8 months, $10,000 and a whole lotta hard work=this...

Behind the louvered doors is my veg room with the rubber floor. The walls I did in that reflective bubble insulation. It goes over the rubber and makes the entire room waterproof. Light hanging I used 3/4 copper pipe with brackets to attach it to the ceiling.

The short door to the left is my hidden access from the shed. Below is the opposite side. The level hides the hinges and there is a pull rope that unlatches the lock to get in. My property is set up where the main door is completely hidden and whenI get a visitor the shed doors can remain open. I have had a few inside the shed for long periods of time and no one knew a thing.
I had my dry/cure dialed in for outdoors, but this is another scale and my options have changed, so i'm working on a practical arrangement using available space within the new structure. I like the look of those fabric hanging baskets that look like they might be for laundry. You seen those?

the only problem is the 2 environments are different. yiu seem like you want perfection afterall.. a space within your space lol could work
your grow has added co2, for drying yiuwant as much o2 as possible.. and around 60rh.. 65-72or 3 °f. you also need good air exchange, 5-700cfm

ideally taking a solid 2 weeks to dry

this is optimal for your "cuttings" to facilitate gas exchange and break down beautifully witj the least amount of bacterial activity .
  • its a joke bruh...
  • 20160718_144145.jpg

  • got me a drink and a green crack x s.a landrace thats amazing.. an ester bomb thats smells strongky of isoamyl acetate

  • pretty sweet

  • hey man if you dont want any advice thats cool,

  • most of the peiple that have posted in this thread, the more well known members can all attest to my advice

  • also my bad with all the dots

besides, i highly doubt your dry/cure was dialed in , in your short time growing. i know the peiple that posted here have all been growing 10+yrs or am i wrong whitebb, ttystick idk who else posted.
im just getting dialed in 15yrs later and pull +20lbs every 2 weeks..fully automated
but like i said in another thread.. theres good enough and theres absolute perfection.. what a couole degrees makes in germ..how some of us get +90% fems on reg seeds varied sstock etc

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its a joke bruh...
  • View attachment 3735888

  • got me a drink and a green crack x s.a landrace thats amazing.. an ester bomb thats smells strongky of isoamyl acetate

  • pretty sweet

  • hey man if you dont want any advice thats cool,

  • most of the peiple that have posted in this thread, the more well known members can all attest to my advice

  • also my bad with all the dots
I get it, and I appreciate it, despite the tone. Moms would say "keep being you" or some other daffiness.

Drink up, thats a fine dog you got there.
sorry bout any tone man.. i guess thats just my ways of talkin..

im.feelin pretty sweet, promise i aint tryin to get some type o
f way..

oh and i edited a lil late
  • got me a drink and a green crack x s.a landrace thats amazing.. an ester bomb thats smells strongky of isoamyl acetate

  • pretty sweet

  • hey man if you dont want any advice thats cool,

  • most of the peiple that have posted in this thread, the more well known members can all attest to my advice

  • also my bad with all the dots

besides, i highly doubt your dry/cure was dialed in , in your short time growing. i know the peiple that posted here have all been growing 10+yrs or am i wrong whitebb, ttystick idk who else posted.
im just getting dialed in 15yrs later and pull +20lbs every 2 weeks..fully automated
but like i said in another thread.. theres good enough and theres absolute perfection.. what a couole degrees makes in germ..how some of us get +90% fems on reg seeds varied sstock etc


Well it was good enough for me, which is all that really counts. I'm onto new adventures now, which seems to include being patronized. On the internet. Who'd have thought?! Lolz
I cure mine for 2 weeks. One week hanging and one week in jars. Complete darkness. Opening the jars for a few minutes every dah. I don't smoke but was told it's perfect. The science behind it is far past what I need to make money.
Well it was good enough for me, which is all that really counts. I'm onto new adventures now, which seems to include being patronized. On the internet. Who'd have thought?! Lolz

sounds like you should maybe smoke some of that herb man...

