trump is a racist.

It's not hard. Hillary is a liar and a crummy professional politician. Im still voting for her because she knows how to do the job already. Yeah Benghazi, yeah email, yeah Whitewater. In 4 years the country will be relatively the same and she will lose to the next barely likeable candidate. In the end we're all losers but I see myself surviving it. If Trump wins I foresee a disaster or assassination.
Why are you ignoring all the stuff Big Lou and I posted about Trump being sued for housing discrimination?

Don't forget who represented him in this suit, Roy Cohn. Roy was one of the worst people who ever lived. A Jew-baiting, homosexual-loathing gay Jew. But this was never a problem for old Roy.

Seriously, anybody who thinks that the criticism of Trump is "mostly ad hominem" has drank enough Flavor-Aid to be unworthy of my time.
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The (G.O.P.) Party’s Over

Thomas L. Friedman JULY 13, 2016

This column has argued for a while now that there is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy. At least a one-party autocracy can order things to get done.

A one-party democracy — that is, a two-party system where only one party is interested in governing and the other is in constant blocking mode, which has characterized America in recent years — is much worse. It can’t do anything big, hard or important.

We can survive a few years of such deadlock in Washington, but we sure can’t take another four or eight years without real decay setting in, and that explains what I’m rooting for in this fall’s elections: I hope Hillary Clinton wins all 50 states and the Democrats take the presidency, the House, the Senate and, effectively, the Supreme Court.

That is the best thing that could happen to America, at least for the next two years — that Donald Trump is not just defeated, but is crushed at the polls. That would have multiple advantages for our country.

First, if Clinton wins a sweeping victory, we will have a chance (depending on the size of a Democratic majority in the Senate) to pass common-sense gun laws. That would mean restoring the Assault Weapons Ban, which was enacted as part of the 1994 federal crime bill but expired after 10 years, and making it illegal for anyone on the terrorist watch list to buy a gun.

I don’t want to touch any citizen’s Second Amendment rights, but the notion that we can’t restrict military weapons that are increasingly being used in mass murders defies common sense — yet it can’t be fixed as long as today’s G.O.P. controls any branch of government.

If Clinton wins a sweeping victory, we can borrow $100 billion at close to zero interest for a national infrastructure rebuild to deal with some of the nation’s shameful deferred maintenance of roads, bridges, airports and rails and its inadequate bandwidth, and create more blue-collar jobs that would stimulate growth.

If Clinton wins a sweeping victory, we will have a chance to put in place a revenue-neutral carbon tax that would stimulate more clean energy production and allow us to reduce both corporate taxes and personal income taxes, which would also help spur growth.

If Clinton wins a sweeping victory, we can fix whatever needs fixing with Obamacare, without having to junk the whole thing. Right now we have the worst of all worlds: The G.O.P. will not participate in any improvements to Obamacare nor has it offered a credible alternative.

At the same time, if Clinton crushes Trump in November, the message will be sent by the American people that the game he played to become the Republican nominee — through mainstreaming bigotry; name-calling; insulting women, the handicapped, Latinos and Muslims; retweeting posts by hate groups; ignorance of the Constitution; and a willingness to lie and make stuff up with an ease and regularity never seen before at the presidential campaign level — should never be tried by anyone again. The voters’ message, “Go away,” would be deafening.

Finally, if Trump presides over a devastating Republican defeat across all branches of government, the G.O.P. will be forced to do what it has needed to do for a long time: take a time out in the corner. In that corner Republicans could pull out a blank sheet of paper and on one side define the biggest forces shaping the world today — and the challenges and opportunities they pose to America — and on the other side define conservative, market-based policies to address them.


Hillary Clinton celebrating her New York primary victory in June. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
Our country needs a healthy center-right party that can compete with a healthy center-left party. Right now, the G.O.P. is not a healthy center-right party. It is a mishmash of religious conservatives; angry white males who fear they are becoming a minority in their own country and hate trade; gun-control opponents; pro-lifers; anti-regulation and free-market small-business owners; and pro- and anti-free trade entrepreneurs.

The party was once held together by the Cold War. But as that faded away it has been held together only by renting itself out to whomever could energize its base and keep it in power — Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, the National Rifle Association. But at its core there was no real common dominator, no take on the world, no real conservative framework.

