Melanoma Trump: The Plagiarist

Can't really blame the Trumps here. They had speech writers. A writer obviously trolled them. It happens. It is very unlikely that any other candidate in the present past or future would be capable of detecting the attempt. All it takes is for you to hire someone who would betray you like that. It speaks to the low character of the speech writer.
Can't really blame the Trumps here. They had speech writers. A writer obviously trolled them. It happens. It is very unlikely that any other candidate in the present past or future would be capable of detecting the attempt. All it takes is for you to hire someone who would betray you like that. It speaks to the low character of the speech writer.
Another false flag employee. It happens all the time. It's just not widely reported.

The voices in my head told me.
Can't really blame the Trumps here. They had speech writers. A writer obviously trolled them. It happens. It is very unlikely that any other candidate in the present past or future would be capable of detecting the attempt. All it takes is for you to hire someone who would betray you like that. It speaks to the low character of the speech writer.

In other words, you're crazy. Speaks to the total confusion and disarray of his campaign.
Can't really blame the Trumps here. They had speech writers. A writer obviously trolled them. It happens. It is very unlikely that any other candidate in the present past or future would be capable of detecting the attempt. All it takes is for you to hire someone who would betray you like that. It speaks to the low character of the speech writer.
Nope. She said she wrote it herself. Are you calling her a liar?
Breaking: Plagiarized portions of Melania Trump’s RNC speech not in speechwriter’s draft, NBC reports
And with that, blame for the error might lie only with Melania and not a saboteur speechwriter

As the delegate roll call took place, NBC News’ Hallie Jackson provided MSNBC viewers an update to the parallel story of Melania Trump’s alleged plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention speech on Monday night.

Trump’s campaign maintained on Tuesday that Melania’s speech was not plagiarized, however Jackson reported the GOP nominee’s wife added the cribbed bits after accomplished speechwriter Matt Scully — hired to write the speech — turned in his draft.

Trump backers and party officials bent over backwards to defend Melania — with RNC Chief Strategist Sean Spicer citing the women’s speeches’ similarities to dialogue from child’s television show “My Little Pony.”

Short of proving Melania knowingly plagiarized, the development places unequivocal responsibility on Mrs. Trump, and not her speechwriter, perhaps putting to rest any sabotage theories.
Nope. She said she wrote it herself. Are you calling her a liar?
I'm telling you she isn't the only person who has a speech writer that claims to write their own speaches.

Personally I thought it sounded odd when she was talking about what is basically known as the "protestant work ethic" meat and potatos American shit that her Slovenian parents taught her.
I'm telling you she isn't the only person who has a speech writer that claims to write their own speaches.

Personally I thought it sounded odd when she was talking about what is basically known as the "protestant work ethic" meat and potatos American shit that her Slovenian parents taught her.
So she lied.
I'm telling you she isn't the only person who has a speech writer that claims to write their own speaches.

Personally I thought it sounded odd when she was talking about what is basically known as the "protestant work ethic" meat and potatos American shit that her Slovenian parents taught her.
Yes, those are much better phrases than the old Slovenian saying "a smart girl closes her eyes while fucking and thinks about his bank statement"