So I was just driving around and smokin' a blunt when...



I see the perfect smoking spot... :eyesmoke:

In front of a Police station! They wouldn't suspect a thing! Because who in there right mind would smoke in front of a police station? :dunce:

So RIU... Where are the most interesting places you've smoked?


Well-Known Member
I just sit at home and toke, i find that i get paranoid with weed on me in public, so i usually just smoke at home and go for a bike ride, cause bike rides high are the BOMB


Well-Known Member
the most interesting place by far was Parliament hill in Ottawa while all the MPs were walking I actually had one stop and talk with me about pot I offered him the joint but for obvious reasons he could not smoke tho he did say he wish he could


Active Member
you gotta find an abandoned(sp?) mental institution, go inside and lie in the morgue beds and get a buddy to push the bed into the wall while you bake that shit out.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Palace.

Craziest place ive smoked? hmmm idk i try to stay away from anywhere that will get me in trouble. smoke at home and be safe


you gotta find an abandoned(sp?) mental institution, go inside and lie in the morgue beds and get a buddy to push the bed into the wall while you bake that shit out.

Ahhh shit there's one in Downy, 15 minutes away from me. That place is a triiiiiiiiiiip, but the cops there are pricks. :wall:


Well-Known Member
there is this place in Canadensis not far from me. It was on MTVs scariest places on earth or w/e it was called.

this place is called the Buck Hill Inn and we smoked there once. it was alright, the mental institution would be amazing..


Well-Known Member
thank you for clarifying that for me, it just didn't click. that is interesting, though.
This is when the liberals were in power right near the time that the decrim bill was on the floor you would be surprised how many people at that time were in full support for the bill pout forward by the prime minister.........then the shit hit the fan when the drugzar flew into Canada and put the kibosh on everything..... I dont mind people from the USA however I strongly hate your elected officials for trying to police the enitre fucking world and fucking us up and not letting us do what we want


Well-Known Member
I just sit at home and toke, i find that i get paranoid with weed on me in public, so i usually just smoke at home and go for a bike ride, cause bike rides high are the BOMB

"I want to ride my bi-cycle, I want to ride it where I like"


Active Member
I rarely smoke anywhere but my house, which is why its fun to change up the environment sometimes, like a morgue bed LOL.


Well-Known Member
100 feet from a courthouse in Ca. standing and talking to the county sheriff while smoking a king size zig zag joint rolled as thick as my thumb..... educating the public about medical marijuana while standing up for my rights and educating the sheriff personally (no the sheriff didn't smoke, but watched and listened carefully to the info coming out).... that and sitting 10 feet out on a rock 2 miles up with nothing below my swinging feet off of the top Half Dome in Yosemite Nat. Park smoking a bongload out of a glass bong..... The best smoking experience: all the different times me and my love have been able to kick back relax smoke and enjoy each others company in peace and quiet....