I was back in the woods this morning before the sun was up. I took ten gallons of water, along with a pack full of plant food, {liquid and powder} lime, Epson salts, stinky deer stuff and slug bait back to the 3DT, SEE, JP and DDW patches.
All the plants were alive and the young GV1's {????? that doesn't sound right. Maybe CP1's instead. I will have to look back and make sure what's in those holes} in the 3DT patch were doing quite well. I took lots of tops from the older plants, and two each from the 3 young ones.
Two of the four plants in the JP patch were looking good, although there was a broken bottom limb on one of the plants. I propped it up so it wasn't on the ground. The two plants in one hole were still alive, with the young one growing quite nicely, and the deer ate one showing signs it was going to make it. Again took lots of tops.
The plant in the SEE patch is looking like she is trying to flower, so I didn't take any tops from her. I don't think I did the last time either. I took pictures, but left my camera at the house. I'll try to remember it tomorrow.
The one plant in DDW that isn't deer ate was looking good. One of the two deer ate plants had been nibbled on again, but they were both alive.