The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Fuck you, and your high horse.
Prove she isn't a corrupt politician.
You can't.
When one person chooses not to vote for Hillary or trump, they don't help or hurt either one of them. That woman will never get my vote, I owe her nothing.
Settle for Hillary? Nope.
I'll vote the way I want instead.

You vote as you wish, I really think that's the most important part of our system. But really dude. Stay the fuck away from my decision. I will argue my point and I think that's all @Aeroknow was doing, so let's at least talk.

Speaking only for myself, I hope you cast your vote in a way that is constructive, like the Green Party. I'm voting for Hillary because I don't consider life in a Trump US something that I want to contemplate. You seem to think Trump and Hillary are as bad. That's OK. Do what you want. and Peace and all that stuff, because I think we agree about many more subjects than not.


Well-Known Member
Because she is a liar and because benghazzi, and because emails. And whitewater and because Monica and..........
You call it correctly when you say that the right wing hate and lie media machine has pervaded the political landscape to the point where progressives have been compromised. I don't like how they treat Obama and I don't like how they are treating Hillary. It's all the same tactic.

Just look at the demographic most given over to Hillary hate: Not the Black, Latino or Women voters, mostly White Men. Just saying. It is a traditionally privileged group. Also the group that is seeing their privilege challenged these days and the group least likely to listen before reacting.


Well-Known Member
...And if she doesn't? What recourse do We the People actually have?
She will. It doesn't mean shit though if you put it into perspective. Citizens United is basically corporate personhood. Now we all know Shillary is the corporate candidate. So why would she oppose corporate personhood?

The real question is why does she support corporate statehood?


Well-Known Member
She will. It doesn't mean shit though if you put it into perspective. Citizens United is basically corporate personhood. Now we all know Shillary is the corporate candidate. So why would she oppose corporate personhood?

The real question is why does she support corporate statehood?
You ducked the question because you know as well as I do that she can say anything she wants, with no consequences to her position later.


Well-Known Member
You ducked the question because you know as well as I do that she can say anything she wants, with no consequences to her position later.
What exactly are you talking about? I'm not here to fucking support Hillary. You must have that sticky dank.

The point I was making is that it doesn't matter if she opposes corporate personhood, it doesn't make her any less the corporate shill because she is one of the loudest and most vociferous regarding corporate statehood.
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Citizens united case was started over a movie that the citizens united wanted to release.

Surprise surprise, the movie was about clinton. Ill post it in my clinton thread.


Well-Known Member
Citizens united case was started over a movie that the citizens united wanted to release.

Surprise surprise, the movie was about clinton. Ill post it in my clinton thread.
Hooray. What a victory for America. TRUMP! will be an even greater victory.

You should think about these things a little more.


Well-Known Member
What exactly are you talking about? I'm not here to fucking support Hillary. You must have that sticky dank.

The point I was making is that it doesn't matter if she opposes corporate personhood, it doesn't make her any less the corporate shill because she is one of the loudest and most vociferous regarding corporate statehood.
Yeah we're on the same side of this issue, and in our assessment of Shillary in regards to it.


Well-Known Member
Trump is a wack job, psychotic, nazi, fascist, narcissist.

Hillary is a lying, corrupt, flip-flopping, banker, robot-alein from mars.

We're fucked.

I don't like her, but I'm voting Jill Stein, because it's the only vote.


Well-Known Member
holy shit. i did not expect that.

thank you, bernard sandlers, for pushing her left.
American politicians understand that policy platforms are throwaways, that they aren't effectively held accountable for them.

We'll see if she lifts a finger... and schedule II would be a disaster for MMJ, as it would deliver the plant directly into the hands of Big Pharma at the expense of the current industry players.


Well-Known Member
fuck, i'm so smart. insightful. slightly larger than average penis. i look good doing carpentry while shirtless.
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