Is This What Was Meant By "Open Carry"

Seriously. All jokes aside. Who in the fuck walks around like this? Please help me to understand.

Only an idiot, or a well-trained professional with good intentions. Not much in between, which should scare the hell out of us all.

I like guns, I own guns, and I enjoy shooting guns. But I fail to see the wisdom in ordinary people openly carrying guns in public.

FYI, I support concealed carry, as long as the carrier has been well trained on how, when, and where to shoot according to the law. But my guess is that most concealed carriers are more dangerous with a gun, than they were in danger without one.
Seriously. All jokes aside. Who in the fuck walks around like this? Please help me to understand.

He's there to make everybody else safer. All the government snipers in the area are trained on him. Can you see the red laser dot just above his left ear?

The really odd part of the picture is, why the wife beater undershirt? His measly arms with the farmers tan makes him into a cartoon character. All that's missing is a lit stogie stuck in the corner of his mouth. But the pooched out lower lip is probably chew, so that makes up for the lack of a stogie.
Damn straight. I would also. But I didn't see the necessity to say so to a trap layer.
To judge someone different because skin is racist.

To feel uncomfortable because he is black would be racist.

So is baiting with that question as that means the person asking sees the black person different.

I would be willing to go further. If it was a Muslim I would approach and talk to them. I served with Muslims and they don't scare me.
Only an idiot, or a well-trained professional with good intentions. Not much in between, which should scare the hell out of us all.

I like guns, I own guns, and I enjoy shooting guns. But I fail to see the wisdom in ordinary people openly carrying guns in public.

FYI, I support concealed carry, as long as the carrier has been well trained on how, when, and where to shoot according to the law. But my guess is that most concealed carriers are more dangerous with a gun, than they were in danger without one.
I support concealed carry too. Keep your fly shut and nobody will know your secret.
How is this terrorism? What threat does he make? It sure sounds like you are equating "has a gun" with "unhinged crazy guy". I wonder if you'd feel better if he carried concealed. That's the ticket!! No offensive firearms showing to the delicate sensibilities.

You just implicitly (but not expressly! Such plausible deniability.) smeared the gun while ostensibly being "for gun ownership". When you advance an argument this dishonestly, expect it to be dismantled ... openly, not concealed. You are not for "gun ownership" any more than the Australian Government.

Again, canna does NOT disappoint..

Seriously, if you can't look at that picture and see what is wrong, there is no point. Some wannabe marine, playing weekend militia, well that is not what you want to see when you go to the park to hang out with your loved ones or kids. I have no issue with having some protection and someone looking out, but that whole getup the whole statement is to be intimidating rather than to be protective and make one feel safe. Nothing tells me he is there to protect me or others, just some jerk getting his rocks off on his warrior getup, flexing his weapons...he looks like a terrorist
So you wouldn't have a problem with your children playing the park if he was there?

not really. depends on what he is doing, cooking on the BBQ with his friends and fam, or down sighting and dry at firing people.

would you feel better if there was other family's there with thier own armed guardian as well, perhaps yourself.

I wish more people would carry, Id carry if it wasn't so much trouble with people calling 911 saying person with gun. those people should be told if this call happens to end up a legal carry you will be billed for the cities time.

everyone knows that person who owns a gun for all the wrong reasons, and has his piece out when you come over and dry fire it, and rack it, maybe put 50 rounds thought it. thinks revolvers are stupid, and is a fan boy of his gun of choice, for no other reason then hickok45 said it was slightly preferred over other gun in the test on youtube. if given a choice would pick the $40 laser sight over the Trijicon three dot night sight, without even thinking about it. uses white box ammo for home defense. ..oh and is not scared of a 22 pistol. saves his target range sheets cause he is a deadly shot.

still, I wouldn't be scared if he opened carried. fanny pack and all.
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Seriously, if you can't look at that picture and see what is wrong, there is no point. Some wannabe marine, playing weekend militia, well that is not what you want to see when you go to the park to hang out with your loved ones or kids. I have no issue with having some protection and someone looking out, but that whole getup the whole statement is to be intimidating rather than to be protective and make one feel safe. Nothing tells me he is there to protect me or others, just some jerk getting his rocks off on his warrior getup, flexing his weapons...he looks like a terrorist

Do you feel better when the police look militarized?

you are just not used to being around weapons: your not scared of people in cars, cause you are used to it. you know the risks of what cars are/can do. you understand the threat a car is, when crossing a street and know running across a freeway in all black is a bad idea.

this is because people only understand the hyperbolic media about gun risks.

and saddy what happen in France shows, there are far more deadly ways to kill. if he would have had a real AK, a full belt of over/under I don't think he could have killed 84 people before being stopped......ok he could have gotten pretty close but still.

you cant pick and chose what you point your shaking finger at, you have to be fair in your unreasonable fears.
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Seriously, if you can't look at that picture and see what is wrong, there is no point. Some wannabe marine, playing weekend militia, well that is not what you want to see when you go to the park to hang out with your loved ones or kids. I have no issue with having some protection and someone looking out, but that whole getup the whole statement is to be intimidating rather than to be protective and make one feel safe. Nothing tells me he is there to protect me or others, just some jerk getting his rocks off on his warrior getup, flexing his weapons...he looks like a terrorist

Call it like it is. Its the gun.

It scares you.

The only way to terrorize is through fear.

If the guy had a costume and a badge you would be cool with it?

Double standard much?
Do you feel better when the police look militarized?

you are just not used to being around weapons: your not scared of people in cars, cause you are used to it and you know the risks of what cars are can do. you understand the threat a car is.

this is because people only understand the hyperbolic media about gun risks.

and saddy what happen in France shows, there are far more deadly ways to kill. if he would have had a real AK, a full belt of over/under I don't think he could have killed 84 people before being stopped......ok he could have gotten pretty close but still.

you cant pick and chose what you point your shaking finger at, you have to be fair in your unreasonable fears.
You are wrong, I am used to being around weapons. I own several handguns and shotguns, but I don't dress up in garb and take the arsenal to a public park. Hell I take my grandson to soccer and football games and see how adults behave at those, like a bunch of idiots, thank god they don't all tote their guns or there would be dead people every game. Nothing tells me that this guy is there to protect me, or open fire and kill people. Most people would be extremely intimidated, and would be scared to have their children and family around. You can't determine what his training or his intent is . If the park is only meant for people that are used to this attire, that might be one thing, but I am sure this is a public park and needs to be for the use and pleasure of the entire public. That picture is me, but I am at a shooting range, not Central Park NYC. womens-selfdefense.jpg
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Damn straight. I would also. But I didn't see the necessity to say so to a trap layer.

incorrect. not trap layer, but pipe layer. foot at a time

i'd be uncomfortable no matter what color the person was. if i was armed, it would be a fair fight at least. but i'm not capable of determining what his motives are.

so if this was in a florida park, and this dude comes walking up to me in the park, can i use stand your ground as defense for blasting him? i see him as an approaching threat.