Is This What Was Meant By "Open Carry"


Well-Known Member

Call it like it is. Its the gun.

It scares you.

The only way to terrorize is through fear.

If the guy had a costume and a badge you would be cool with it?

Double standard much?
Maybe we should be nervous about the police. The difference is, a police officer is an authorized officer of the law. We expect him or her to present themselves responsibly and have the necessary training to use their arms proficiently and in a lawful manner. Certainly in Dallas, the police acted with discipline and in the manner we expect of them when the gunman opened fire on them and the BLM crowd.

This guy has what certifications? A class, maybe 10 years ago? What is he doing there? Who sent him there? How much training has he had in situational awareness? Can he hit his target or is he a worse danger than any bad guy? He is carrying an awesome amount of killing power in a center of activity but we have no way of knowing why. Of course people are not comfortable with his presence, they can have no confidence that he's going to be responsible for the correct use of those weapons. Without more information about him, the prudent thing is to assume he's a threat and stay away.

If he'd shown up to impersonate an officer in front of the RNC meeting area, he'd be in the pokey before he could have counted to ten.


Well-Known Member
At the very least I would call this visual terrorism. I am for gun ownership, but this is terrorism. What family is going to feel safe hanging out in this park, if I had a child with me I would head in the opposite direction fast, sorry that is how I see this...
White Americans don't commit domestic terrorism. Didn't you know that? I mean, the NRA even said so, therefore it must be true!


Well-Known Member
You are wrong, I am used to being around weapons. I own several handguns and shotguns, but I don't dress up in garb and take the arsenal to a public park. Hell I take my grandson to soccer and football games and see how adults behave at those, like a bunch of idiots, thank god they don't all tote their guns or there would be dead people every game. Nothing tells me that this guy is there to protect me, or open fire and kill people. Most people would be extremely intimidated, and would be scared to have their children and family around. You can't determine what his training or his intentView attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734 . If the park is only meant for people that are used to this attire, that might be one thing, but I am sure this is a public park and needs to be for the use and pleasure of the entire public. That picture is me, but I am at a shooting range, not Central Park NYC.View attachment 3735734 View attachment 3735734
That guy could be just like you.

He may have called and organized this with the police.

Seems like you can read minds.


Well-Known Member
incorrect. not trap layer, but pipe layer. foot at a time

i'd be uncomfortable no matter what color the person was. if i was armed, it would be a fair fight at least. but i'm not capable of determining what his motives are.

so if this was in a florida park, and this dude comes walking up to me in the park, can i use stand your ground as defense for blasting him? i see him as an approaching threat.
I think in Florida you can kill anybody who scares you.


Well-Known Member
Maybe we should be nervous about the police. The difference is, a police officer is an authorized officer of the law. We expect him or her to present themselves responsibly and have the necessary training to use their arms proficiently and in a lawful manner. Certainly in Dallas, the police acted with discipline and in the manner we expect of them when the gunman opened fire on them and the BLM crowd.

This guy has what certifications? A class, maybe 10 years ago? What is he doing there? Who sent him there? How much training has he had in situational awareness? Can he hit his target or is he a worse danger than any bad guy? He is carrying an awesome amount of killing power in a center of activity but we have no way of knowing why. Of course people are not comfortable with his presence, they can have no confidence that he's going to be responsible for the correct use of those weapons. Without more information about him, the prudent thing is to assume he's a threat and stay away.

If he'd shown up to impersonate an officer in front of the RNC meeting area, he'd be in the pokey before he could have counted to ten.
All assumptions and probably the reason the guy is doing it.

Would it make me uncomfortable. Maybe a little, I would still approach and talk to him.

I wouldn't do it. I kind of despise people that open carry and bait interactions with the police.

On the other hand, it is a right. If you quit exercising a right, it soon will be lost.


Well-Known Member
That guy could be just like you.

He may have called and organized this with the police.

Only he didn't b/c they would've told him he didn't have the experience to open carry and blah blah blah... b/c only they have the correct mindset to wield guns.


Well-Known Member
All assumptions and probably the reason the guy is doing it.

Would it make me uncomfortable. Maybe a little, I would still approach and talk to him.

I wouldn't do it. I kind of despise people that open carry and bait interactions with the police.

On the other hand, it is a right. If you quit exercising a right, it soon will be lost.
folks, we either have these freedoms or we don't Just b/c you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong


Well-Known Member
All assumptions and probably the reason the guy is doing it.

Would it make me uncomfortable. Maybe a little, I would still approach and talk to him.

I wouldn't do it. I kind of despise people that open carry and bait interactions with the police.

On the other hand, it is a right. If you quit exercising a right, it soon will be lost.
Not a single assumption was listed in my message. I listed questions that I would need to have answered before I could feel comfortable with somebody with that kind of firepower in my midst. Maybe he's there to menace Trump protesters? Who knows.

If this hadn't been cleared with the police, I'm pretty sure he's on a sniper's cross hair. Guns make people less safe, especially the ones that own them.

