How to get a big root mass????


Well-Known Member
Get some beneficial bacteria for the roots, use super thrive.
I like to let the plants dry alittle, that way the roots will reach for water


Well-Known Member
things like MYKOS are good for soil/soil-less medium.
Some people like to use cloning root hormones like CloneX when you make your cuttings.
lots of humidity when cloning. Use bigger pots if you want mass haha Lots of light to give energy for root mass.
Make sure you have a medium/pot that gets nice airflow through. Having a great water schedule


Well-Known Member
Clone once they root i was thunking give them a 1-2 week veg then flip them so that why im here trying to find a solution on root growtg


Well-Known Member
things like MYKOS are good for soil/soil-less medium.
Some people like to use cloning root hormones like CloneX when you make your cuttings.
lots of humidity when cloning. Use bigger pots if you want mass haha Lots of light to give energy for root mass.
Make sure you have a medium/pot that gets nice airflow through. Having a great water schedule
Im using mykos too when i put seed in coco an transplant


Well-Known Member
Mist your plants with your Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed, once a week this will keep them strong if you are doing everything else right root growth sorts itself.

Focus your energy on leaf health and the rest will follow.

What kind of ml/gal mix would you suggest?


Active Member
I don't have much experience but I'm using airports and soil and pretty impressed. (photo link below) This is a 20 lt pot and the roots were coming out the bottom a few weeks after transplanting from a normal 5 liter pot. Idk for sure but maybe having slightly higher than ideal but constant temps 24/7 helped also. It's also pretty cool that you can see the roots coming out the bottom of the pots (they have a mesh for a Base) as this is something not normally seen in soil.