is this a hermie?

some would say scrape the balls off (and any future balls and DON"T use it in ANY breeding project you may have going) and let "IT" finish.
others would say pitch it, especially this early....
your choice, it IS a hermie
whats the worst that can happen if i try scrape the balls off? can it still effect the rest of my plants?
I would say finish it outside (if thats an option.) keep it well away from other plants. Change clothes after interacting with the hermmie... and continue pinching the balls off.

Hermy pollinated plants will produce plants that turn hermie. So it's not a good way to make seeds btw.
its bagseed my friend gave me. i scraped off all the balls i saw, hope it turns out well and doesn't affect the rest of my crop
problem is i have 4 plants, 2 hermie, 1 female and 1 hasn't shown sex after 2 weeks flowering. In the photo i sent the plant is 3-4x the size of all the others, about 5 feet tall. Throwing away both hermies will decrease my potential yield by well over half forsure. Considering i have a limited time to finish, and will likely harvest a day or two before i have to move out, is it still worth ditching both hermies for a plant 1/3rd its size and one which hasnt shown sex? Thanks
yes because once the male pods open, it will pollenate your female and it will be seeded. once a plant gets pollenated it goes towards seed production and limits the bud growth so you should get more bud (that's not seeded)if its not pollenated(thicker heavier buds)=more bud
Trust them man... i just tossed one 5 mins ago and thats just because i was unsure... just didnt feel right. Get rid of the herm now or u will be very upset later...