The party grew into a messy, untended garden, and Donald Trump was like an invasive species that finally just took over the whole thing.

Party leaders can all still call themselves Republicans. They can even hold a convention with a lot of G.O.P. elephant balloons. But the truth is, the party’s over. Thoughtful Republicans have started to admit that. John Boehner gave up being speaker of the House because he knew that his caucus had become a madhouse, incapable of governing.

A Clinton sweep in November would force more Republicans to start rebuilding a center-right party ready to govern and compromise. And a Clinton sweep would also mean Hillary could govern from the place where her true political soul resides — the center-left, not the far left.

I make no predictions about who will win in November. But I sure know what I’m praying for — and why.
And, since so many businesses have already deftly moved from the housing market, online gambling and payday loans to abusing veteran's benefits a lá for-profit colleges and medical rip-offs, I would expect to see more unwinnable wars and a bullish military-industrial complex in a Trump administration. They will hold veterans up while lining their own pockets with the so-called veterens benefits. Thank you for your service indeed.

Internationally, I would expect to see our relationship with nearly every country in the world to suffer. He and Putin will get along really well though as they are both demagogues.
No they're not. They're based on his remarks about Mexican people and the behavior of his supporters at his rallies.
what were the remarks about mexicans you are taking umbrage to? and the behavior of his supporters at rallys? they are always peaceful with the exception of the george soros monkeys there to start shit. i'm sorry but i just don't see it the same way you do.
Hey B4ds33d prove you're not an idiot.
Read the article and admit Trump is a racist.

It's not hard. Hillary is a liar and a crummy professional politician. Im still voting for her because she knows how to do the job already. Yeah Benghazi, yeah email, yeah Whitewater. In 4 years the country will be relatively the same and she will lose to the next barely likeable candidate. In the end we're all losers but I see myself surviving it. If Trump wins I foresee a disaster or assassination.
prove i'm not an idiot. if an idiot is someone you simply disagree with and have different political views, i'm fine with you calling me an idiot. i take more seriously the benghazi/email/whitewater things than you do clearly. and that makes me an idiot? ok man. i support your right to vote for hillary. i'm glad for a world where everyone does not have to agree, and fear for a world you and all the hillary supporters advocate where thought is a crime and civil disobedience is not an option.
in comparison to the people there to antagonize, yes peaceful. i'm not even going down that road with you man. your "proof" to disprove my statement is a fucking gif. and let me guess, monkeys are a race too.

sorry, but sucker punching someone in the face (who is not even addressing you, no less) is as non-peaceful as it gets.

calling black people monkeys is pretty racist too, even though you are too retarded to see it.

you are a complete waste of bandwidth. you should go back to stormfront, where your racist hatred will be met with open arms.
sorry, but sucker punching someone in the face (who is not even addressing you, no less) is as non-peaceful as it gets.

calling black people monkeys is pretty racist too, even though you are too retarded to see it.

you are a complete waste of bandwidth. you should go back to stormfront, where your racist hatred will be met with open arms.

people get verbally and physically attacked on their way into the Trump rallys. so, when one of them retaliates because they are tired of a group of goons attempting to violate their Constitutional Rights, hat's just what happens to punk ass bitches. they get dealt with sometimes.

where did i call black people monkeys? most of the Trump protesters i've seen are white. the fact you jumped right to thinking it was racist says a lot about your state of mind. i have no idea what stormfront is, and as you seems to talk about it a lot, why don't you tell me what it is?
people get verbally and physically attacked on their way into the Trump rallys. so, when one of them retaliates because they are tired of a group of goons attempting to violate their Constitutional Rights, hat's just what happens to punk ass bitches. they get dealt with sometimes.

where did i call black people monkeys? most of the Trump protesters i've seen are white. the fact you jumped right to thinking it was racist says a lot about your state of mind. i have no idea what stormfront is, and as you seems to talk about it a lot, why don't you tell me what it is?

no one has been attacked on their way into a trump rally.

but trump supporters do show a special love of physically assaulting black people for no reason whatsoever.

that is not very peaceful.