Sterilizing a room after Spider mites


Well-Known Member
So long story short i had Spider mites in my grow room and i just decided it would be better to cut them down instead of trying to fight the infestation in the hopes that i could eliminate them entirely. The infestation was far from terrible (not alot of webs + not a whole lot of the plant damaged) so i think i made the right decision. My plan is to Bleach clean everything (fans+lights+walls+ceiling everything) then repaint the entire room as well. Is there anything else i should do? I will also probably do some no pest strips in there with the room sealed for a few days as well.

Anything that i need to do that i didn't list? I really just want to eliminate them and not have them again in the future.

Please to describe what is IPM regimen.
its Integrated Pest Management...basically comes down to using a 3 way line up of pest control solutions,,,like week one use azamax,week 2 use og biowar foliar pack,week 3 use neem oil/einstein oil,and repeat weekly till about week 2 or 3 of flower...almost a fullproof way of not gettin any nite,thrips,root aphids and the be honest i have not met one single grower who after implementing a good solid IPM program tht has had to battle mites or bugs again..i can firmly say i have not had anymite issues after doing this,and staying on top of clean enviroment makes it where no matter the pest it can NOT build any resistance to ur pest control products and doesnt turn into supermites...hope i explained it well
Bleach down walls and wait a couple weeks. Then make sure to never go in your room after coming from outside. Never touch your dog/cats etc and go in your room. When I go in my room it's only after I take a shower and I'm wearing boxers and a fresh t shirt.
its Integrated Pest Management...basically comes down to using a 3 way line up of pest control solutions,,,like week one use azamax,week 2 use og biowar foliar pack,week 3 use neem oil/einstein oil,and repeat weekly till about week 2 or 3 of flower...almost a fullproof way of not gettin any nite,thrips,root aphids and the be honest i have not met one single grower who after implementing a good solid IPM program tht has had to battle mites or bugs again..i can firmly say i have not had anymite issues after doing this,and staying on top of clean enviroment makes it where no matter the pest it can NOT build any resistance to ur pest control products and doesnt turn into supermites...hope i explained it well

Yea i got sort of lazy hadn't been spraying much and i paid the price. I just cut them down because i was worried if it got out of hand they would be all over my grow room and i'd have trouble ever being totally rid of them again. I live on the coast where it gets pretty cold so its not very common to get them out here i think i managed to see where they came from (some weeds near the entrance of my grow room) so now i've exterminated all that stuff and i am going to clean the room thoroughly (bleach ect) and im going to start the IPM like you said thanks for the advice i appreciate it

Tonight i sealed the ventilation (vents inline fan ect) and put out some Hot shot pest strips to try to get residual 1s that were left after i took out all the plants. After im done cleaning i do plan on using a dr doom bomb in the room a few days before i put any more plants in there. Does that sound like a good idea or is there something im missing
did you determine the source of the infestation? I have prior experience and finding the source is important. recently, I bought some compost from a local supplier known for high quality compost. After a few spider mites observed in my Green Peppers on multiple occasions, through weekly IPM with neem oil, I found the buggers in the compost bin hanging onto a seed/plant growing in the compost. needless to say, I got rid of the compost. I paid $20 no loss, and the problem is now gone for good, and never made it into my secret garden through IPM, weekly neem oil applications whether I see mites or not. peace
Yea i got sort of lazy hadn't been spraying much and i paid the price. I just cut them down because i was worried if it got out of hand they would be all over my grow room and i'd have trouble ever being totally rid of them again. I live on the coast where it gets pretty cold so its not very common to get them out here i think i managed to see where they came from (some weeds near the entrance of my grow room) so now i've exterminated all that stuff and i am going to clean the room thoroughly (bleach ect) and im going to start the IPM like you said thanks for the advice i appreciate it

Tonight i sealed the ventilation (vents inline fan ect) and put out some Hot shot pest strips to try to get residual 1s that were left after i took out all the plants. After im done cleaning i do plan on using a dr doom bomb in the room a few days before i put any more plants in there. Does that sound like a good idea or is there something im missing
sounds like a plan will only suggestion is to put a filter ,like a hepa furnace filter ,and cut it to size,and put tht on any intake u have in example,dual portable AC or carbon filter or just intake air....tht way nothing can get in,,i got mite fro my dual air portable ac a year back,and once all filters went on and a good IPM,tht was it for tht...we all get a lil lazy sometimes,whether its from life or monotony ,,,good luck bro,u gotta plan of attack...stay green
did you determine the source of the infestation? I have prior experience and finding the source is important. recently, I bought some compost from a local supplier known for high quality compost. After a few spider mites observed in my Green Peppers on multiple occasions, through weekly IPM with neem oil, I found the buggers in the compost bin hanging onto a seed/plant growing in the compost. needless to say, I got rid of the compost. I paid $20 no loss, and the problem is now gone for good, and never made it into my secret garden through IPM, weekly neem oil applications whether I see mites or not. peace
ya a good IPM aint gonna do shit if the source is something like tht,i have to ur case,,i dont think anything would of helped other then getting rid of tht pile lol,,,glad u dont have to fight those lil bitches anymore..they could really fck up ones life temporarily
No way. They hatch in just a few days, and the hatchlings need to eat something soon or they starve.
My buddy also grows with indoor sunshine from his 22nd floor hi-rise apartment and has had mites for two years in a row. He had various houseplants along side of the pot plants which the mites never touched...I guessed the mite eggs laid dormant in the dirt of the houseplants for 8 months until his 2nd season pot plants came along.

I just assumed mite eggs were much like mosquito eggs that will lay dormant during the freezing winter, and can remain dormant for years waiting for the right environment conditions.
did you determine the source of the infestation? I have prior experience and finding the source is important. recently, I bought some compost from a local supplier known for high quality compost. After a few spider mites observed in my Green Peppers on multiple occasions, through weekly IPM with neem oil, I found the buggers in the compost bin hanging onto a seed/plant growing in the compost. needless to say, I got rid of the compost. I paid $20 no loss, and the problem is now gone for good, and never made it into my secret garden through IPM, weekly neem oil applications whether I see mites or not. peace

Not sure what they came from but i've pretty much checked everything. I do my own clones so i know it wasn't that and my other grow has no mites so i thin maybe something jumped on when i was bringing the plants over to my new place
Mites get immuned to miticides (neem azamax) switching them up is your best remedy ( neem, rosemary oil, avid etc). I cant stand the smell of bleach so I use peroxide and water, let it sit 10 min then wipe it down. Cracks and crevaces in your grow need to be saturated with whatever miticide youre using. They will lay dorment in any wood you have in your grow as well.
Pest strips are a waste of money
Mites get immuned to miticides (neem azamax) switching them up is your best remedy ( neem, rosemary oil, avid etc). I cant stand the smell of bleach so I use peroxide and water, let it sit 10 min then wipe it down. Cracks and crevaces in your grow need to be saturated with whatever miticide youre using. They will lay dorment in any wood you have in your grow as well.
Pest strips are a waste of money

Yup im thinking i'm going to do something like this

Neem (azamax)
Monterey take down (or another spinosad equiv)
Doctor Zyme (recommended by me to a friend)
SM-90 (has a good spell and works good from what i heard)

Any other recommendations for IPM?