all the best.
you'll find that MJ is an incredible replacement for tons of pharma crap.
after a while, the effects don't hit you as hard so driving won't be an issue-from my own experience but I am a heavy user.
Thanks for the replies, doing dishes and jafro. No advice needed here though, I've been medicating since long before I had any symptoms to alleviate
What i really wanted to get across is the fact that i legitimately need to be high to drive safely at this current point in my life. It's complicated composing myself enough to type this out right now but if I hadn't just smoked a bowl it would be near impossible.
Cannabis makes it so I can sit comfortably, move my head and neck to survey the road, it makes it so it doesnt hurt my head when I have to decide between making that right turn or staying put at the light etc. so if there were a law in place that made it so it would be illegal for me to drive high, it boggles the mind. It's almost the equivalent of a man being court ordered to only drive drunk.
I used to be able to drive just fine sober or high. The headaches I get from the concussion are unreal though. theyre constant, but they intensify in waves throughout the day and when a good wave hits me my brain turns to slime. thinking feels like walking through a bog. i don;t even mean that metaphorically, I mean the actually act of thinking and deep focus physically feels like im walking through a bog.
I honestly think a roadside saliva test would be the worst thing imaginable. you get pulled over for having a taillight out for instance, the cop smells weed and administers a test. How does this prove you were impaired? you were pulled over for having a taillight out. The only time this test should hold up at all is if the cop pulled the person over for driving recklessly or swerving. if a person is visibly impaired, then the current chemical makeup of their neurological soup should come into question. If a person seems to be just the same as anyone else on the road, they just happen to be an experienced cannabis user...
and this is another thing, I have to get shit on for having this opinion. I have smoking and non smoking friends and family members and only a very small amount of them actually get it. it's very hard to be able to say "actually cannabis doesn't really impair you at all if you're an experienced user" because the stigma surrounding it has everyone defaulting to "oh this kid is a drug user, he's lying to justify his use, he's trying to feel better about, he's an outlier and doesn't know the whole story, brain is clouded by the"
People respond very well to fear, or do they respond very poorly to fear? depends on whos doing the scaring. if its the powers that be than its most definitely the former.