Help!! I think something is wrong with my seedling


Well-Known Member
Plants don't sleep or rest, what you are seeing is the plant shutting down due to no availiable light. There's not much you can do about it, it's how plants work. Just make sure Temps remain good even with lights off.
Incorrect statement. All plants need a dormant cycle, which is normally sunlight based, but growing pot, we control that. Without the normal 12 hour cycle, there would be no conversion from O/Co2 Everything has to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think that is what I will do to avoid transplanting again. Thank you
Why the plastic in your pots? Do you want root rot? If not, transplant to a final 3 gallon pot, and leave it alone, it will do much better if left alone until you gain the knowledge to play with the plant. Right now count on the seedling to take care of itself


Well-Known Member
Incorrect statement. All plants need a dormant cycle, which is normally sunlight based, but growing pot, we control that. Without the normal 12 hour cycle, there would be no conversion from O/Co2 Everything has to sleep.
Sorry YOU are incorrect C3 plants don't require a dark period. Cannabis is a C3 plant.Ethylene production to stimulate flowering is a whole different process.

C4 plants require a dark period to complete the Calvin cycle.

You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing of.


Well-Known Member
Sorry YOU are incorrect C3 plants don't require a dark period. Cannabis is a C3 plant.Ethylene production to stimulate flowering is a whole different process.

C4 plants require a dark period to complete the Calvin cycle.

You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing of.


Well-Known Member
Sorry YOU are incorrect C3 plants don't require a dark period. Cannabis is a C3 plant.Ethylene production to stimulate flowering is a whole different process.

C4 plants require a dark period to complete the Calvin cycle.

You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing of.
Do you want to buy a co2 conversion unit that i want to sell now, based on your advice, that states there is no correspondence between growth and dark period. Fuck those assholes, and maybe you, in that the 20 fucking years that I have been growing herb, light scheduling is all the that it is about, so shut the fuck up, you ignorant slut. (C plant my balls)


Well-Known Member
Do you want to buy a co2 conversion unit that i want to sell now, based on your advice, that states there is no correspondence between growth and dark period. Fuck those assholes, and maybe you, in that the 20 fucking years that I have been growing herb, light scheduling is all the that it is about, so shut the fuck up, you ignorant slut. (C plant my balls)
Haha go do some reading on c3 and c4 plants...

You are wrong, don't care how many years you've been growing. It's a botanical fact.

C3 plants don t require a dark period to grow or survive. Period.


Well-Known Member
Haha go do some reading on c3 and c4 plants...

You are wrong, don't care how many years you've been growing. It's a botanical fact.

C3 plants don t require a dark period to grow or survive. Period.
Cool, run your plants at 24/7, using whatever light system you want, I'll run my shit at 18/6 (veg), producing a good crop, and saving energy. Been there done that as far as more lightn(longer hours) means bigger plants, but not in a 24 hour schedule. Good discussion


Well-Known Member
Cool, run your plants at 24/7, using whatever light system you want, I'll run my shit at 18/6 (veg), producing a good crop, and saving energy. Been there done that as far as more lightn(longer hours) means bigger plants, but not in a 24 hour schedule. Good discussion
Look man you made a blanket statement that plants need to sleep or rest, and that's straight up Bullshit. Now you want to change gears and talk about energy saving...

There are plenty of examples of perfectly healthy plants on this very forum growing under 24 hour light. This is a scientific fact. Cannabis does not require a dark period for carbon fixing. It does not require darkness, it deals with it because it has to. Photosensitive plants require darkness to build ethylene to stimulate flowering... Thats it. They can and do live perfectly happy and healthy indefinitely under 24 hour light.

So please if you are going to call somebody out, you better have your facts straight.


Why the plastic in your pots? Do you want root rot? If not, transplant to a final 3 gallon pot, and leave it alone, it will do much better if left alone until you gain the knowledge to play with the plant. Right now count on the seedling to take care of itself
The only thing I have done with this seedling is move it out of MG soil to a new kind of soil and water it so since it's now in the new soil all I do is water her and then the timer I have on turns the lights on and off so I'm not really sure how I can do anything less then that. Also there is no plastic in my pots so I'm not sure where you are getting that from. On the walls at the top of the pot there is aluminum foil for reflection but other then thats there is soil, perlite, peat peat moss, and the plant in my pot and thats it. I'm not sure why someone would put plastic in there