First time shroom grower


Active Member
So this is my grow (pf tek) just wanting to know what you think..

Day one of inoculation...^...

image.jpegDay one of inoculation...^...

Day 5...^...

Day 5...^...

I will post more progress on day ten.. Thank you for any input.. Plz no hate.
Looks like a good start once you get the PF tek under your belt take spore prints and try out a bulk grow the difference in every way is amazing.

Thank you.. An as far as spore prints go does the foil,shroom cap and glass work well to make syringes?? An yes as long as this works out for me I will be moving on to bulk..
Day 24..

Same jar.. They all look about the same.. (Except the one below)

What's going on.?? Is it ok. Possibly contaminated.. Or maybe it's ready sense it had less substrate in it.?

Also one other question.. How long do I let them go in order to make a spore print..
I'm Day 26..
There all starting to show pins..(and more) Only about 5-7 more days to go..

Sense the smaller cake from above was farther along then the rest I went ahead an dunked an rolled it also made it it's own lil FC..
Wish me luck..:hump:
Thank you.. An as far as spore prints go does the foil,shroom cap and glass work well to make syringes?? An yes as long as this works out for me I will be moving on to bulk..

Fuck spores, take a clone and put it on agar. Look into agar its worth it and not that difficult.

Or you could make a LC with the spores you got left if you have any left.

I think you will be very successful in this hobby, that setup looks spot on and very clean.

Nice Pins!

Good Luck!
Very Nice! eat them wet!

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Check what i found, check how high the Psilocin content is in cubes
Very nice thank you an yes I'm looking into LC just because iv got the stuff around the house.. Agar looks just as easy as well I just don't have any laying around.. I'll get some tho I wanna try both methods.. Also I still have two spore syringes left..I'm also wanting to make a few spore prints just for the know how..
i still haven't made a single spore print in my life, although its not that difficult, find a few petri dishes and the agar you get in the health section in most suppermarkets. Then at the beer shop get some light malt extract. then pour a few and take some clones.

If you cant find any petri dishes, try looking into pasty plates, just google it its a tek a guy on shroomery wrote called pastywhite easy agar plates.
Shotgun Fruiting Chamber
The most effective FC for PF tek grows, I always keep one around for testing cultures on BRF cakes.
It's simply a rectangular tub with a clear lid and 1/8" holes drilled every 2" on all six sides. Perlite maintains humidity, misting and fanning provide FAE and moisture control.
Operates using the heat generated by your cakes to draw air up from below the tub through five inches of wet perlite.

Pros: Great airflow, no messy condensation, no electrical parts to fail or malfunction, effortlessly holds 95% RH, easy to troubleshoot, gives you complete moisture level control.
Cons: Time consuming to drill tubs, needs to be at least half filled with cakes to generate enough airflow for 95% RH, needs to be kept in a room with at least 30% RH to function correctly.

Materials needed:
-Rectangular plastic tub, can be completely clear but at least needs a clear, locking lid.
-1/8" drill bit
-Spray bottle with fine mist
-Something to elevate tub off of the table (bricks, milk crates, etc.) Alternately, you can use wire shelves and not worry about it.

Three simple steps:
1) Drill six sides of the tub.
To allow proper airflow, you'll need to drill 1/8" holes every 2" on all six sides. If you like precision, measure them out; if not, estimate. No need for exact precision.