You are correct in saying he had a right to carry. It was stupid of the state to draft that legislation but they did, and there he is. Making people wonder why he's there.


Well-Known Member
What fucking cop in his right mind would authorize that?
None that I know of, I don't believe he went to the local police and they authorized him to show up in that getup and do whatever he is supposed to be doing. Nothing identifies him as in any kind of authority, just looks like a nut at the park ready to have a shoot out. Hell I am the NRA, but if people started hanging out at parks garbed up like that, I would want there to be some serious revisions to the law, because that is setting a very dangerous precedent. Carrying a concealed weapon for your own personal defense is one thing, but open carry, and protecting the public is a whole different ballgame, and requires training and also proper protocol, and yes the public needs to be able to identity someone in that kind of role, know who they are dealing with and what that persons role is. That whole picture is just wrong in so many ways at so many levels it send the wrong message...


Well-Known Member
folks, we either have these freedoms or we don't Just b/c you don't agree with it doesn't make it wrong
Well, yeah he has the right.

And a big guy has the right to stand in front of me and put his face right up to mine and call me a fucking asshole with his bad breath and all. So long as he doesn't touch me or menace me, he has the right but he's still a fucking jerk.


Well-Known Member
Only if they're black.
No, a white guy got killed during movie promos for talking on his cell phone and throwing popcorn at an old man who confronted him. A guy was killed for scaring an old man. But it was the old man's right. So it's OK. After all, if we don't insist on our rights we lose them.


Well-Known Member
None that I know of, I don't believe he went to the local police and they authorized him to show up in that getup and do whatever he is supposed to be doing. Nothing identifies him as in any kind of authority, just looks like a nut at the park ready to have a shoot out. Hell I am the NRA, but if people started hanging out at parks garbed up like that, I would want there to be some serious revisions to the law, because that is setting a very dangerous precedent. Carrying a concealed weapon for your own personal defense is one thing, but open carry, and protecting the public is a whole different ballgame, and requires training and also proper protocol, and yes the public needs to be able to identity someone in that kind of role, know who they are dealing with and what that persons role is. That whole picture is just wrong in so many ways at so many levels it send the wrong message...
Then maybe you should take it up with the NRA, because they're the nuts who encourage shit like this. And we all know it.


Well-Known Member
That guy could be just like you.

He may have called and organized this with the police.

Seems like you can read minds.
Just like me? I own a gun for my own protection. I am not the police or the national guard. I keep my guns on my property. I could carry a concealed weapon, but I choose not to. I have had a ton or training, but I also think that there are a lot of people that are afraid of guns and that a lot of things can go wrong carrying in public and I don't want that responsibility. My protection remains at home, and I defend the right of someone to carry, but if a police department needs more people from the public to be protecting the public they need to hire more cops and train them properly. Heads up, if people keep showing up at the local park garbed up like that, our rights to own guns are going away, not getting stronger..


Well-Known Member
You are wrong, I am used to being around weapons. I own several handguns and shotguns, but I don't dress up in garb and take the arsenal to a public park. Hell I take my grandson to soccer and football games and see how adults behave at those, like a bunch of idiots, thank god they don't all tote their guns or there would be dead people every game. Nothing tells me that this guy is there to protect me, or open fire and kill people. Most people would be extremely intimidated, and would be scared to have their children and family around. You can't determine what his training or his intent is . If the park is only meant for people that are used to this attire, that might be one thing, but I am sure this is a public park and needs to be for the use and pleasure of the entire public. That picture is me, but I am at a shooting range, not Central Park NYC. View attachment 3735734

you think, people around other people with open weapons would start a gun fight at a soccer match? owning weapons does not disqualify you from being afraid of them, I own a snapping turtle "somewhere in my pound" I'm not comfortable with sticking my hand in there and pulling cat-tails. my disconnect is that fucker will bite me for sure.

I'm not quite understanding where your disconnect with people being armed. if you are worried about being shot, its no more reasonable to think you might be stabbed as well, or fall in a tiger trap.

Food trucks scare me more then this image, I guess we all chose what we to prioritize: to fear.


Well-Known Member
Then maybe you should take it up with the NRA, because they're the nuts who encourage shit like this. And we all know it.
Most people in the NRA would not support this, I do not agree with that. There are some that would, but most would not, they would not see that as a good thing..


Well-Known Member
you think, people around other people with open weapons would start a gun fight at a soccer match? owning weapons does not disqualify you from being afraid of them, I own a snapping turtle "somewhere in my pound" I'm not comfortable with sticking my hand in there and pulling cat-tails. my disconnect is that fucker will bite me for sure.

I'm not quite understanding where your disconnect with people being armed. if you are worried about being shot, its no more reasonable to think you might be stabbed as well, or fall in a tiger trap.

Food trucks scare me more then this image, I guess we all chose what we to prioritize: to fear.
Oh I totally do! I see fathers screaming at the refs, and worse yet have seen fist fights, and mothers and fathers belittling their own kids and other peoples children over a missed tackle. Yes I could totally see people pulling out their guns, some of these people are nuts over something that is supposed to be fun and good sport...