as for other dude,, ya money will still come.. you coukd sell with 1 week dry and no cure and still pull in paper

i ha assumed he was about something more..
jack daniels outsells the best.. so yiu know, its your chosen demographic
how you choose to operate.. talk about deja vu

put all that time effort and money into a grow shed but dont oay attention to them most important aspects, the dry/cure can make or break your sweet sweet herb. i hope you atleast kniw wgat each specific nute does, as far as terps burn qualities etc...
or maybe youve never puffed on true dank to care.. why just pick one area to do your best if you want true dank that surpasses the rest
kinda sad man
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sounds like you should maybe smoke some of that herb man...

as for other dude,, ya money will still come.. you coukd sell with 1 week dry and no cure and still pull in paper

i ha assumed he was about something more..
jack daniels outsells the best.. so yiu know, its your chosen demographic
how you choose to operate.. talk about deja vu

The irony is deafening.
why do you seem so aggressive?
unwilling to educate, care about the end product?? no thats not it either

idk the proper word or phrase...

hopefully you can get some half decent smoke man... fingers crossed for you
Behind the louvered doors is my veg room with the rubber floor. The walls I did in that reflective bubble insulation. It goes over the rubber and makes the entire room waterproof. Light hanging I used 3/4 copper pipe with brackets to attach it to the ceiling.
View attachment 3735871

View attachment 3735876
The short door to the left is my hidden access from the shed. Below is the opposite side. The level hides the hinges and there is a pull rope that unlatches the lock to get in. My property is set up where the main door is completely hidden and whenI get a visitor the shed doors can remain open. I have had a few inside the shed for long periods of time and no one knew a thing.
View attachment 3735878
Trap door covert special! This is awesome!
why do you seem so aggressive?
unwilling to educate, care about the end product?? no thats not it either

idk the proper word or phrase...

hopefully you can get some half decent smoke man... fingers crossed for you

I'm really not being aggressive, to me you just seem like one of those... people. I'm not about to roll over for someone jumping down everything I have to say with bigger better badder, not today/not any day. I guess its your style and thats cool, whatever... heck I was warned the minute I arrived... but i'm not really here to be shot down or scoffed at. I'm not a newb, don't treat me like one.

Maybe you should just go and puke again or whatever it is you do when someone bores you?

I'm happy to learn, hell there's always plenty to learn, especially from fine teachers and strong whisky. Sounds like you've already learned everything possible, so all's left is the whisky.
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Looks good man.
One thing to look out for is those veg racks stacked, buddy of mine was losing seedlings till it was found the lower t-5 rack was heating up the soil on top of it.
Gratz on a beauty of a space. You did a great job.

Im not sure I read through but might have missed it, what kind of lighting do ya plan in flower?

Ah, fair point about the heat conducting upwards from the lamp. To be fair i'll be using the lower one for seeds and the top will be for clones and not typically at the same time, at least not at this stage. But temps I will for sure watch out for, thanks.

Gavitas 750DE x4 in flower, upgradeable to 5 if I need it later. I have the headroom for these lights, i'm impressed with all the features, and I got a good price on them with the EL1 controller.
... but i'm not really here to be shot down or scoffed at. I'm not a newb, don't treat me like one.

Maybe you should just go and puke again or whatever it is you do when someone bores you?

I'm happy to learn, hell there's always plenty to learn, especially from fine teachers and strong whisky.

you said a few cycles..thats great, i grew outdoors in tx for many years longer..since i was a freshman in hs actually, i just say ~15 years professional...its easy to grow fairly healthybherb. not hard atvall actually butvif you wantbto converse with actual experts about the true ins and out, your very much a newb.. humble yourslef and yiud do better

nah, dont need to puke today, i made some acid yesterday and whipped up about 40 mg of morohine...bit as with natural substances it was more like 80mg and my tolerance isnt that high..especially when combined with my "acid"

as for whisky, shit man this stuff is deadly, im.used to standard 40 bit i honestly cant tell the cask strength is 56 till im already outa there.. oretty damn good. not personally my style or flavor preference but i can.appreciate the glenlivet line anyway
personally im a fan of quality rum, which expect for.cettcircles is unheard of.. butvrum can be many times more complex than any scotch