What The Fuck Is This?


Active Member
I've been doing an indoor outdoor combo for my first grow. Since I have kept "BETH" outside for these last 6 weeks, I've noticed some of the most exotic bugs chillin on the plant. Here is a picture of one of them I have never seen before. Any idea what it is and have you ever seen them on yours?

Next post I'll have a pic of this trippy lookin white and purple spider that has been living on my plant for about a month now. It actually bent a leaf over and wrapped it in webbing and made a home out of it. It looks fuggin crazy.

By the way, anyone that says you can't grow a good plant with a "borrowed" outdoor security bulb + sunshine for a month, & a 23 watt compact flourecent bulb + sunshine for 2 more, then outside all the time for the last 1.5 months, and a little ingenuity, IS OUT OF THEIR FRIGGIN MIND !!



Active Member
I hear ya man. If you really think you can come up with a way to do it. No ive never seen anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Those things eat plants though don't they? Aren't grasshoppers a type of locust as in crop killing plant eating machines?

I'd give the spider a home for sure, he's a good bug to have around to keep bad bugs away, but squish the pretty grasshopper.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
That's not a grasshopper. Close though. Looks to be some type of Leaf hopper. The coloration is not familiar to me, but I am East coast so not familiar with all area's bugs. Shouldn't eat your plant, and I stress shouldn't. If you start to notice eaten edge you obviously should start to worry, but until then, peace !


Well-Known Member
upon closer inspection of said grasshopper. I would have to agree with wannabe grower, notice the back, larger, jumping legs are not present. I am so stoned! lol


Active Member
I know it's not a threat, I've seen them for months now, & there has been no consumption of my plant. 1 drop of dish soap in a spray bottle has kept my plant safe!!!