The UK Growers Thread!

I wonder if my seeds are going to show up today it'll be a week tomorrow since I ordered and paid for recorded delivery 1 to 3 days my left bollock

This cunt cracked me up hottest pepper in world lol apparently

The 'Carolina Reaper' is the hottest pepper in the world and it has been since 2014.

The second hottest is the 'Trinidad Moruga Scorpion'. Don has/had a plant of this strain.

The 'Chocolat Bhutlah' hasn't been officially tested.
Here's Wayne Algenio breaking the world record by eating 22 'Carolina Reaper' peppers in 60 seconds just 3 months ago.

119g in 60 seconds.

The old record was 70g in 60 seconds.
the trinidad scorpion was just fucking awful. i ate one and threw the plant. the heat was up there aye but the taste was not for me at all. it was all you could taste in anything you used it in

Irish, adult colouring is the new in thing, apparently it's good stress relieving. I'm still struggling to do a paint by numbers in oils at work just now. gaffers calling me Toulouse n I'm threatening to chop his lug off
I was tripping balls after man, crazy colours n shit. Thank fully your body has a natural fuck off defense and I whiteyed the majority back up 15 later. milk and sugar tabs to nutralise the acidity.

I'll never be doing anything that stupid again.
G'morn guys Wilford Brimley here. time to start the morn'n off right with a few cups of my Ethiopian fresh roast. top notch gogo-juice bean gear.
That sounds like it's tripping. Heat maybe? Is it adjustable? If it is, turn it down and see if it comes on at a lower wattage.
yeh its dimable m8 i tried putting it down on the 400w setting same thing i thought it was the bulb to start with but i changed it and the same thing happened its only just over a year old its been screwed to a brick wall
yeh its dimable m8 i tried putting it down on the 400w setting same thing i thought it was the bulb to start with but i changed it and the same thing happened its only just over a year old its been screwed to a brick wall
Fucks knows then. That was my best guess. Probably need a new one then.