I was casually walking home and these 2 birds were walking EXACTLY to where I lived then carried on. - We all hopped off the bus - I felt this weird attraction crap and they were leading me back to mine. - ( thinking ) - Is this real fucking life right now? Almost as if it was meant to be, buuutt - If I said anything they'd be like wtf. - I kept my mouth shut and walked back into mine
Not even kidding, they were laughing, loooking back at me - pretty much lead me home. ANYONE RELATE??!? ffs haha
. Found one explanation for it. "Geezer". (Never normally like it) I try to keep myself as close to myself as possible. But now I understand it a bit more
LAST THING *Almost forgot) Apparently..... electricity doesn't work very well around me when Im on acid?? Does anyone know why?? I walked past my TV and the screen flickered on and off.
I could feel others forces. I wouldn't even have to look at them to know if they liked me or not.
( ( ( ( ( (GOODVIBE (S) ) ) ) ) )
eh, see what I did there? ;D