Street light effect on photos in back yard

Cool. Just a heads up
No problem.

There are things to do to protect yourself as a grower.

Know the woods. Know the sounds and routines of local wildlife.

Put duct tape on the tread of your shoes as to not leave a foot print. I go a step further. I got a pair one size too big and added extra insoles.

The cameras are at different points a half mile to a mile away from plants. Have a backup in case they are found.

A good one is I put thread out on trails at about 100 yards apart. Three each way in. If all three are broke or Leo is on the camera, leave and never come back.

Don't cut trail, don't leave trash etc.

Lots more things.
That's cool.

I've been busted by 3 agencies in 2 states and 3 counties simultaneously. They did a 24 month investigation.

Piggies are patient. More patient than you or I. Anyway, they don't care about guerilla gardens with a few plants. They want Mexicans with 1000 plants I n the woods.
We have big timber rattlers here. But they're loud as hell unless you accidentally startle one. I found a den once (by accident). There were about 40 timber rattlers all writhing around each other.

No more guerilla growing for me. Too many damn Mexicans out there here in NorCal. The Shasta County MET is cracking down on illegal grows. If tue cops don't get you the illegals with assault rifles will.
Idk if you realize this but eastern timber rattlers in VT are much smaller than that badboy.
That's cool.

I've been busted by 3 agencies in 2 states and 3 counties simultaneously. They did a 24 month investigation.

Piggies are patient. More patient than you or I. Anyway, they don't care about guerilla gardens with a few plants. They want Mexicans with 1000 plants I n the woods.
I know I'm not above getting popped.

I do what I do to help sick people. I don't sell. And yes I enjoy smoking it, for medical as well as rec reasons. If I get caught I will stand tall and fight it the whole way and accept any punishment.

Only California passes where I live in pot production. I know some guys been doing all their lives and they are in their 60's and never been busted.

What mistake did you make each of those times? I would like to know.